Restoration of America

woman in front of Sequoia tree

I have a lot of words to use about the Restoration of America. Putting this post under the coaching page since it has a lot of meat in it. Feels like there is going to be a lot to chew on if you like that kind of thing. I do. Always have. Love to think critically. Trips my trigger in all the right ways. 😜

The photos on this page are random photos taken from my trip out West in 2020. 11,000 miles in 34 days camping along the way. Glorious. Absolutely glorious. Didn’t want to stop and come back. 😆 SO much still to see yet. Ready to venture out and give it another go. Longer this time. No time restraints placed on me. The freedom to come and go as I please. When. Where. How long. My decisions. Love the concept. Hoping Father does too. 😂

Before I start on the meat of this post, I feel like I am supposed to share some less meaty things. 🤨 Personal details about me and my life. What has been happening with me over the last week or so. Not sure why it is important to share but Father says it is important to Him. There ya go. Now ya know.


As I say on repeat, I live a crazy crazy life. No describing what is happening inside of me daily. It is a work of Father’s Spirit and something I don’t understand currently. I just go with the flow…shaking my head most days.

My spiritual brother Jeff called yesterday afternoon/evening. He had gotten notification of a promise Father gave me years ago…that it had been fulfilled. He was one…checking on me and my situation. Two…wanting my thoughts/feelings on the matter. We chatted for about two hours. Well…he talked…I listened mostly. He had a lot of words to use. I thanked him for caring. Super sweet. Felt like a warm hug. 🥰

I was telling Jeff…I have no idea what is happening to me. Daily. Every single day…something changes in ways I can’t explain. With the first promise fulfilled…I feel whole. I feel like something has been finished inside me. Like I am complete. I told Jeff…I feel like I got married. 😂 Haven’t a freaking clue what that means but it feels 100% true to me.

It feels like the yin and yang came together. Unity. Love and hate became one. Light and dark. Life and death are no longer separated but now one. I am all of that…wrapped up in one package.

It is like as Te Fiti…I got my heart back. I am no longer Te Ka. All is right again in my little world…population me. I am secured. 100% Secure. Covered.


I was telling Hannah last night…I need my crown now. Needing the anointing and appointing from Father. The power and authority He has promised me. Need His backing. Without His power and authority, our words are only words. I need action to back them up. I have been waiting so long. Over 20 years on this promise alone.

He doesn’t get in a hurry about anything it seems. 😂 Moves at the speed of slow. Turtle speed. Drives me batty in every possible way. I think He enjoys it. Loves to get me all worked up. 🤷‍♀️

This morning, I saw a house. It was Father’s house. He was showing me He has a house for me. It feels like I am going home. We have been building a home together. Partners. Super excited about this. Haven’t a freaking clue what that means in this realm…from a natural standpoint…but I was giddy when I saw it. Felt so relieved. Like my pain was NOT in vain. I have been working hard investing in something rock solid.

Can’t even describe the peace I live with inside these days. Incredible. Brings enormous joy to my heart.

My training is over…years of work…to flip over and enjoy the rewards of all that hard labor…wow…no words to describe the emotions that come along with that.

Personal Stuff

One last bit of personal stuff before I get into the meat of this post.

Lately, it has been cold and rainy in our neck of the woods. The other day, I wanted to work on this post. My plan was to dig out the little space heater I have in my storage unit and head to Mr. Mitchell Man’s garage. Those plans were foiled. My storage unit is climbing room only. 😂 Seriously.

I very carefully climb around on my stacks of coolers and boxes to try and locate items I need. SO FREAKING TIRED OF LIVING OUT OF BAGS AND BOXES. Did I make that clear enough? Hoping Father gets wind of my irritation with living this way and makes the necessary changes so I can have my own space. 🤨

Moved a few boxes and opened them up after doing the initial sweep of the unit. No luck. Wasn’t dragging out any more boxes to go through. I have other things I need too…like a BELT to keep my pants up. 🤯 Warm winter hats to keep my noggin from freezing. No avail. Buried somewhere in the boxes. If I had the money…I would just go buy new ones. However, He has me broke…so that is a no-go. 🤦‍♀️

Did I mention He needs to change my status of living out of a storage unit? I feel rather immovable on this issue. 🤷‍♀️


SO, since that didn’t go as I had planned…I asked Him…where are we going? I need heat and quiet. The answer was to start at the library. Two of the libraries I frequent have private rooms I can hide in to quietly work.

I enter the library and turn right to head back to the rooms. The rooms are at the back of the library against the wall. Someone mans the desk in front of them. They unlock the room for you, and you get three hours uninterrupted. If after three hours, someone else needs the room…you get the boot. 👢😜

As soon as I turn right, I make my first observation…the rooms are dark. That means I get dibs on the room. Yippee for me. 🙌

Then I lock eyes on the young man sitting at the desk in front of the rooms. I am watching him as I am walking back to the rooms. He is my target. I notice he is getting ready to get up out of the chair and leave the desk. He just gets his rear end up off the chair…then he locks eyes on me. He sits back down and seems to be “busy” at the computer while I finish the walk to him.

When I got there…I asked him with a smile…did you know I was coming to get one of those rooms?

His response…I thought maybe you were.

As he unlocked the room for me…I told him I appreciated his observation skills and his intuition. He was anticipating my needs. When he sat back down, he put my needs first…in front of whatever plans he had. I noticed it. Appreciated his kindness toward me. Felt like I needed to brag on the man a bit. 🙃 Such a small act of kindness…but it meant much to me.

woman selfie in front of mountain
Never got tired of the pretty mountain views.

