child in woods

Yesterday, Father and I discussed sowing and reaping. It radically changed me…in wonderfully profound ways. Can’t explain it all as I am still reeling from the shock and awe of it. Still don’t understand much of it…but it is all good. That much I do know.

I feel led to share the story of my day which includes the conversation and how it came to be.

One piece of this puzzle is this…at the beginning of this month…Father said…”expect miracles this month. The month of March.”

Another piece…I didn’t believe it. Not at all. I told Him that too. His response was…I don’t need you to believe me. He understood why I had come to this place of unbelief. Severe disconnection after being burned to a crisp. He was loving, gentle, kind, and compassionate with me.

Since I didn’t believe Him, I made plans of my own.

My plans…on March 31st…yesterday…I was deleting this blog and all things related to this. On April 1st…today…I was moving in with Hannah and getting a job in the world. Completely moving on. Dumping all of this and starting a new life doing my own thing. Saying goodbye for good.

I had planned on dumping it all on an earlier date, but Hannah convinced me to wait until the 31st. For her…I waited.


Early in the morning, I decided I needed to be in the woods. As I have mentioned before, I feel better in nature…always. I wanted to process leaving it all behind.

I was maybe a quarter mile from the house when I hear what sounds like horses running up behind me. This is a familiar sound…the sound of Ritzy Bitzy Boy and Rover Dover barreling down the trail toward me.

Donovan had let the dogs out when he got out of bed. Ritz is a tracker. The pupper dog latched onto my scent and off he went. In minutes, I heard the 4-wheeler start up and move in my direction.

When Donovan arrived at our location, he said…I saw Ritzy out the window catch a scent. He said with his nose to the ground he started running. 😂

His assumption was…Mom is in the woods somewhere…but he wanted to make sure it was my scent Ritzy had discovered.

It reminded me of so many memories of me in the woods when the kids were growing up and Donovan locating me on the 4-wheeler or his dirt bike.

Fond memories for me. 😍 Warmed my heart seeing that man approaching me on that 4-wheeler. Just like old times.

Check out the wonky-looking tree! Crazy looking heh? I thought so. 😜

Down to Business

Donovan took the dogs back home with him. Once the doggie drama was over…I got down to business with my processing. I had peace about leaving it all behind me…in the pursuit of something greater. THEN…Father says phone a friend. 😂

I did.

After seeking Father together…Father dropped a wonderful bombshell. Blew my mind. Felt like an explosion inside…shattering everything.

Long story short…it was time for me to reap what I have sown. 🤯🔥💙

I cried. Seriously. The RELIEF…overwhelming.


Finally. Goodness…I can’t describe how happy this makes me. The weight…wait…is off my shoulders. Incredible feeling for me.

child in woods
Ahnalaya Ann is ducking down to get through the tree branches.

Walk #2

Later in the afternoon, I had to take some stuff outside for Vanessa to Donovan’s truck. My thoughts…since I am going outside…I should just take another adventure through the woods. 🤣

Ahnalaya Ann wanted to go with me. I agreed…let’s go.

The house is a disaster right now because the home remodel is in the final stages. Donovan is pushing hard because the realtor is sending a photographer to take the necessary photos for the sale of the place. They are selling out and doing the camper thing. SUPER STOKED!!!

So proud of my kiddos.


While on our walk together, I was thinking about Ahnalaya Ann’s growth. When I first started going off trails with her…she was scared. Unsure. Not onboard with my style of adventuring. Always before…when she was with me…I would stay on the trails…saving off trailing for when I was alone.

Since she has gotten over her fears of my style…she is all about venturing off the trails and searching for cool things to see. She has become my little adventure buddy. I love hungry people. Children are hungry. Hungry to learn. They know they don’t know…they want to know, so they ask a LOT of questions. Just thrills the teacher in me.

Yesterday, we found a pile of scat (💩) I didn’t recognize. I had to investigate…fascinated by it. Ahnalaya Ann started asking lots of questions about it. She wanted to know what kind of animal it could be from…so I went through a list of animals native to the area. That led to pictures of animals she hadn’t seen before.

She is starting to look at things in nature differently and also looking to SEE nature. It excites me to see her growing…not just physically…but mentally. I love the way she thinks at times.


On a recent adventure through the woodlands, I found an area that puzzled me. Several actually.

One is a long line of piled up mounds of dirt. I can’t figure out why someone pushed these mounds of dirt here. They are years old. There are some trees that have been harvested…but not enough to warrant the mounds of dirt. I can’t find a lake or pond nearby either. No house…so no basement digging. Baffles me. They are just piled up in the middle of this woodland area. 🤷‍♀️

Another area nearby…could be the answer…but still not convinced.

I stumbled upon these trenches someone created. Blew my mind when I saw them. I knew they were man-made…not natural because the trenches are in a series. There are many parallel to each other. Each trench is the same width and in between each trench is an area of flat dirt that is equidistant to the other areas. The symmetry, patterns, and math here were FUN to see smack dab in the middle of nature.

The first time I stumbled upon them…I stood there in awe, amusement, and wonder. I didn’t investigate too much…just noted them and moved on.

Sometimes I send snaps to my son and ask…what???

Recently, I noticed small orange paint marks on certain trees in a line. His response…deer. Ahhh…it made me think there must be deer signs…like rubs. Went back to investigate further…sure enough…found deer rubs and other signs. 🤔

Tree Farm

On this walk, I said to Ahnalaya Ann…I want to show you something. We headed for the trenches. While there, I was sharing with her how she could tell it was man-made vs natural. As we investigated further…to my amazement…farther down the water-filled trenches…at the edge of them…were old trees…ALL in a line.


