
After Father woke me this morning, I saw a vision of me saying goodbye to Pharaoh. I have been arguing with Pharaoh for six years…saying…”let my people go. Let me go.” I can’t express my joy right now. What a wonderful day it is. The new day is finally starting to dawn. I am ready to leave town, so beyond ready.

Just yesterday…I was saying to Father…it is time to go. I want to go. Get me out of here.

grandmother and grandson in hammock
I am in love with this hammock. Very well-made and perfectly located near the fire pit. I spent an evening snuggled in my blanket staring at the fire. Little Archer Aspen was a tired boy. We were waiting on the fam to get ready to leave. The hammock was the place to be while waiting. A few more minutes and that little boy would have been snoozing. 😜

Earlier today, Vanessa sent me a song…Adele…Rolling in the Deep. She said to me…I know Father gave me this song to send you. It refers to Pharaoh somehow.

I knew what Father meant by it…Pharaoh is going to wish he never knew me at all. Regret is going to WASH over him.

As I sat down…Father gave me the song Tragedy by the Bee Gees. It is playing on repeat right now as I type.

Pharaoh and his death camp are going to experience a tragedy. They are going to do some rolling in deep waters. Suffocation and drowning would be apropos terminology here.

I say goodbye and good riddance.

I have something to say about my attitude.

The Rock

Recently, I noticed a hardening of my heart. It has been happening gradually…but really started to happen to me at the beginning of this year. I started to become hard inside. It fits with a vision I saw at the end of last year. It was like a stalagmite that had grown up from the ground and it was hard…like a rock or crystal. Pharaoh’s flesh was removed from it and crumpled up on the floor beside it.

I asked Father a few weeks ago…why am I so hard inside. This is new to me. I wasn’t sure if this was a good thing or a bad thing. I assumed it was Him since I walk with the moon under my feet.

Years ago, I gave Him permission to take over my bodies…all three. He controls my thoughts and feelings…every decision is guided by His Spirit. Every morning is a brand-new day for me. Never know what I am going to experience when I awake. Crazy stuff happens inside. We are moving rapidly towards His goals here. I go with the flow being swept away in this river of life flowing through me.

His response to my question of why I had become so hard was this…You had to become like Christ…ROCK hard. I had to want justice like Christ wants justice.


I so get that.

When you have been crucified…you understand the need for justice for those who refuse to bow. I have much compassion for the lost and hurting… for those willing to repent…but for those who arrogantly puff themselves up and refuse to bow…I feel much different.

I keep saying to Father…hang Haman on the gallows of his own making. Drown Pharaoh in the Red Sea. Another one I say on repeat…like the queen wanted John the Baptist’s head on a silver platter…I want Pharaoh’s head presented to me on a silver platter. OFF with his head. He wants death…YOU give him death. Burn the mother in the fires of Hell. That is another one I say. I spent five years in Hell battling the asshole…let him burn for eternity. There is no fire like the fire of Hell. I don’t recommend Hell…not a pleasant place to live.

Reminds me of my grandfather’s view of nursing homes. He said to me…they are no place to live and no place to die.

That is how I feel about Hell…no place to live and no place to die. Seriously…heed my warnings and stay away. Take the narrow way. Christ. DON’T reject Him. He is your only way out of Hell.

aunt and nephew
Hannah wanted proof…Archer let her hold him for a few minutes. 🤣 It is a rarity. He is partial to his mom, dad, and grandma. It makes me proud to be on his list. 🤣 He loves his grandma.
HE IS SO CUTE!!!!! I am so in love with this little guy. No joke.
mom and son at beach
The little minion hat…goodness. The outfit just added to his cuteness!!!


I have included here…pictures from Hannah and I’s recent vacation spent in Michigan with Donovan, Vanessa, and the grandkids. A wonderful week…in every possible way…on so many levels. Father is doing profound things in our family. I am thrilled with His work here. Life keeps getting better and better for us.

We spent the week mostly outside. That is our favorite place to be…outdoors in nature. I think we were in the water every day. The cousins had fun playing together and we adults…enjoyed the conversations with one another. I wanted to share my pictures of the fun we had. 😍 I LOVE my fam!!!!

Donovan has been sending me food snaps since I left. He made chicken kabobs the other day which has inspired Mitchell to buy a grill. Today, Donovan sent me pictures of the pizza they made. He is killing me with the food photos. I need to hire him as my full-time chef. 😜

The nice thing out of this onslaught of Donovan’s obsession with food photography is that when Mitchell bought his grill, he bought me a ribeye steak. Woohoo!!! Maybe I will hire Mitchell instead to cook for me. 🤣

kids at beach
A sweet woman brought a turtle over for the grandkids to see. Ahnalaya Ann wanted to hold it. She is a lover of all things nature.
family at the beach
We took some time to hang out at a local lake. My grandkids are SO CUTE!!! 🥰
family walking in woods
I love the trail leading to my son’s food plots. The woods are great!!
grandmother with grandkids
I adore each one of my grandkids. Being a grandmother is the best. Here they are looking at my crystals. 💙
family at a pier
We had to visit a fresh fish market before we headed to the beach. The grand girls are watching the fish.
family at Empire beach
Empire Beach. The haze from the Canadian wildfires fascinated me. 🤷‍♀️

Thinking Face

On the ride home, Hannah said to me…you have your thinking face on…what ya thinking about.

Didn’t know I had a thinking face. 🤔

Bobbi concurs…I indeed do have a thinking face. 😂 I need a snapshot of it. The girls have me intrigued now.

Hannah prefers I think out loud. Sigh…more work for me.

I recently learned…Vanessa also prefers I think out loud. Seems like they are learning from listening to me and how I process information and situations.