Cafe A

At the three-hour mark, I left to get some food. Drove over to a little cafe I frequent to get the hummus platter and some veggies.

When I went in, Kathy (one of the owners) told Zion to seat me at a certain table. It is a room that is often cold…and the music is too loud for my taste. When Zion and I arrived at the table, I told Zion…this isn’t going to work for me. Too cold…music is too loud. Let’s go somewhere else.

I went after the lunch rush on a cold rainy day. Almost all the tables were empty. I had the run of the place. Kathy, Zion, and I chose a table for me in the corner in the bar area.

Warm…quiet. Wonderful.


My server was Jayma. Not sure how to spell her name. Sounds like Jay-muh. Love that name. Love her. A sweetheart and always super attentive. Very efficient as a server. Lunch went well. I worked hard through lunch. Zion put me at a large round table where I could unpack all my stuff and continue working while I ate.

I told Jayma how much I appreciated her efficiency because she was always anticipating my needs. I never have to ask her for anything. She pays attention to her customers. Great server. She thanked me.

Later, I decided I had probably overstayed my welcome, so I packed my stuff up. After drinking two pots of hot tea, I needed to empty my bladder. I saw one of the employees go in so I sat at the table to wait. Kathy noticed I was waiting. She came over to ask if I needed something. I told her…no…gotta empty my bladder after all that tea. She sat down and we had a chat while I was waiting for the restroom.

One of the topics we discussed was Jayma. Kathy was telling me she keeps point cards for her servers. When they get a compliment from a customer, she puts points on them which earns them gift cards.

So…I say to her…well if we are giving points to great servers…let me tell you about Zion and Abby too. 🤣 Felt the need to brag on both of them as well. They always treat me right.


Kathy appreciated my words about her wonderful servers. She shared with me how she has great employees to work with. When I got up to head to the restroom, I told her…going to walk across the parking lot to the coffee shop. She said to me…stay here. It is pouring down rain. I will watch your bag while you are in the restroom. No need to leave since we are slow.

Sooo…I stayed until dinner service started. 😂 Abby came in when her shift started. She came over to chitty-chat with me for a minute. I told her…got you some brownie points for your card. I was bragging about you earlier. Singing your praises as a great employee. 😜

She smiled at me and thanked me.

I know I have said this on repeat throughout this blog…it can’t be overstated. Kindness is important. You never know how your small acts of kindness to people impact their lives.

Zion’s welcoming personality, Jayma’s efficiency and attention to detail, and Abby’s friendly chitty-chats over the years are such small acts of kindness toward me…but I love them. I pay attention. Kathy welcoming me to stay and sit at the table as long as I needed to was kind. It didn’t cost her a dime to let me use her space.

That whole day was one act of kindness toward me after another. It made me think of what Dad would say at times…the good Lord is smiling down on me. I felt that the other day when I worked out in the public instead of Mitchell’s garage.


As I start talking about the Restoration of America subject, I want to touch on honor. I feel like it is prominent in my heart, so I must start there.

My family would tell you I am like a bull in a China shop. This is no joke. Typically, when I approach something with Father…I tear right into it. Tear it up. Down. Apart. I come at things with a bulldozer. I have zero problems shredding anything and burning it down. When I make a decision, it is made. It is time to get the job done…as efficiently as possible. That is my S.O.P. Important to note.

Regarding everything you are going to read from this point forward in this post…I have been radically different in my approach to it all. Radically different. Can’t stress that enough.

With the topics I will mention below…I have been SUPER cautious in my approach. My touch has been gentle. Tender. I sit and study. Reflect…quietly…listening intently. Not a lot of talk as usual. Very hesitant. It is like I am standing just inside the room and staring at it all. Not moving around much. Just looking and taking it all in. Lots of questions…but lots of quiet meditation.

I take one step in…then a step back. Sometimes I step in and stand there for a LONG time staring at it.

It feels like I am looking at Holy ground. Hallowed ground. Sacred territory. A space in time and a place in time that is so set apart…it takes a very gentle touch to touch it. A gentle approach to approach it. It feels as if I must be quiet in my approach.

I must honor this space/place. It requires great honor in every possible way I can bring honor to it.

The Topics

  • Second Exodus
  • 40-year Wilderness
  • Great Shaking
  • Tsunami
  • “Restoration of America”
  • Revelation 12…Preparing for War
  • Trump

This list of a few of the topics I am speaking of here comprises a time in this world…never seen or experienced before in the history of mankind. I am talking about sacred ground here.

My Heart

Let me share a bit of my heart here.

One…I don’t want to be deceived. I am not one who wants to buy into lies and deception. I want truth. After believing in lies/deception…and coming into the knowledge of truth…I have experientially learned the priceless value of truth. I don’t enjoy having the rug pulled out from under me when I find out later I have been building on the sand. This ole gal wants to build something that lasts. Not a fan of throwing money away into a Ponzi scheme. Don’t like being swindled. 🤷‍♀️

It matters to me GREATLY I build on truth. Lies and deception destroy lives. They are toxic and I want nothing to do with them.

Two…it is EQUALLY important to me…I don’t sell lies and deception to people. I don’t want to mislead people. Not into destroying someone’s world by lying to them. I am not a thief who likes to steal, kill, and destroy. I don’t mind tearing people’s kingdoms down with the truth…but not into lying to the people and bringing destruction to them. That is painful and I don’t enjoy hurting people. 🤷‍♀️ Painful truths give you the opportunity to build. Painful lies destroy and leave you with nothing. They rob you.

This mindset/heartset is paramount to understand as I move forward talking about the above topics and prophecy.

