toddler with chocolate face

TRIGGER WARNING!!!! While discussing in this post an upcoming showdown I believe is coming, you may be triggered. I feel led to warn you and say a few words about this.

One…I repeat myself A LOT. There are purposes to that. Many. The truth is worth repeating.

Two…triggering…means you have a negative emotion or emotions tied to something said or an incident that happens. Those negative emotions are connected to your belief system which is mostly built on lies and deception. It is the wheat and tares/weeds planted in your mind and your heart. Father plants the wheat…the truth. The enemy and man plant the lies and deception…the weeds/tares that take over and choke out the truth.

The weeds are toxic and produce bad fruit. Hence you being triggered…causes you to feel and act in negative/toxic ways.

Three…you being triggered…is your issue…not anyone else’s issue. It is immature and irresponsible to blame it on others. That is your stuff to deal with. You alone are responsible for cleaning the inside of you up. It is your responsibility to tend to the gardens in your heart and mind. You must pull your own weeds so the truth can grow and produce good fruit.

If the truths I speak…offend you…you are triggered and that is your issue.

Four…if you are coming here wanting to hear what the itching ears want to hear…you have come to the wrong place. Go somewhere else to be comforted in your delusion. There are millions of people out there willing to placate mankind. I don’t pander to people.


One of my purposes…is to give birth to a new nation. To bring the dead, dry bones to life. THEN…I must raise up those children into a place of maturity. Health and wholeness. Along with that…is to train up soldiers. Warriors who will stand on and fight for the truth.

That being said…I am searching for a certain niche of people. That niche…people group…is the Bride of Christ. His body. A people who will lay their lives down and die for Him. Kill their flesh and allow Him to cover them in His skin. His flesh is pure…man’s is not. It is about the new wineskin covering His Bride…His body. This means the flesh of those who come and follow…must be purified.

That being said…to purify the flesh…means not only crucifixion…it means being purified IN the fire. Both of these are PAINFUL. The flesh will NOT die willingly without a fight. The flesh ALWAYS opposes His Spirit.

That being said…this certain people group…must WANT to leave their offended ways behind IN the fire. They must leave their cowardly ways behind IN the fire.

If you are offended by some cuss words and refuse to burn that issue up in the fire…you need to move on down the road. I am not for you.

If you can’t leave your cowardly ways behind by DEALING with the toxic shit inside of you…you need to stop right here. Go find someone who will coddle you and tell you things that will make you feel better about yourself. I will always push you to look in the mirror and deal with the ugly.

The Covenant

One small piece of this puzzle is from yesterday. Something changed for me about midday. Still trying to sort it out. Not sure…but something rose up in me. I believe I am nearing my time of elevation. More on that later.

During the morning, Vanessa sent me a text asking if I had watched Guy Ritchie’s The Covenant.

I had not.

She said to me…I don’t know why…but it is important to you. It is significant. You need to watch it.

When I crawled into bed last night, I watched the movie. Throughout the movie, I was asking Father…what do you want me to know…to see…to hear. It is my M.O…always.

The profoundness of this movie is mind-boggling to me…but the prophetic profundity…is absolutely staggering.

I THOROUGHLY enjoyed the movie and the truths Father was speaking to me throughout the movie…even into today.

It is a well of much truth to glean from.

toddler with dolls
She likes dolls. Ahnalaya has always preferred bugs. I have a girly girl for a granddaughter. 😂

A Work of His Spirit

I don’t want to get bogged down on this movie. The movie is an explosion of books for me. I could write volumes. This blog post is about other matters. However, I want to touch on a couple of pieces this movie brings to mind…connected to this post.

What happened between Ahmed and John was Father’s Spiritual work. BEAUTIFUL…in part…BECAUSE of the pain.

I loved watching Ahmed sit and contemplate the value and worth of saving John’s life. He was exhausted beyond measure. Desperate. Doubting he could go on. Could he make it? Was it worth it? Did he have the strength, resilience, and fortitude to keep walking? He was risking his own life to save another man’s life. For what?

While Ahmed was saving John’s life, he was laying his own down. He was fighting an internal battle against his own selfish flesh. Father’s Spirit was victorious.