There ya go…I had my answer. It was an old tree farm. It all made sense to me. Michigan has MANY tree farms.

I have been chewing on the idea the mounds of dirt are from the trenches…but the mounds seem WAY bigger than the trenches. The volume of dirt doesn’t equal the trenches dug unless…the old trees have overtaken what used to be trenches. 🤔🤷‍♀️

Fascinating stuff!!!!!!

SO much to find in nature. Ahnalaya is now noticing the bark on the trees…the colorings…etc. Excites me to see her love nature like her daddy and I do.

Short story about the above picture of Ahnalaya Ann ducking down in that mess of trees. The trees are so close together…their branches are like spider webs touching one another. The branches are hard and scratchy as well. She started into that mess and I said…how am I supposed to get through there. Her response was…just follow me Grandma…I will show you.

Now notice this FIVE-year-old is ducking down to get under the mess of branches. 🤦‍♀️ She thought I could get through. 😂 I had to find my own way through those trees. Following her wasn’t going to work for me. I appreciated her enthusiasm, her desire to lead, and her confidence I could make it through.

Miracles in March

Sprinkled throughout the day, I was on the phone with Hannah. I needed to update her on the developments because she was expecting my arrival today.

In our conversations…we sought Father together on the plan. One part…portion…of our convo was regarding the fact He told me to expect miracles in March.

After asking Father a question…can’t remember which it was…pertaining to miracles though…Hannah started chuckling. She says to me…the change in you…is a miracle. She thought it was funny. I wasn’t laughing. She goes on to explain…once you make your mind up…it is immovable. 😳 True story.

We continue asking Father questions together…cuz I need to know what I am doing now. He said to me…you are going to experience a series of miracles…and the first one was the change in you. I wish I could have recorded how He said it to me. It was funny. I didn’t laugh when He shared it with Hannah…but sharing it with me in that tone of voice…made me laugh. He was right.

When I started laughing…sharing it with Hannah…she said…it IS funny isn’t it. She didn’t say the word stubborn…but I got the connotation from the words spoken. It is well known in our family…I am immovable once I make my mind up.

In my defense, Father led me to this place. We had that convo too.

What changed it all…was when He said it is time for the reaping. For me to reap what I have sown for over 30 years. It is my time.

His Words

Recently, He said it was fall time. I had entered fall. I think I shared that somewhere on the blog.

Years ago, He said to me…”You will fall in love with fall…because you will fall in love in the fall.”

Ok…wasn’t sure what all that meant…but felt it was good.

One of the things I dislike about His personality and His ways…is the fact He is so vague. Mysterious. Ambiguous. Unclear.

He speaks in phrases, incomplete thoughts/sentences, words, puzzles, riddles, etc. Each spoken word has multiple meanings…and usually means something different than what the flesh thinks it means. Father is BEYOND difficult to understand. This is why we need an interpreter to interpret what He is saying. It is Holy Spirit’s job to give me understanding.

In my opinion, prophecy is the worst. I have read the Bible many times through…and the prophecy portions…I read out of obligation. None of it makes any sense to me. I am always baffled by Christians who believe they understand any Bible prophecy that has not happened yet. Hindsight is 20/20…forward sight…whole different ballgame.


One understanding I believe I received yesterday about the fall time…is harvest. It is harvest time.

This morning when discussing the reaping with Vanessa, she saw a vision. I was dressed as the Grim Reaper with my scythe. She said I was smiling and saying…I am coming for you.

When I awoke this morning…I clearly heard Him say…it is time to meet your King. It is time to meet your Creator.

Can’t tell you how excited that makes me. A dream come true for me. I have been waiting oodles of years for this time in my life.

Through the night…I was telling Christ…I need to go home. I need you to come and pick me up…carry me across the threshold into our home. The covenant of truth promised to me…has been a long-time need of mine. I NEED the truth…the whole truth…and nothing but the truth.

I want to get married…and go home to be a wife and mother…managing my home.

This ole gal is ready for a harvest. Years of labor have made for a weary woman. I am grateful for completion.

Look at the funky growth. I wonder what makes a tree grow like that? Enquiring minds want to know. I need answers. 🤔


I am super excited to reap what I have sown. Years’ worth of wages, rewards, commissions, etc is due me. For the last ten to fifteen years, I have been asking…where are my wages…cuz you haven’t paid me wages here on Earth. Plenty are sitting in Heaven…but I need wages here on Earth too.

Crystal is broke. Homeless. Destitute. Get the picture?

This morning…I was telling Christ…I want the supernatural in the natural. I want to experience the supernatural here on Earth. Beyond what I have experienced thus far. I live in the Twilight Zone for sure…but I need more. For the last few years, I have been telling Him…man…I am bored with the natural realm. You gotta give me something better.

I believe it is time for that now. WOW…finally.

Later this morning, He said…it is time to meet your husband. I believe it is time for Him to circumcise my virgin heart…popping my cherry…becoming my High Priest. I have plenty of oil…ready to be picked up and carried away to my Heavenly home.

Looking forward to falling in love…whatever that means to Him. My perception is…He has the best in store for me…from this day forward. It makes me giddy to think I am going to get to experience the supernatural…miracles. Redemption…restoration… reconciliation…all beautiful things to experience. I need to experience these things to see and KNOW intimately that following Him…is worth it.

Let the reaping begin…for me…for all. For me…the reaping will be a pleasurable experience…for some…not so much…but each will certainly reap what they have sown.

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