Before I move on to the prophecy topic, let’s bounce back and finish up the honor topic.


One small portion tied to honor is protection.

Many years ago, Father taught me different aspects regarding honor. What honor means to Him. Why it is important to Him…and to me.

In His word, He says to honor the holy things. Holy means set apart.

This is why I am approaching this season of time in our timeline with much hesitation. Much caution. Very gentle approach. Mindset. Heartset.

Gingerly touching this stuff. The closer I get…the more cautious I am.

Honor in my heart…is for my protection. It keeps me safe. Keeps me from defiling myself which then would disqualify me. No way in Hell do I want to disqualify myself for any reason…but especially not by being dishonorable toward the holy things in front of me.

Here is a small example within these things. Trump. Sometimes I speak of Trump on this site. I always speak about him in an honorable way. I do that because Father chose him to be placed in a position of authority over the people in America.

Like him, hate him, or love him…it matters not…concerning how mankind is commanded by Father to treat him.

Even if I speak negative truths about Trump…they will be said with honor in my heart and mind. I speak the truth in love.


I grew up with Grandpa saying MANY things on repeat over the years. One thing he said that has impacted my life is this…if you don’t like someone…don’t mistreat them. Just don’t be around them.

I took this to heart and applied it practically in my life. I try to treat everyone with respect. If you treat me poorly, I cut you out of my life. No hard feelings…no feelings at all. I deal with my issues from the situation and then move on with peace. I don’t feel like I need to keep tabs on you and/or get revenge. My life keeps moving forward as I go on with my merry little self.

With past presidents I couldn’t stand…I didn’t look at them. For real. Sounds crazy, but I chose NOT to be dishonorable toward those men in authority over this country by speaking disparagingly about them and/or dwelling on them. Instead, I left them in Father’s capable hands and walked in honor and obedience.


Unfortunately/fortunately, depending on your viewpoint…Father puts enemies in authority over us. Currently…the prince of this world is Satan. He is our enemy.

Although he is my enemy, you will not hear me speaking dishonorably toward him. He is in authority as the prince of this world. He is set apart…and it is for my protection to stay honorable toward him. Christians who curse him and say nasty things about him…are only heaping coals on their own heads for doing so.

King David taught us this lesson with King Saul. David repented of cutting Saul’s robe. David was a picture of Christ. Saul was a picture of Satan. Father put King Saul in charge of the people. Later, He then anointed David as king. David had to wait on Father to remove Saul…just as Christ has been anointed as King here but is waiting on Father to remove Satan as reigning prince.

Christ did not speak dishonorably to/about Satan. Christ was honorable…we should follow His example. 🤷‍♀️

To dishonor those in authority over us…even our enemies…counts against our debt to Christ.

If you have done that…ask Father to forgive you of each incident. Then…don’t do it again.

smoke in sky
Smoke from the wildfire.
sun in fire smoke cloud
The sun is in a smoke cloud from a forest fire I drove nearby. Super cool looking. Had to stop and stare at the craziness. 😆


I know I have spoken before of my love/hate relationship with prophecy. Let me touch briefly on that relationship again and give a bit more information there.

I love Father shows me things and speaks to me. Appreciate the intimacy. However, I hate the fact I don’t understand what He is saying most of the time. Prophecy has ridiculous amounts of complexity contained within. Hurts my little pea brain.

Here are two places I landed on regarding my thoughts/feelings about prophecy itself.

One…when Father tells me something will happen in the future…I am dependent on Him to tell me the truth. I am relying on Him for the understanding of what He is saying to me/showing me. It is all about my intimacy with Him. My relationship with Him. He speaks. I listen.

There are certain things Father has told me in the past that would happen/were true. Others have told me these things were not true. I…myself…have questioned whether they were true or false. I have spent years diligently working through my own issues to get to the truth. Cleaning my own shit up so I could see clearly. Be clean.


This leads me to another very tiny portion of this topic.

Two…I am a student working out very complex spiritual mathematical equations. Students are allowed to make mistakes. Allowed to get it wrong. When you are learning…you don’t know in fullness. You only know in part. Every math student is allowed to work out the story problem and come to the wrong conclusion. When that happens…you go back and work the equation out again until you get it right.

The point is to figure out where you went wrong, so next time…you get it right.

It is about giving yourself grace even when others around you don’t give you the same measure of grace.

I say on repeat…we are allowed to make mistakes. Even when it is at someone else’s expense.

My preference is to not make them. Hate the expense. The cost is high. SERIOUSLY don’t want to make them at other people’s expense. This is why I am super hesitant about prophecy. I don’t want to be misled myself, but I especially don’t want to mislead anyone else. Too costly for ALL involved.

Flesh Vs. Spirit

Continuing on the topic of prophecy, let’s look at one important truth contained within.

Prophecy is positive in value. To know something is going to happen in the future is a plus. Addition. Adds value to your life.

However, not all prophecy you receive is good…righteousness. Father shows us what He is doing…but He will also show us what the enemy is doing…or what fleshly man is doing.

Father will show us man’s plans. What man will do…in opposition to His Spirit. He will warn you of man’s fleshly plans. Man’s disobedience.

I say this because it is important not to jump to conclusions regarding prophecy. This is key moving forward in this post. It is one reason; I look at it carefully. Don’t want to jump ahead and get the math problem wrong. Speaking from experience here. Been burned too many times. 😩


Man gets the choice to join into man’s plans OR choose Father’s ways. When Father is giving a prophetic warning of what man is going to do…He is giving you the opportunity to avoid the roadblock and take a detour instead. Go around that mess. Don’t get wrapped up in what others are doing. Steer clear instead.