I loved watching John struggle with the pain of the connection Father placed within him…to reciprocate to Ahmed and his family…what Ahmed did for John and his family. Father’s Spirit hounded John until John submitted to Father calling John back into harm’s way…to bring salvation and freedom to Ahmed and his family.

Ahmed snatched and protected John from the hands and plans of the enemy. John reciprocated this for Ahmed and his family.

Reciprocity. OUTSTANDING.

It is a prophetic picture of what Christ did for man. Christ counted the cost and paid the ultimate price to set man free…to bring salvation to man and family. We…as man…are to reciprocate that same behavior. Count the cost…pay the price…be ALL in…battle our own flesh…lay our lives down too…being an example of freedom and salvation.

woman with toddlers
Hannah getting some snuggles in with the girls.


For the last seven years, I have struggled with the idolatry of all things military. Man idolizing the military. Man idolizing soldiers. Idolizing the flag. Idolizing America.

Man calling those who have served…heroes. Humanism. Man elevating man for whatever reasons they choose to elevate man. One reason…they served America by fighting for “freedom.”

I have a lot of truths connected to this…but…again…not what this post is about. However, I feel led to share a tiny portion of my struggles here.

Shortly after I started the movie last night, I had to pause it. I felt the angst inside of me related to my struggle of the idolatry man has tied to the above.

This is me…dealing with my shit within. It is how I always roll. For the last seven years, I have been working through any toxicity within related to this issue.

When I paused last night to check my emotions and my beliefs, Father gave me clarity which allowed me to move forward in peace with this movie.

I understand so much greater now. The understanding has come because I have pulled many weeds in the past, and the wheat has grown within me.


One of the truths contained within the convo last night was this. I want to show and tell the people what the truth is about war. Military. Freedom. Bravery. Courage. Battles. Heroes. Etc.

Here is a small piece that I feel is important to share now.

Just because you fought in a war…is not evidence of His fruits of bravery and courage. Bravery and courage may be or may NOT be present in battle.

It does not take bravery and courage to pull a trigger and kill someone. Our prison system is full of criminals who selfishly and cowardly took the life of another human being. NOT because they were brave, but because they used killing as a solution to their own triggering. We have children killing adults and children.

There are many known and unknown reasons men sign up to go to war. Bravery and courage MAY be included…but not always.

Man foolishly calls a man a hero merely because he fought in a battle against another man. Father’s definition of a hero is MUCH different than man’s definition.

A Man’s Calling

If you look at the Bible, man was called to go to war and fight the enemy when Father directed the Israelites to destroy the enemy. Men were called to fight…to protect…to be warriors when needed. Women were NOT called to leave behind their families and serve in the military. They were created for different purposes. Both genders have specific roles Father expects them to follow.

If you as a woman feel the need to prove how tough you are…how you can do what a man can do…and/or you can do it better…then you are triggered and you need to deal with and clean up your shit inside. You need to die to your feministic ways. You have bought and drank the Kool-Aid. Dear one, you are swimming in delusion…the weeds in your heart and mind have choked out His truth.

Let’s look at what Christ called men to do. He called them to lay down their life and serve their wife.

Never once in the Bible will you read Father/Christ/Holy Spirit telling men to lay down their lives and serve their country. What He tells them is…obey Father. Part of that obedience was at times…fighting in war…a small portion. I am not diminishing the truth men are sometimes expected by Father to go to war. What I am going to point out is something much greater here. What a man’s focus should be.

The Caliber of a Man

Here is how I discern the caliber of a man. Is he obedient…is he following Christ’s example? Has that man laid down his life and fought for his wife. THAT tells me the caliber of the man.

Like Ahmed…when he was ready to quit and give up…he rethought things. Who was he as a man? What were his values? What was another man worth? His family? What kind of man does he want to be when no one else was around? When no one was watching? Ahmed could have easily let John die and in his state…John would have been oblivious. Ahmed had to evaluate his manhood sitting there weary and exhausted. The temptation to quit was real. How strong of a man was he? How brave and courageous was he?

