
Sometime in the last couple of months, Father said to me…Let’s get rich quick. I wasn’t sure what that meant exactly…it is rarely what I think it is. His ways and thoughts…are not man’s. BUT…I liked the sound of it…SO I said…ok. Let’s do it. I am 100% on board. Anything positive in value is good with me these days. 😂

My grandpa was a huge figure in my life. While growing up, he came to our house every Sunday for lunch. When I got married, he switched to my house. Until his passing, my kids grew up with grandpa being there on Sundays and every holiday. He would spend the afternoon with me…sometimes staying for dinner. I have many memories of time with my grandpa.

One Sunday we were discussing money. I can’t remember the conversation…just the general topic. I have no recollection of what I said to him, but I remember very clearly his reply. He said…you are rich, and you don’t even know it. OUCH!!!!!!! I got spanked. 😳😩 A lecture ensued. He listed reasons why he believed I was rich. He helped me to see my own life from a different perspective. It was a great lesson for me. One I needed. Wisdom…for sure. I am appreciative of the many lessons my grandfather taught me…both the ones he actively taught me…and those he passively taught me.


Yesterday morning, Father woke me up by singing the lyrics…I want to ROCK. That word…I knew exactly what He meant. Used to that one. He wanted to give me truth. The rock is the truth on which I build my life. I was ALL in for this one. I am telling you…I am living in Paradise now. Loving every minute of it. Every single day gets better than the one before. Craziest thing I have ever experienced.

A few days ago, I asked Him…why am I so giddy. I am absolutely giddy…full of joy…happiness…gladness…all things positive and good. At times, I can’t sit still I am bubbling over with joy. Unspeakable. Indescribable. I was really struggling to understand why I felt the way I did. I have never felt so much goodness inside in 52 years of life. His response to me…what you feel is the river of life flowing in you.

Wow…goodness…I LOVE it. Keep that river flowing. Don’t let it stop…ever. Such incredible power of everything that feels amazing. A joy I have never known before.

After He sang to me…I want to ROCK…I was expecting truth to start coming in.


The night before, my friend informed me that a mutual friend of ours, had now been to my house twice knocking on my door and I didn’t answer. I didn’t hear the knocks. I was horrified. 😳 I got his phone number to text him and tell him…I am not hearing your knocks. Text me instead. It was too late to text him Friday night. So, yesterday morning, I sent him a text apologizing for missing him.

He said to me…I wanted to ask you out for dinner.

My response…I can go anytime. During our conversation, I was telling him I wanted to hear about some of the Hebraic stuff he knows. We decided to do an early dinner…4:30…and then talk afterward.

Flesh vs Spirit

So much goodness last night…can’t even wrap my head around it yet. The major point I got out of last night was this. I wouldn’t trade my life for any other human being’s life. I am richly blessed…beyond measure. Father once said to me…riches fit for a queen. I feel that this morning. I feel rich. After last night…so very rich. Unbelievably rich.

The restaurant we ate at last night was packed…full. A long line…although we got seated fairly quickly. I am observant. Always studying everyone and everything around me. Taking it all in. I noticed a group of young men all in their track uniforms. They caught my eye…decked out all in blue. Blue is my favorite color and their uniforms were bright. Loved the coloring of them. 💙

They sent me down a rabbit trail of public education and the sports world. How man lives inside of those two boxes. That was one piece of the puzzle. Then I made other observations about the people around us as we ate…and the people we encountered coming and going. One of the thoughts that entered my mind was the shallow water people stand in. They go to ballgames…watch TV…sit and talk about things that are irrelevant in the scheme of life. Worldly things. Things that won’t last into eternity.

Man…living by their flesh…instead of following His Spirit.

Sand vs Rock

Foolish people building sandcastles…clueless the tide is GOING to come in and wash their castle away. They will have nothing to show for it…despite all the work they have done. All that blood, sweat, and tears…wasted. Utterly wasted.

People eating and drinking…laughing and talking…thinking they have life by the balls. They are “happy” and “free”…yet…in the end…they will have nothing to show for it. N.O.T.H.I.N.G… Not only will they have nothing to show for it…it was all a waste…every single second they were alive…counts against them in eternity. Every single second of life not in obedience to Father…will sentence them to Hell…for life. Death…and curses…for eternity.

Horrifying understanding. Hard to wrap my head around some days. So unnecessary for them. Avoidable.

Building on the rock…sure. It is a sure thing man. Security…for eternity. The truth is the only way to stay safe. To be secure…forever.


When we got back to my place last night, my friend brought in some of his notes. As he was sharing with me, it was like he lit an old snuffed-out fire inside of me. Passion. Fire. Desire.

I was telling him before he left…we HAVE to do this again. Also…I thanked him for the mental stimulation. I have not had that kind of mental stimulation from a man for a while.

Steak was on my physical plate last night. A nice juicy medium rare hunk of steak. It was perfectly seasoned. Tasty. BUT…what was even better was coming home and having steak on my soul’s plate and my spirit’s plate. All three of my bodies got to dine on steak last night. Very tasty.

Morning Thoughts

Reflecting on my evening…I compared man’s hookups to what I experienced last night. No comparison. Absolutely no comparison. The pleasure I got last night…goes far beyond any physical touch and orgasms any man has ever given me. The pleasure I got from last night…is still here this morning.

The most wonderful thing to me…is it will always be here…for eternity.

I was telling my friend…what we have built here tonight…will last into and through eternity. We are building something that will last…forever. No man can steal it. A treasure to cherish. He agreed…wholeheartedly.

We both struggle with how others can’t see the value in what we both KNOW we have as individuals in our lives. There is something greater to get from life. I wish I could help others get that…to get them to understand they need to go deeper. Deeper within…deeper with Him…deeper with others. To mine…mine for the gold…the gems inside.

Depth of Intimacy

There is absolutely nothing on Earth that can surpass…depth of spiritual intimacy. Spiritual intimacy is a foundation that you BUILD on. You start with TRUTH…and you build from there. Layers upon layers…that last forever. The enemy can’t steal it nor can he destroy it. Incredible…and priceless in value.

I wish I could let you borrow my heart and my mind…so that you could feel, and you could know intimately how valuable intimacy of the soul and spirit are. How much more valuable depth of intimacy of the spirit and soul are. There are no words to describe the PLEASURE a person can get from it. A pleasure that gets better and better as time goes by. Sweet. Rich. Goodness. Positive. Priceless. Sweeter than honey to your lips.

In 52 years of life, I have never been more appreciative of what I have. My grandpa was right…I am rich. However, today…I KNOW it. Riches fit for a queen. I sure feel like one this morning. So much love…so many rewards. Serving Him is worth it. He has been worth the wait…worth the work.

Just some thoughts I felt like sharing this morning.

Choose LIFE. Build on the ROCK. His truth. He is worth the work. Worth the sacrifices He will ask you to make.

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