We also have this wonderful ability with Christ and Holy Spirit’s help to convert a negative into a positive. We always have the choice to convert a negative into a positive. I have gazillions of examples of this. Let me share a recent one that sort of applies here.

A friend of mine recently had a nightmare. I asked them if they asked Father what the interpretation was. They did…got nothing. I said…let’s ask together and see if we get anything. I asked Father for the interpretation.

Father said three things to me. Had no clue what they meant though. My friend got a direction to go in. He thought it was about a decision he made in the past. Instantly, I knew what the three things meant. I shared them with him…botta bing…botta boom. We had the answers to the nightmare.

It was the enemy’s work trying to beat the shit out of my friend. He was doubting a decision Father had led him to make.

I told him…you obeyed Father. Rest in that decision. Don’t let the enemy beat you up.

We took a negative attack from the enemy and converted that to a positive. We got truth to combat the lies and deception the enemy was bringing to his mind.

What Satan meant for bad, we turned it around for good. His conviction is stronger now than it was before the nightmare.

False Prophets

I have talked much about the false prophets on this Earth. Tired of talking about them actually. Tired of looking at them. I am going to touch on this briefly because it is a key part of this post.

As I have said before, Kim Clement was NOT a prophet appointed by Father. He was appointed by man. Self-appointed.

Kim did however at times hear truth from Father. He did have the gift of prophecy. So do psychics though. We all have the ability to hear truth from our Creator. He is no respecter of persons. If you want to hear from the Spirit realm…you will hear.

As a follower of Christ…your Shepherd…His sheep are supposed to hear His voice. He is very clear about that in His word. My sheep…hear my voice…He says that. If you don’t hear His voice…🤷‍♀️.

So…even a blind squirrel gets a nut once in a while.

We all get things right at times…get things wrong a lot of the time. I call it muddy water.

Christ is the water…the word…the truth. Man puts their fleshly dirt in the pureness of His water. Makes it cloudy, gray, brown, and dirty. Unclean mixed with clean.

In the NAR division of the religious system…they idolize Kim Clement. WRONGLY so. Not worthy of it. He was a flawed man who got some things right…but more wrong than he got right.


For some time now, Father and I have been discussing the false prophets and all the prophecies they are loudly proclaiming.

One pattern I have noticed with them all…if they get something right…they have to broadcast that worldwide…like a big marketing campaign. Wow…let us ALL know you got something right. Good for you buddy. How about the thousand things you got wrong??? Want to repent for all those words? Market all your mistakes worldwide and apologize for leading the masses astray? Cuz…I would like to see you do that. 🤨

Kim’s daughter is always compiling prophecies her daddy spoke. She is always marketing his life and “ministry.” Because of her, we have a list of prophecies that are attributed to be about Trump. Some, Kim did say the name of Trump in them. Some he did not. They are all lumped into a pile. Father and I have been going through this pile as time goes by.

One of the problems with Kim’s prophecies and his daughter elevating him as she has…is that it has fed this idolization of Trump. Also…the idolization of Kim Clement. It is feeding the disobedient flesh of man. Feeding humanism…man elevating man. Hoping she repents someday for the mess she has helped to create.

Christianity is the downfall of America. I have run out of words to express my disdain for that religion. 😑


I had to pause the writing of this post for a time. I actually started this post earlier this month. Then…I hit pause on it. In a previous post, I shared what happened there. Decided this was way above my pay grade to be prophesying like He has me doing…AND I haven’t gotten paid for any previous work.

After I typed that post up, something magically changed for me. Haven’t a clue what He is doing to me. BUT…my temper tantrum is over now. He somehow fixed my bad self, and I am back to conversing with Christ about this matter.

Today is the 30th…so we will see if I can finish this post today. NOT holding my breath. May hit another snag, a snafu, or some other issue. We shall see. 🤷‍♀️

woman selfie in front of Mountain View
Somewhere in California. 🙃


Let me give a bit of direction here of where I am going to take you. Share what Father and I have been discussing about this for years now. I want to take a few prophecies that have been spoken…mostly by the false prophet Kim Clement and walk through them. Some are about Trump specifically and others simply refer to a president that will come in the future. People in the NAR…are attributing Kim’s prophecies to Trump as that president.

After I get done with this portion, I am going to move to the “Restoration of America” that Kim prophesied about. This is referring to Trump’s campaign…Make America Great Again. Trump’s plan (and his followers)…is to bring restoration to America.

I have a lot to say about all of this. I have worked my little fanny off over the years to gain understanding about Father’s plans for this season of time in our history.

He began speaking about this to me shortly after 9/11. It was at that time; a whole new level of purification began in me to prepare me for this time. At different times in my life, He would turn that fire up to increase the heat and intensity. 😩


Here is a wonderful example of Kim Clement being a false prophet. A man who got something wrong. One of his prophecies was…there would be no more corruption in the White House.

BULL SHIT!!!!!!!!

This is an impossibility from a spiritually logical perspective. There is logic of the soul and logic of the Spirit. Logic in the natural realm and logic in the supernatural realm. Truth and logic have to line up. Add up. Equal out.

If we look at this from a spiritually logical perspective…we see in Father’s word…ALL have fallen short. All are corrupted. All have been corrupted. As long as a man is living in the White House…running the White House…there will be corruption in the White House.

Kim’s “prophecy” statement is a flat-out lie. A spiritual fallacy. To say Father said that…makes Father out to be a liar. That is a “prophet” prophesying a lie. 🤦‍♀️

Logic Lesson

Let’s do a quick logic lesson from a spiritual viewpoint.