A man is called by Father/Christ/Holy Spirit…to fight himself…for his wife. To KILL his own weak, cowardly, filthy, narcissistic, selfish, lustful, disobedient flesh…to serve and protect his wife. To serve and protect his children. A husband is to kill his wandering eyes, heart, and mind to be faithful, loyal, and committed to his wife…to keep her heart safe. To protect his marriage. To protect the sanctity of his marriage bed…keeping his wife and children covered in Christ.

How many men have “bravely” fought in war…yet failed to fight for their wives? How many men in our society have been labeled as heroes…so brave and courageous yet failed to fight their own demons in battle…succumbing to adultery…along with porn…absolutely destroying the women they were called to serve and protect?

Man foolishly calls men heroes for all the wrong reasons. A man who gives in to his lustful desires is not a hero…he is a selfish coward too afraid to fight his own demons. That is not strength…that is weakness.

I AM No Man

Despite the truth Father called men and women to certain roles, today…the roles have been greatly perverted.

Women have risen up in the feminist movement and usurped the authority of men. They have used sex…to weaken and castrate the men. It has been a very effective way to dominate and control men. Feminism has destroyed our men. Women have been raising up weak men who submit to the woman so he can get his sexual needs met. This has created a vicious cycle in our society breeding and feeding toxic masculinity and femininity.

It is fucked up.

As a result, we don’t have a man with a set of balls big enough to do what needs to be done and say what needs to be said.

In steps me. His Warrior Queen/Bride. The Second Eve. A woman…called and created to rule as a judge over His people. A woman called to birth men and women and raise them up to be strong in their manhood and womanhood…according to His ways.

Following His laws for each gender and their respective roles.

Thousands of years ago while planning this storyline out, He decided to create me for such a time as this. A woman…to right wrongs. To set the record straight.

father and daughter
Mr. Mitchell Man enjoying a hike with little Miss Mavis Joy. He is spending a lot of time in nature with the girls since it has warmed up.


As the white horse, the story and movie of Secretariat has always moved my heart…GREATLY. There are several scenes in that movie that bring me to tears…every single time…without fail.

I am ready to run the race I was called to run. Ready to show and tell the world what the truth is. To reveal His glory. His power. His authority. To establish His…our Kingdom on this Earth.

I am ready to pass everyone by…by great lengths. I want to run. To run fast…so fast…no one can catch me. No one can come close. To set records no man can break.

One of my favorite parts of that movie is when Red eats his breakfast the morning of the race. Eddie’s KNOWING is beautiful. His excitement and shouting out loud to the world…you are gonna see something you haven’t ever seen before…makes me cry. That is my desire…to put on a show the world has NEVER seen before. Will NEVER see again.

I want to blow people’s f***ing minds. It would bring me great pleasure to do so.

Show and Tell

You want to see what a brave courageous warrior looks like? I will show you.

You want to see what a Warrior Bride looks like? I will show you.

You want to know how to fight a battle? Fight the enemy and win? I will show and tell you.

You want to develop true muscular strength? I can show you how.

Honey…you can’t out-fight me. You can’t out-bench press me. You can’t beat me. I have been trained in Hell. My training hasn’t been in the world’s gym and on the world’s battlefield. My training has not been of this world. I have lived in the Wilderness battling principalities, dark forces, and authorities in another realm.

Since a man can’t…this woman will.

This world doesn’t know what war looks like…yet.

toddler with drink
I absolutely love her hair. ❤️

Elijah and Mount Carmel

Since I can remember, my favorite story in the Bible has been about Elijah on Mount Carmel. Elijah…one prophet called and chosen by Father…was up against 450 prophets of Baal.

The world thought these prophets of a false god were the cat’s meow. Powerful…full of authority. They were a big deal. To man…Elijah was a peon.

The showdown was on. The questions were. Who was the true prophet? Who was the true God?

The prophets of Baal built their altar and placed the bull on it. Elijah built his and placed his bull on his altar.

To make things even more spectacular…Elijah completely drenched his altar in water. The prophets of Baal cried out all day for their god to send down fire to prove their authority while Elijah waited.

At the end of the day, Elijah prayed…asking Father to send down His fire. Father sent His fire, and it licked up the offering along with the water.