I was glad to learn I was being useful. 😜

Brisket…DELISH!!!! We devoured it.
girl tubing
Hannah thought she wanted to swim for a bit before we got out of the river. For some reason, after she got separated from us, she changed her mind. 🤣🤷‍♀️ I realize the picture is poor quality. My phone was doing the best it could. 😜

The Hermit

As I have mentioned before, Father recently had me attend a tarot card reading. Super cool experience because Rita was spot-on accurate about me and my life. She was indeed hearing from Father about me. Crazy cool!

In the reading, she pulled the bottom card of the deck and set it aside. It was the Hermit card. According to her, she always pulls the bottom card and sets it aside. It is outside the reading but important to her.

Here are some things she said to me about it.

As I am waiting for this thing to come to completion…near the end of it…I would realize I needed to take a break…take a step back and just relax…take some time for myself. In part…because even though I KNOW how hard I have worked…I also don’t KNOW how hard I have worked.

It was true…I KNOW for the past 30-plus years, I have worked enormously HARD. Especially the last six…starting in the fall of 2017. BUT…I also KNOW…I don’t really KNOW just how hard I have worked. I had even said that to Father prior to my reading with Rita. There is work in the spirit realm I have done…I have yet to realize.

girl tubing
Vanessa is thrilled to be tubing! 😜
girl tubing
Hannah kicked back and relaxed for the ride.

The Labor and Cost

When Hannah had asked me…to think out loud on the way home…I was thinking about the labor and cost.

While coming home, it hit me…so very hard. It was like Father suddenly downloaded years’ worth of work for me to look back on. I was a bit baffled at what I had done over the years…even more so about what it had cost me.

I have always compartmentalized my life. It seemed easier for me to handle that way…but He decided to zip it all together while going down the road.

Hannah got to hear years of sacrifices as I was looking back over my life.

tubing selfie
Selfie on the Big Manistee River.
tubing feet selfie
The Big Manistee River. Tubing is a wonderful thing. The water was COLD! Glad my rear end got acclimated to the temperature. 😍
Hannah had to save this bee which was floating down the river. She is always saving critters. 🤣


Since I got home from vacation, I have been resting. Taking a break for myself. Looking back over my past was exhausting to me emotionally. For the last few days, I have been questioning whether it was worth the work.


I have absolutely nothing to show for 30-plus years of work…yet.

With the vision this morning of saying goodbye to Pharaoh…I was encouraged. He was reminding me…I am being driven to a place. I am getting there. My time is coming.

Justice will be served for what I have endured, and the truth will prevail.

Vindication is coming after 52 years of being rejected and ostracized by people I dearly loved. I have been hated by the masses. Love will come in the place of hate…finally. Not a fan of hate.


I have continued my studies on the Christian Religious System along with the New Age Religious System.

During my studies, He has me looking at the division within the Christian Religious System. So much division between the conservatives and the liberals within. Much like there is in every system in this world. The two ends of the spectrums are so vastly different.

I am embarrassed by it really. All these people confessing Christ yet acting like heathens towards each other within their own religion. Baffling to me. 😳 I keep wondering where their conviction is.


Today, while doing dishes and reflecting on this division…it reminded me of a convo I had with my doctor years ago.

It went something like this.

She wanted to know about my spirituality. 🤨

I wasn’t expecting that…had no clue how to describe myself.

A friend of mine’s husband…once said to me…my wife is great at figuring people out, but she can’t figure you out. She can’t decide if you are Jewish, Catholic, or something else. 😂 I have never understood where she got the Catholic notion. 🤷‍♀️

Trying my best to explain to my doctor my spirituality, I put together some statements.

I said to her…well…I follow Christ…but I don’t attend church…because I am NOT a Christian. I do believe Christ is an Israelite, so I have some things I do that have the appearance of Judaism…but I am not a Jew. Religion…is not for me…especially not organized religion.

She was confused and had a number of questions because she wanted to understand.

As best I could, I answered each question.

I remember answering one of her questions about why I was NOT a Christian even though I followed Christ…with this. I said…I don’t fit in with the Christians. They don’t like me. I don’t believe as they believe.

Then she smiled and threw her hands in the air and said…ok…I get it.

NOW I was confused. I asked…what do you get?

She said…you are not judgmental like them.

Wow…I was speechless.


Man…I am seeing that so clearly since I started studying Christianity recently. I haven’t been in that system in so long…or around the people for so long I have forgotten what it was like.

I have spent most of my time hiding out but also…hanging with the pagans. Love the pagans…the crazy free-spirited ones. The non-conformist ones. They have been a breath of fresh air for me. They are weird like me. I am attracted to those who live outside of the boxes in this world. I can’t live in the box. Man…that is a prison cell. Death to me. I need freedom outside of those four walls.

I look forward to the days when the line is clear in this world as to which side people are on. We have a great shaking to go through which will begin to separate the wheat from the chaff. The wheat and the tares will be pulled up and separated during the harvest. I look forward to seeing the black and white being so distinct and boldly delineated. Crystal is clear…Crystal loves things to be clearly defined.

The last great shaking is what He calls it.

Beyond Ready

I am beyond ready. I am so over this waiting for the big changes to happen. Been waiting for oodles of years now.

Trying to hang on…the end of this work is nearing completion. I am in the final days.

I told the girls the other day…if He doesn’t give me what I am asking for…none of this was worth it to me.

I am going to see very soon, just how deep His love is for me. We both KNOW how deep my love is for Him. He’s got some “splaining” to do. I want FULL understanding of ALL knowledge. I gave all…I want to own it all. Crystal Ann Laura earned it. 🤷‍♀️

The enemy is going to choke on his own blood soon.

He once said to me…enjoy the show.

I plan on it.

There ya go…now ya know how I feel about them apples.

Have a marvy day!

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