If one attribute of Christ/Father/Holy Spirit is Truth…another attribute, is He never lies…and another attribute, is He never changes…then the three of them as one…does not/do not lie. Is not lying. Will never lie.

Since He does not lie…we can trust what He says to be true. If He then said…all men have fallen short…are corrupt…then that means ALL men. This includes women and children. ALL means ALL of mankind.

If we apply these spiritually logical truths to what a CORRUPT and FALLEN man says…the scales tip in the favor of Father being honest and men being liars. I am saying you better trust Father over a man.

SO THEN…if a fallen and corrupt man says that Father said…there will be no more corruption in the White House…you better think long and hard about what that means. Doing this math story problem…the answer…the conclusion is…the man is not speaking for Father.

Case closed. Enough said on that.

Other Meanings

Now…I always turn over every stone when seeking truth. When I was in DC the last time, Father had me walk the perimeter (block) of the White House. During the time there…we discussed not only the White House of the natural realm…but also the White House in the supernatural realm. Father’s House. His House is a pure house. NO corruption there.

SO…that being said…I could SORT OF…as Mrs. Incredible here…stretch my lips WAY out there and POSSIBLY and PAINFULLY attribute this word to Father’s House. In the sense that…in the DISTANT future…Christ’s House/Body/Temple…being rebuilt with the Bride…will be without corruption anymore. BECAUSE the Bride of Christ has been purified of all her corruption.

I COULD SORT OF STRETCH my way to that conclusion. But here is my problem with that. This is NOT the intent of Kim’s prophecy. He was talking about the White House in DC…meaning a president would rule/reign/live there who was NOT a corrupt man. He was saying what the itching ears wanted to hear.

The only other meaning I could possibly find here is this…no more White House period.

The only two ways no more corruption could be in that White House is for Christ to live there ALONE Himself…or the White House was gone.

Again…Kim’s intent was an uncorrupt president.

Not possible on this Earth. 🤷‍♀️

King David

Let’s talk about another “prophecy” attributed to Trump. People in the NAR are calling Him Father’s King David. I believe part of this stems from/is rooted in another prophecy from Kim. He once “prophesied” Father was going to raise up many Davids, Ruths, Samuels, etc. Important leaders from the Bible. The NAR crazies have jumped on this bandwagon and labeled Trump King David.

Wow…I think I have mentioned before how offensive that is to King David. So, let’s discuss it a bit even if I have said this before. It is pertinent here.

King David was a man after Father’s heart…since he was a shepherd watching over the sheep. That is the earliest we know of his love for Father. He may have loved Father before his time as a shepherd. David relied HEAVILY on Father when tending to the flocks. David relied on Father to keep him safe…to keep the sheep safe…to keep his warriors safe when they went to battle later. He was a humble man who gave Father glory and credit for his life. He inquired of the Lord throughout his lifetime. David was in an INTIMATE relationship with Father…from his youth…to his death.

When he failed in his disobedient acts with Bathsheba…he was a repentant man. David greatly desired a pure and clean heart. He WANTED to be pleasing to Father…24/7. David wanted to live Father’s way…not his own. He was committed to serving Father…with his WHOLE heart.

THAT IS NOT TRUMP. Nope. Nada. Not. 🤨

Trump is like King Saul. More on that later.


Next in line…Trump would be a trumpet for Father.

With this prophecy, we can see both positive and negative aspects regarding this. I do believe this word was from Father. NOW…what man is making of it…not so good. Man always perverts/distorts/twists things to suit their own bellies. Let’s make it sound GOOD because good comforts us. It is all about feeling good to man. Man doesn’t want to feel pain. 🤷‍♀️

A trumpet is loud. My brother played one. I loved the trumpet section in band. Brass is amazing…in part because they have volume. Can get loud. 😆

Trump is a loudmouth. That is for sure. This has both positive and negative sides to it. I can’t look at one without looking at the other. It is just who I am. Gotta look at the WHOLE picture…not merely one side.

Trump being a trumpet…in part…means…proclaiming bits and pieces of Father’s heart for His children. Speaking certain desires Father has for His children.

Let me share a few I have mentioned in the past.

  • Father wants to have borders around His children to keep them safe. Protect them from the enemy.
  • Drain the swamp. Father desires to remove the toxic waste dump Satan has created. He has destroyed the Pride land created for Christ and His Bride.
  • Judgment upon the enemy. Trump is constantly heralding the demise of the enemy. Proclaiming future judgment and destruction of the enemy.

These are some positive pieces of this prophecy.


Moving on to the flip side here…the negative. I am going to piggyback these with another Kim Clement prophecy here the NAR kingdom people are attributing to Trump also. A president with no fear. The issues I am going to expose here…tie in with debunking the false prophecy of Kim Clement.

One negative piece of this puzzle is that Trump is a man who has the appearance of no fear. Not afraid of anyone or anything. Also…he and his plans have the appearance of good. All his plans sound wonderful to many on the “right” side. Better than the left side, right?

According to Father…not good. Either side. Ok…so socialism didn’t take over…but what did we gain from Father’s vantage point? That is the question man should be asking. Christians are making a lot of assumptions here about what Father is getting ready to do with Trump and this presidency.

The Bride of Christ has a 40-year Wilderness to walk through. There is a Great Shaking coming…a Tsunami. A few weeks ago, Father said to me…prepare for war. We are in the days of Revelation 12. Many layers to all of this stuff. Super complex.

Even though Trump is very loudly blasting out some of Father’s future plans, Trump’s heart is to do them his way. Man’s way.

Let’s go back to corruption. All have fallen short.