Elijah had all the false prophets executed. Father made it known who He was…and who He called and chose to be His prophet.


I am feeling not only the need for speed…but the need for a similar showdown of my own. A throw down. I will match your bet and raise you kind of thing.

This ole gal has spent over thirty years building my altar and placing my sacrifices and offerings on it. Dousing that baby with water.

All the while, thousands of prophets, apostles, pastors, evangelists, and teachers of Baal have been selling their wares. Men and women leading the children to the slaughterhouse. The blind leading the blind.

A better spelling for these so-called Christian prophets…would be PROFITS. That is EXACTLY what it is about for them…fame and fortune. Show me the money honey. Let me tell you what your itching ears want to hear. All about numbers…the more followers…the more money they make.

I am ready to call down fire from Heaven to show the world what is true and what is false.


I have a burning desire to set the world on fire. Last year sometime, I mentioned this in a post where I saw myself as a red dragon breathing fire all over the world. Also, I was a roaring lion…roaring loudly over the world.

There are two aspects to this fire…much like a double-edged sword.

The truth divides. It separates joints and marrow.

The truth is destructive because it can tear down the houses/empires/kingdoms man has built with their own hands.

It is also constructive because it is a tool to build Father’s House/Empire/Kingdom. Father/Son/Spirit are truth. His entire Kingdom is built on and by truth.

Man foolishly builds their kingdoms on lies and deception. Father as Wisdom wisely builds His on truth.

If you want to help Him build His…you must destroy yours.

I would like to help you burn that baby to the ground because what you built…is going to burn up in the fire eventually. You can choose to voluntarily burn it down and apologize for your foolishness…OR you can wait until you meet Father at your trial and watch Him burn it down. If you wait…everything you built by your own hands will become part of your torment for eternity. Your retirement fund…will be in the negative. You will owe your debts…paying for them yourself while doing time eternally for your crimes against Father and humanity.

It is better to burn your house to the ground here on this Earth than to wait until it is too late to change your fate.


So…I would like to set the world on fire and burn away the toxicity. I am sick to death of the toxicity in this world. It needs removed and a good hot fire will burn much of it away. Sounds like a great plan to me. Burn baby burn. Good riddance to the pollution of man.

On the constructive side of the fire, I would like to set the hearts and minds of the people on fire for Christ.






All-consuming zeal.

I would like to set the people in flames for Christ and let that fire burn away the toxicity, impurities, and dross living within mankind.

Let’s purify the land, the air, and humanity. Music to my ears.

toddler in dishwasher
Ignore the extra e instead of a d. It happens to all of us. Enjoy her exploration and curiosity instead. 🥰

Decimating Christianity

Speaking of destructive fires…here is another one of the desires in my little heart. I want to personally decimate Christianity. It would give me great pleasure to burn that house to the ground…for it NEVER to be resurrected again. I would like to wipe that religion off the face of this Earth. It is a disease. A cancer. A blight on humanity that needs to be removed 100%. Remembered no more.

I understand why Father hates Christianity. It is vile…for a multitude of reasons.

Man built their own house on the foundation of Christ. It is a house built by the hands of man…NOT Father. LOTS of rules, regulations, doctrines, and traditions in that house. Don’t like the ones in your particular division…move to the next one. So many divisions to choose from…you will find one that fits your man-centered belief system. If you don’t…just start your own little church at home built with the ones you cherry-picked to believe and follow.

Everybody in that religion picks and chooses what they like and don’t like in the Bible…what they are willing to follow and obey…and what they aren’t willing. It is a smorgasbord of items to choose from. A Bible buffet.

My grandfather grilled it into my head…you don’t get to choose based on what you like and don’t like. You either accept the Bible or reject it. 100%. All of it.

toddler in quilts
I love this picture of Esme because she is sandwiched between two quilts I made years ago. Out of all the quilts I have made over the years, I have only kept two of them. The rest…I gave away.

The Work

Let’s go back to me sharing how we need to deal with our shit within. Take a daily dump on the toilet…not just physically…but in our soul bodies and spirit bodies also.

