fern leaves

I wasn’t sure if I should title this post Pushover…or direction. Obviously, I landed on the former, not the latter. This post will include bits about both words/concepts…direction and pushover.

For seven years, I have been working overtime…beyond what man can comprehend. Father’s work is beyond my own comprehension. I don’t pretend to know what I have really done in the spirit realm. Hell…I don’t understand what I have done in the natural realm either. Feeling pretty clueless most days. Crystal Ann Laura merely obeys. Obedience…although painful at times…is LESS painful than the consequences of disobedience and rebellion. No joke…be obedient. I can’t recommend disobedience…too costly. You WILL regret it… guaranteed. Father will make sure of it.

I will never forget something He said to me once. After saying something to someone Father told me to say, I said to Him…I look like a fool. Immediately, He said…it is better to LOOK like a fool (have the appearance of one) than to BE a fool and disobey me.

Well…there ya go. Now, ya know. Couldn’t argue with that logic.

He has this unique way of setting up roadblocks to every argument I can come up with. He shuts me down. Makes me speechless. Hard to believe I know…it is true. 🤷‍♀️

Nice Weather

The last few days of weather in Michigan have been nice. The first day, I decided I had to take a hike on the trails in the woods around here on the property.

My little nature buddy wanted to come with Grandma. Of course she did. She got a bit concerned when I veered off the trail at one point. She told me she was scared.

It reminded me of her dad when he was a boy a few years older than her current age. I had a habit of trying out new routes when going places. If I had the extra time…I would turn off onto country roads and meander my way to the destination. Donovan was a co-pilot and backseat driver. Also…potty mouth patrol and speed checker. Always watching Mom. He says to me one day…Mom…do you have any idea where you are at?

My response…nope. He was flustered with me…again. 😂 He said…you are going to get us lost.

My response…nope…as long as I keep going south…and a tiny bit east…we will make it to our destination. I did indeed…always make it to my intended locations. Had a fun adventure along the way. 😜

Funny how my son is now a truck driver and loves to explore new places. 🤔😆

little girl standing on tree stump
Cutie patootie! My little nature buddy.


While venturing off the trail, I started to educate Ahnalaya Ann about marking where she was going…and where she was. It felt important to me.

As we walked, I would point out markers along the trails. Also, I would have her look behind her…marking her locations as we went along.

She learned…the trail that leads to the swamp…is marked by an old green deer stand. Someone built little deer hunting huts on this property. They are old and weathered now…but make great markers when wandering around on the property.

It is important to teach our children the WAY they should go. Christ is the way.

Today is day two of verdict watching in the James Crumbley trial. Wondering what verdict the jury will reach for the father. Such an unnecessary tragedy for MANY people involved.

In a rare moment for me…I am listening to Christian music. Shocking to me as well. Crowder. One of my old favs. The current song is Come As You Are. Incredible lyrics…I wish Ethan could have been introduced to this concept as a young child. Christ accepts ALL who are hungry, sick, broken, tired, and humble. He can heal all your pain. He never fails like the natural man does. Christ takes all our burdens, shame, and pain…carries it all for us…if we are willing to give it to Him.

My best guess…this is a fungus. I would love to know what it is exactly. It has all these little while things in it. Maybe seeds and furries from other trees?? Not sure…enquiring minds want to know though. 🤔


The other day…while sitting on the couch…Father said to me…you will single-handedly change the world.

I never know how to respond to stuff like that. Anymore, I just file it away. When telling Vanessa about it…I said…I wonder if that is supposed to make me feel better about the work I have done. Idk.

During my hikes the last few days, He has been speaking of my Motherhood. There is a connection to the Crumbley trials I have been watching.

Our children are killing children. Children are “raising” children. Adults are calling themselves adults yet have never matured into adults. Their bodies have the appearance of adulthood and maturity, but their mind and hearts are far from it.

Parents have failed their children. They have abdicated their callings from their Creator to raise up the children in the way they should go. They have failed to mature themselves and walk their children into soul and spiritual maturity.

Adults are too busy playing games with each other. Hooking up. Addicted to sports while feeding their children the addiction of sports. All distraction. Failing to think of the future. Their future…their children’s future.

Failing to care and love their own children but also their children’s friends.

All the appearance of love and care…yet none found in their hearts and minds.


A self-centered man. Humanism. Let’s elevate man and forget about the One who created man.

I recently watched an interview of Richard Pryor. He was speaking about the time he was badly burned. His comment was interesting. He was saying…he didn’t cry out to the bank…he cried out to any god and every god he could think of.

That is what man does. When life gets out of man’s control…he starts realizing his need for deity.