Let’s merge some of this truth together…getting personal about Trump as a man…from Father’s eyes. Those are the only eyes that matter.

Trump is a fallen man. He is NOT Messiah. He was not chosen to be Moses to lead the people out of slavery. As Christians would say…he is a sinner who needs to be saved by grace.

He is not man’s savior. He NEEDS The Savior. Trump needs to humbly bow down and submit himself to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

King David was a forerunner for Christ. A totally different heart from Trump’s. Trump has a heart to serve Trump. His heart is not to serve Christ.

Let’s look at the spiritual corruption contained within Trump.

We can clearly see that though he may have the appearance of no fear…he is most certainly a man who has fears. May be driven by those fears. Insecurities.

Going back to being a trumpet…loudly blasting his mouth to the people.

One piece of this is…we see when people attack him…his plans…his character…he quickly blasts them back. This is a sign of insecurity in the man. A fear. A man who feels the desperate need to defend himself. A man who doesn’t want to have the appearance of weakness.

A secure man would let that shit roll off him like water on a duck’s back. His reaction to negativity directed at him…screams insecurity and fear. He has deep-seated issues with looking/feeling/having the appearance of being a weak man to people. You don’t need a degree in psychology to see what is right in front of your face. He is a broken and insecure man in this area.


Another sign of his fears and insecurities comes from the fact he has to broadcast/advertise/make everyone aware of his accomplishments. He is ALWAYS bragging about himself. No one needs to prop that man up on a pedestal because the pedestal he has built for himself is pretty damn strong. He has fortified that thing. It is a pretty tall tower he stands on/in too.

When someone has to brag about themselves…like he does…it screams insecurity. A humble secure person doesn’t need to tell anyone who they are and what they have accomplished. They go about their lives busily doing and being. They stay as low as they can go in this world. Secure people don’t need you to puff them up and tell them how great they are. They don’t THINK about how great they are.

Trump needs people to applaud him. He needs the people to idolize him. Praise him. Bow down to him and obey what he tells you to do. He is so weak of a man…he can’t stand securely on his manhood. Instead, he needs you to praise what he has done in this world. Be in awe of his wealth, his “strength, his power,” etc.

salmon and asparagus in iron skillets
Prepping food to stash away in the cooler.


Plain and simple. Trump has been an unfaithful man. He has never been committed to one woman and one woman alone. Been faithful to a woman he claims to love. Like so many others, he says the words “I love you” without proving those words are true by his actions.

He is a man-child. A sexually weak and immature man who hasn’t committed his heart to love a woman as Christ loves His Bride. Trump has never laid his life down for a wife and put her needs above his own.

In Trump’s house…he and his needs come first. His sexual immorality is another sign of the weaknesses, fears, and insecurities within the man. No different than the multitudes in the same place…the same sexual behaviors in this world.


If we add all those puzzle pieces up…those parts of this spiritual mathematical story problem…leaving out MANY more…we can easily do the math here. Reach a conclusion in agreement with Father.

  • Trump is not qualified to be a King David. His heart is NOT to follow Father. Trump follows Trump. He will do it his way.
  • He is not spiritually qualified to be a Moses who sets the captives free. Trump is a man who is enslaved and needs set free himself.
  • He is not a savior. Trump needs Jesus Christ to save him…from himself.
  • Trump has zero desire at this point in time to give Father/Christ/Holy Spirit the glory, honor, and credit for any and all.
  • He is a man creating and building his own legacy. His own kingdom. NOT co-laboring with Father to build Christ’s Kingdom…to elevate Father/Christ/Holy Spirit.
  • He is not a president with no fear. The man is driven to succeed (his standards of success)…by his own fears and insecurities. He protects those insecurities like a pit bull.


Another Kim prophecy I want to address quickly is…there would be a president who would be baptized with/by Father’s Spirit. Like fire, I guess.

The kingdom people are saying this means he is going to speak in tongues…be some miracle worker, I guess.

Let me say this…if people are going to be baptized by fire…it better be a purification fire. That means…put through the fire and cleansed of impurities within. This would include PAIN. Serious pain.

Father and I have already discussed MANY times at great length the concept of the masses becoming miracle workers and performers of signs and wonders…like so many kingdom people are prophesying.

I didn’t work for over 30 years with zero wages here on Earth to share the spotlight with people who haven’t put one little pinky toe in the fires of Hell I endured for Him. I have told Him on repeat where He can stick this job if that is in the plans. 🤯🤬🔥

That is all I am going to say about that topic.

Restoration of America

Let’s move on to the last prophecy of Kim Clement’s I want to talk about. As the title says…the restoration of America.

This is a prophecy from Father. Father telling man…what man’s plans are. Man’s plans are to Make America Great Again. That would be the Trump train.

On the surface, this has the appearance of good. However, in Father’s eyes…this is bad.

I could seriously spend the rest of my life writing books about this topic alone and never cover every facet of this. The complexities and volumes contained within are ENORMOUS. 🤯 Hurts my little ole pea brain…which is why I have struggled so much for years. I tell Him…way above my pay grade. Like…way far out there.

I will touch on a tiny tiny bit of why Father frowns on this.

Humanism. The whole thing is man-centered. A fleshly man as the head forming a body to follow and obey a man. This is flesh-based. Not Spirit led with Christ as the Head.

If Christ were the Head of this Trump train…Trump would have made it abundantly clear Christ was in charge. Instead, he has made it abundantly clear who is in charge. This is about following and elevating Trump. Giving him the praise, honor, credit, and glory.

Just like in the days of King Saul…the people wanted a fleshly king. Father wasn’t happy about it…but He gave them what they wanted. It will cost the people. It will cost the nation.


