Pileated Woodpecker

pileated woodpecker

I realize the featured image of my cropped in Pileated Woodpecker looks grainy when it is on a larger screen. Let me make you aware of the fact that I am aware of that fact…BUT I am posting it anyway. Haters and critics will always hate and criticize no matter what you do. 🤷‍♀️

To me…these pictures represent so much goodness. I can’t even describe it!

For years, I have tried to get a close-up picture of one of these magnificent birds but try as I might…I never could. Always too far away…my lens was inadequate…blah blah blah. So I am super thankful to have these pictures as a starting point to build upon. See…I will look back at these pictures with fond memories and then when I get better camera equipment…I will REALLY appreciate my new equipment with the better quality shots I get.

Our Walk

Ahnalaya and I were walking through the woods while picking blackberries when I stopped because I heard the distinct sound of these woodpeckers. Instantly, I knew there was more than one…the sounds were WAY too close together to be one bird. I was on high alert trying to peer through the woods to locate the birds.

I FOUND THEM!!!! OVER the MOON when I saw three of them. I mean…I was screaming for joy inside. I swiftly picked up my granddaughter and took her back home while I was frantically trying to get my camera and get back before they took flight. Almost in a panic thinking they would be gone by the time I got back. So grateful they were still there.

In hindsight, I wish I would have taken my 600mm lens. Kicking my own rear-end that I did not at least TRY to get some shots with it. You just never know. Instead, I used the telephoto on my camera and tried to crawl as close as I dared to get to them.

pileated woodpecker
One of the woodpeckers on the tree along our trail.

I looked like an idiot crawling through thorn bushes down on my hands and knees. The adrenaline was pumping because I was getting stabbed and jabbed by the thorns but wasn’t even aware of it at that moment. Later as I calmed down, I noticed I had some pain in my left hand…near the thumb. Upon investigation, I realized I had a thorn that broke off the bush and punctured my hand. Just hitchhiking along for the ride in my skin. Crazy what you will do when you get excited about something. 😂🤨🙃

New Equipment

ONE of the reasons I want new equipment is I want bird eye tracking. I hear professional photographers all the time saying…you can take great pictures with cheap cameras. That is true…however…certain shots I want to get…you just can’t capture without equipment designed to take that type of shot.

Another reason…I need some prime lenses. It is tearing me up not having some prime lenses. My 50mm got destroyed by my dog…turns out landing on concrete isn’t good for them. 😩

The entire time I was trying to get photos of these birds, my camera was struggling to focus on the bird itself. It kept focusing on the leaves, the branches, the trees, etc…but NOT the bird. Their little heads move FAST as they pound away on that tree. However, I PERSEVERED until I got something decent.

All that being said…I feel fortunate to have gotten the shots I did get…so for me…I AM celebrating the photos. Screaming WOOHOO!!!! Some day in the future…I will have a camera that can track them so I am not frustrated trying to just get the little dude in focus. I hope you can enjoy the photos and the short video…they are a dream come true for me. Years in the waiting. 🤓

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