The inner work is far greater and far more important than the outer bodywork. This has been my standard for over 30 years. The day I gave my heart to Father…I stepped into the fire. The cleanup of the impurities began that day. It is how I have lived.

That being said…I have worked thousands of hours with Christ purifying every single thing in my heart and mind. One aspect of my life I had to clean up was my thoughts and feelings regarding Christianity and Christians within.

Over the years of exchanging my lies for His truth, I have built an immovable mountain of truth regarding all things. Truths regarding Christianity is an entire mountain all by itself. Lots of truth inside of me about it.

I have shared in past blog posts snippets of the work I have done over the last year. He has had me swimming in the refuse of the Christian Religious System for over a year now discussing much about it.

Haven’t been a fan…but grateful for the truths He has given me.


I feel led to share some of the truths Father and I have been discussing about Christianity and Christians. Some I have shared in the past. Some of these are deeper truths from before…more clarity for me. More understanding of His perspective. It is sharing our hearts through our intimacy with one another.

It has been a long-time desire of mine to KNOW Him…100% completely. That means hating what He hates and loving what He loves. Feeling what He feels. Thinking His thoughts not my own.

I had no idea what I was asking for all those years ago. Didn’t understand the intensity of what this would bring within me.

It has required me to go deep. To see what is residing within the hearts of the people and why. Not always a pleasant view.

That being said…I shall share a snippet here regarding a common belief/practice in Christianity. It has always sickened me in the past. Once I understood why…it made sense.


There is a sickness within Christianity I see often. Christians who want to pray for total strangers wherever they go. Maybe you have met them. They come across you in the store or along the street and ask if they can pray for you and/or with you. Some of them even tell you they love you and care about you.

Now…if they truly have the love of Christ through His Spirit within them…this would be pure and good. However, this is rarely the case.

Most of the time…they are doing this out of impure motives. Could be their beliefs are…it is an obligation. They have to do this in order to be accepted. It is a works mentality. They are following the rules and checking the boxes. Got their 15-minute devotion in for the day so they have to pray with one person, and you happen to be the lucky one.

Maybe it is all about pride and arrogance. They are puffing themselves up because they are adding you to their roster of people they have “led” to the Lord. They are going to get you saved and add you to the notch on their belt. Makes them look and sound really good to the other Christians in their circle.

When recently asking Father why this always feels bad to me when encountering these people and these incidents, this is what He said.

It isn’t out of love…so it is like a clanging gong or cymbal. Feels bad and off because it is bad and off.

It is disingenuous. Not genuine. Fake. A show. A performance. They really don’t care about you and/or love you. It is a work of their selfish flesh not of His Spirit. Negative in value and worth, not positive. Counts against them not for them in Father’s Kingdom. They are building for self…not Him.


As I have been studying Christians on YouTube…the social media “ministries,” I have seen some pretty wild stuff.

The other day, I sat and actually watched a 30-minute video by a guy who calls himself a prophet and apostle. He is one of many who should change his spelling to a PROFIT.

He had published a book last year that was a topic of discussion with Father and I. The title was about me. His book was nothing but garbage.

I spent 30 minutes of my time listening to this man boast about himself. He was an author of over 13 books…a number of them best sellers he said. We then began with him name-dropping a number of other prophets of Baal who are popular in the NAR and gave rave reviews of his book.

He went on to tease and entice the listener about the importance of the info contained within the book. It was going to transform your life. Why? Because it would teach you how to conquer the giants in your life. Spiritual warfare.

He named the chapters after the demons you would be conquering.

Crock of shit. Total hogwash. Not worth the paper it is printed on.

mother and daughter
Little Miss Mavis Joy is getting those expected curls. 😍


Per my standard, I asked Father…what do you say about all of this? Who is this man? He says these things…are they true or false? What are your thoughts about him? When you see him…what do you see? What is in his heart? Have you called him to this position and place? Did you say these things to him?

Always lots of questions. He has the answers…many.

We discussed the man briefly and then moved on. Lots of questions in the queue.

The next morning, after waking up. Father brought the man up to me again. This is what He said.

He is a swine. A filthy, defiled, dirty little pig. An unclean man.

Pretty strong words from Father.