I know I have said this on repeat…going to say it again. It is idolization of a man and a country. Both are frowned upon by Father. He isn’t interested in sharing His glory with corrupt man and a corrupt nation run by a corrupt government.

Not at all. Really. It isn’t in His nature to share like that. He has been very patient and tolerated much…but His patience is wearing thin here. Very thin. Like thin ice. You shouldn’t walk there. Don’t walk on hot lava.

Think days of Noah. Sodom and Gomorrah. Think of the Sons of Korah who wanted to take over in place of Moses. Man wanted to rule man’s ways instead of following the man Father had chosen to lead the nation out of slavery.

Damn…rebellion against His authority is costly. Flood. Sulfur. Earth opening up and swallowing people. Fire. Serious consequences. 😱🫣😬😥

road sign
They want to make sure you KNOW the speed limit. The numbers on this sign are HUGE in person. The photo doesn’t do the sizing justice. Had to stop and get a photo. Highly amused by this. Highly. 😜


Before I get into some of the details…meat of the problems with restoring America…I want to touch on another parallel here from Father’s word.

Think of the Israelites leaving Egypt behind. They are told to go into the Promised Land and take the land. They don’t want to go because they are scared of the giants. That pisses Father off…seriously. Man…they got spanked like no other. He sentences them to wander around in the Wilderness for 40 years until all of them die except Caleb and Joshua.

Now they are interested in going in to fight the giants. Moses in his wisdom…tells them DON’T do it. Did the rebellious snots listen and heed the warning? Nope. They went anyway. It ended poorly…you could say. May have been fortunate for some. Don’t know. Some met an early death on the battlefield instead of wandering around in the desert until they slowly perished.

The moral of the story here is this. These men fought giants they were not equipped to fight. They were not prepared. The Israelites literally just walked out of physical slavery. These were men who were used to bowing down to the enemy…not fighting it as strong warriors. They were cowards. Weak-minded. Weak of heart. SUPER ill-prepared to fight a giant…on his turf.

Moses knew that. So did Father.

When Father told them to go and fight the first time…He did so because He was going to go with them. Go before them. He would’ve been their front guard. Their rear guard. The all-encompassing shield they needed. Father would have shown the world His glory as these weak slaves received victory over giants. Father would’ve gotten the glory. See that?


I see that today. I am Moses…telling you…you can’t fight the giants behind socialism. Man’s flesh can’t fight demonic forces. The enemy…the demonic giants will CRUSH you if you fight WITHOUT Father’s Spirit leading you into and through the battle.

Trust me on this. I lived trapped and chained in Hell for five years of this seven-year journey. I know intimately and experientially what fighting the demonic giants is like. 24/7 I battled them. Wasn’t sure I would make it out alive. Lost hope so many times.

Battling with Christ and His Spirit…is the only way I made it through. Holy Spirit is the only guide trustworthy to lead man through that battlefield.

I say on repeat…spiritual matters are spiritually discerned. That means you can’t figure out by your flesh…through logic and reasoning what the Spirit is saying. The same thing applies to spiritual battles. Spiritual battles must be fought by and through His Spirit. You must be equipped with His truth through His Spirit to win a battle against a demonic entity.

For Trump and all his followers to believe they are going to take down the corrupt giants behind this nation’s government is INSANE. It is insanity. Delusion on a level you can’t understand.


Let me repeat something else. Satan is the prince of this world right now. He was appointed and anointed by Father to be prince until Christ’s time to reign and rule arrives. Satan has destroyed the Pride land which belongs to Christ. This is the restoration Father has planned. His way.

Satan reigns in this world through the systems he has set up. In America, we see a number of systems he runs this country by. The Education system. The Government. Religion. Media. The Medical System. The Political System. Etc.

Each system has a demonic leader who answers to Satan. Think military. There are Colonels, Generals, Sergeants, Lieutenants, etc. We have officers and we have enlisted soldiers. In the Spirit realm, it is the same. The opposing kingdoms have their soldiers and officers too.

For a mere man to think he can fight an enemy he can’t see, can’t outfight, can’t outwit, can’t out anything…is foolish.

When my seven-year journey started being chained in Hell…Father started me off with a warning. He was very clear with me…Crystal Clear…I could not fight the enemy without Him. I mustn’t take one step on my own. One step would have led to my death.

Think Venom…think Carnage. Demons are parasites that suck the life out of you. They come in and steal your life to use you for their own power charge. Your lifeblood gives them power. Without Christ and Holy Spirit’s power…you are NO match for a demonic giant. To believe so will lead you to an early demise.

Man can’t see through that veil. You need His light to see in the darkness.


This is not a battle against flesh and blood. This is a spiritual battle against evil forces who have all power against a man of rebellious flesh. They have zero power against the truth of Jesus Christ.

Without Christ…they will destroy you. That is real. I am speaking the truth. This is why Moses warned the people NOT to go against the giants in their own fleshly power and strength. Moses knew how that would end. He was a man who saw through the veil…into the darkness.

Satan has been ruling and reigning here on this Earth for oodles of years…he is firmly rooted in. Entrenched in those systems. He isn’t going down without a massive fight. His forces are STRONG. He is a formidable force. A brilliant strategist. For real.

Man is no match for him. One…man on this planet…is corrupt. Seriously corrupt. Enslaved by him. Deceived. There aren’t enough righteous people on this planet to overthrow an army of that magnitude.

It is pride and arrogance of man to think they can restore America. Serious pride and arrogance. Do you have any idea what kind of army it would take to take down Satan’s stronghold over America? ANY CLUE??? 😳 It is beyond man’s comprehension.