While watching the police cam of Ethan Crumbley when he arrived at the station, I was struck by his words. He was asking “God” why He didn’t stop it.

Why does Father get the blame for man’s poor choices? For man’s disobedience? For man’s illnesses?

Go read Deuteronomy 28. He is very clear with mankind…you can choose life and blessings…or death and curses.

Man will never escape the consequences of his disobedience.

Your first line of defense…obedience. Second…repent when you screw up. That means apologize. Plead guilty. Admit you were wrong and where you failed. Then stop behaving badly. Start over new. Start fresh.

One of my beefs with Christianity…they don’t teach their members to obey one…and two…to apologize. They teach that once saved always saved hogwash…or once you say a blanket prayer of “please forgive me of my sins”…all is well. Doesn’t work that way in Father’s Kingdom. Arrogant way to think. Will get you in trouble. Keeps man enslaved to the mindset you can live however you want, and life will go well for you.

mother son
Loving those bright yellow rubber boots. His daddy wore rubber boots most of his childhood. 😂
The little dude is missing a lower extremity. Somehow my granddaughter finds the bugs. This one ended up in the house with her. 🤷‍♀️


In the past, I have heard countless preachers in Christianity teach on the blessings of Christ. They all want the blessings…but if you ask them about the curses…oh man…those passed away when the Old Covenant passed away. WRONG!

There ya go…the blind leading the blind. Wolves in sheep’s clothing leading the flocks astray. Preachers calling themselves “pastors” yet they are leading the lambs to their slaughter. Shameful. Their accountability is greater since they have elevated themselves to the position of teachers.

Here is the truth…every choice has a consequence associated with it. Positive or negative.

If you are going to live a life of disobedience and rebellion against Father’s ways…you better be tough…cuz you are going to encounter pain. Pain in this world and pain in the afterworld.


In our family, it seems to be a reoccurring convo regarding tact. Donovan, Mitchell, and Hannah all say I do not have tact.

After much reflection and conversation with Father regarding this concept, I have concluded…I do indeed have tact.

Father and I have a pattern I have noticed. We start off with loving correction. Very gentle, tactful, kind, loving. Next correction…gets a little sterner. Firm.

As we go along…we exhibit the utmost patience with the person. At times, we let things slide for quite some time. Sometimes…there is a large span of time in between corrections. Many times…I have kept my mouth shut with LOTS of people. During these times…large amounts of tact…consideration of man’s feelings. Lovingly sensitive.

However, as the person continues to rebel…ignore the heedings…warnings…spankings…corrections…Father and I get a bit harsher as we go along.

When the line has been crossed, we can get downright rude.

Then we are accused of having no tact…when we exercised plenty of tact in the beginning.

We exercise tact when appropriate…bluntness when needed. How Father and I respond depends on the person’s heart. Their willingness to submit to correction dictates how we speak and act.


I have included a fun little clip Vanessa taped for me. We both felt it was necessary to record this moment. It was Father. For some reason, it is prophetic. Still asking why.

I am a super goofy person behind the scenes. My grandkids think I am funny. I suppose it is because I will do just about anything to get them to laugh. 🤷‍♀️

Pushing this dead tree over was a hoot. 😜 A fun moment for me.


I feel like for most of my life, I have been misunderstood. Feeling the same about Father.

When I am out and about in public, I am still warm, friendly, and welcoming…yet generally super private. Very few people know I have this blog. I don’t advertise. It isn’t who I am.

Because I am sensitive, considerate, and kind…people tend to think I am a pushover. Weak. Over the years, I have tolerated much from some nasty people. I have forgiven much.

As a result of my demeanor over the years…I understand Father on a level I didn’t see before.

Just because He is kind, loving, considerate, sensitive, etc…doesn’t mean He is a pushover. Judgment and justice are coming for those who are living a life of rebellion and disobedience. His patience has allowed them to become complacent.

That is unfortunate for them. Tough lessons coming.


Upon awakening this morning, I said…Jesus…GET ME OUTTA HERE!!!

I am saying that on repeat.

The other day, He said to me…pack your bags. Get ready to go. Prepare for His return.

I did my laundry and packed my stuff. Also…I told Him…excuse me…I AM prepared for His return. I just spent seven years in misery preparing for His return.

I am like Joseph…wanting OUT of prison.

Life needs to happen for me. I am going bonkers. I am a good little virgin with her oil waiting for the Bridegroom to magically appear.

He can’t get here quick enough for me.

I look forward to giving birth to His children…and training them up in the way they should go. Teaching them about direction. Teaching them to look ahead into their future and the future of the souls of their own children.

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