To be brutally honest…my guess is this. The large majority of Americans who voted for Trump…want to sit back on their couch and watch Trump appoint people into office who will bring about changes. Let him and his appointed people do the work while they sit back and watch. This way they can still go play sports…or sit and watch their favorite teams play while they smoke their cigarettes and drink their beers. Sit on their boats fishing or soaking in the sun while they talk about how Trump is making America great again so they can spend their money buying nice cars, homes, and toys to play with on their weekends off.

Americans have gotten lazy and fat. Obesity in America is insane. Drug use is crazy. Everyone wants something for nothing. Our children are addicted to social media and have become entitled victimized brats because they are being “raised” by adult children. Parents have abdicated their roles to raise up Father’s children in the way they should go. The corruption stinks all the way to Heaven.

One of the things I love about immigrants…they typically are hard workers. Willing to do just about anything labor-wise to earn some money. Hard labor instead of sitting on their fanny and complaining about everyone around them.

Corrupted people can’t clean up/out a corrupt system.

A nation can’t be restored before the people in it are restored.

Man can’t get free from demons while they are busy bowing to and obeying demons. A man can’t get set free from a demon when he is co-laboring with the demon. When a man is using a demon for his own gain and glory…he isn’t going to choose to sever ties with the demon who is scratching his back…no matter how much pain the demon causes him.

onions in iron skillet
Don’t these onions look yummy? Love caramelized onions. So so good.

Temporary and Shallow

Man’s plans to restore America are temporary and shallow. If you are depending on Trump to restore America…how do you think he is going to do that in four years? F.O.U.R. Even if he did…then you have a whole new leader coming in who will change it all again.

Do you see how temporary this plan is? Not to mention that is a massive undertaking that would need to take place in only a four-year period.

Do you realize how shallow this thinking is?

To elect some officials and have some people appointed to different positions and think that is going to bring about some radical deep changes that filter way down into the belly of the beast is crazy talk. Crazy thinking.

You are missing a whole lot of pieces in this puzzle. It is like people are standing in the shallow end of the kiddy pool and patting each other on their backs like they just swam miles in a cold channel of water somewhere. Accomplished some major feat.

We have to start thinking a little deeper here. We can’t stay on the surface because shallow thinking will get you nowhere fast.

Let me touch briefly on just a tiny tiny bit of depth here. To get you started.


Let’s just look at the three branches of government. This is one small piece of the puzzle here. Small. Tiny fraction of the problem/solution.

I greatly appreciate the Founding Fathers. Appreciate their desire to establish a government that enabled the people to be obedient to Father…to be led by Him. Loved the hearts behind the desire for freedom.

I can appreciate the desire in Trump to bring America back to the Constitution and the principles of our Founding Fathers. Appreciate Trump’s willingness to switch from private business to public service with the desire to bring sound principles to this nation. I get he is doing this out of his fleshly motives to build his own kingdom…but I still appreciate and respect certain aspects of what he is doing.

To restore America would take unity in every person in all three branches of this government. Every single person would have to be in sync. From top to bottom. That isn’t going to happen in the executive branch alone. Then you look at the corruption in the legislative branch…then the judicial branch. My brain is fried at looking only at the federal level. I can’t even comprehend moving down to the state levels in all the states…then branch out farther into the smaller levels of government to cities, towns, villages, and townships. 🤯😳

This is ONLY the three branches of government…this isn’t including all the other systems Satan has in place…with all those corrupt people.


It always reminds me of what I call glio for short. Years ago, I had a loved one die of Glioblastoma. It is an aggressive brain cancer. When it was described to me, it was described as a cancer with tendrils that grew throughout the brain. Tiny little tendrils that snaked their way through. Impossible to remove all those little tendrils. Death was inevitable either way.

What Satan has done as the head…is put a glio tumor in the brain. The Central Nervous System of his body…is covered with these cancerous tendrils that have snaked their way through ALL the systems in this world. To try and get the tendrils out…would destroy the brain.

At this time, there is no fixing Satan’s system. There is no overthrowing it right now.

The only solution is to get out or continue to be infected by it. To be overrun by the cancer itself.

This is why we have a Second Exodus. Father wants to set those enslaved in these systems…free.

The plan is to restore the Pride land for King Jesus to rule and reign over. To build an army of warriors who are strong enough to fight the giants…but first, they must get free. Get out from under the horrible spell of the enemy’s deception. Man has to be birthed into life. The dead dry skeletal bones must come to life.

chicken breasts in iron skillets
Terrible picture I know…but it is part of my journey. 🤷‍♀️
desert mountain
Pretty don’t ya think? I think.

Tower of Babel

What man is doing now in America reminds me of the Tower of Babel. They are going to unite and build a tower to the Heavens themselves. Do it man’s ways.

Also like the Israelites in the days of Christ. They wanted a messiah to rule and reign over the government instead of Christ ruling and reigning over their hearts.

Father wants the hearts of the people. The hearts of man who will humbly bow down and submit their lives to live for him instead of for themselves. In doing that, he wants to protect them. Set them free from the lies and deception that rule over them. He wants to bless them and give them life. Father wants a relationship with His children. To raise up His children to be a Bride for His Son.

He wants to rebuild the third Temple. To build a body. Christ as the head…and His wife as His body. A woman who will accept His perfect flesh for Her covering. He wants to cover Her in His great love for Her.

Christ wants to get married to the woman He loves. He laid His life down for you…can you lay your life down for Him?

Let’s bring restoration between Husband and Wife. Let’s restore love in the hearts of the people. Restore His Nation across the globe…not just America.

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