This is a man who has millions of people following his teachings. A man leading the sheep to their slaughter. A man full of lies and deception and spews that garbage out all over the people and they are eating that shit up and thinking it tastes yummy.

That prophet of Baal…needs to be executed by Father for his crimes against humanity.

My Story

Another issue I have been looking at and working on over the last year is the fact these Christians have been claiming my story as their own.

Father is broadcasting my story through His Spirit. People are hearing my story as He shares it with the masses. Even psychics in the secular world are hearing it too.

I have seen thousands of men and women who have built a “ministry” out of prophesying my story. Man’s sons and daughters are prophesying. They are hearing His voice…but they are NOT listening to what He is actually saying.

While Father is planting the seeds of truth…the enemy is perverting the truth. Twisting it. Distorting it. Man is picking up the words. MOST are consuming the distortions out of the carnal desires of their flesh. Trying to steal my identity and my story. Claiming it as their own. Also…many are claiming it as their own in addition to prophesying it to the masses as if it belongs to others as well.

As I have mentioned before, this baffles me on many levels. One…please don’t steal what isn’t yours. You haven’t done the work so stay in your lane. You haven’t earned the privileges because you endured the pain through obedience. Identity theft is a crime. Those who have done this…will pay and will do the time. You reap what you have sown.

You chose death so you will get the curses that come with it. The horror is coming to those are guilty…and there are thousands in the Christian Religious System who are guilty of this.

Secondly…get you own life and your own identity. Do the work to deal with your desperation to be somebody. It is gross.

The Gospel

These men and women also claim they are leading people to the Lord and sharing the gospel. They are saving souls for the Lord.

Ok…wow…by sharing prophetic words about me? You really believe that calling women Queen Esther is sharing the gospel? Saving souls for Father?

They haven’t a clue what the gospel is. They are liars fleecing the flock. Identity thieves stealing.

Here is another one Father shared with me the other day. They are pedophiles. They are molesting His children. The punishment for this…I wouldn’t want to encounter. He brought back up…it would be better to have a millstone tied around your neck than to lead ONE of His children astray. These prophets of Baal are leading the MASSES astray.

None of them preach repentance. They are sharing my story and PROFITING as a false prophet from my story.

They speak what the itching ears want to hear. The feel good stuff so they can amass the followers and pad their wallets.

All in the name of Christ. Taking His name in vain.


In our discussions, I have discussed with Him the fact these Christians keep saying He called them to. Called them to start this ministry. Called them to prophecy these words. He called them to be life coaches…they are almost all life coaches. Father called them to share the gospel. Win souls for Him. Etc.

They all believe they are somebody important. All have titles behind their names. Important ministry names. All puffs up the flesh.

I have asked Him…did you call so and so to do this…say this? They all say they are obedient. All have been in the Wilderness season suffering.

This is what He said. I would never call a man to build his own kingdom. I would never call a man to feed his fleshly ego. Instead, He calls man to lay down his own life to build for Him instead.

What they all are…are narcissists feeding their egos while molesting His children in the process. All about elevating themselves instead of Father/Christ/Spirit.

kids in a hammock
Three of my little sweeties swinging together.


One man is rapidly approaching a million followers. This guy is a bit different. He spends hours of research…as he will inform you. One video alone, he spent over 200 hours of research to make the one video.

He is spending those hours of research in the Bible. After thoroughly researching a specific topic, he will then do a video informing his followers what the Bible says about it and what it means.

I guess his extensive research is supposed to be the evidence man needs to prove he has the truth so you should follow him. 🤷‍♀️

All of this…is flesh.


Father is very clear in His word…do NOT lean on your own understanding.

Now why is this?

Because you will get it wrong.

Your thoughts and feelings are built on lies and deception.

Remember I said that earlier? Our belief systems are full of weeds. Our opinions are shit. Not worth anything.

When you sit and “study” the Bible using your own carnal thoughts…you are going to get carnality back. Flesh breeds flesh.

Here is a much better way…read it and then ask the Author what He is saying. Ask Him what it means to Him. He wrote it…not you.

Spiritual matters have to be spiritually discerned…not reasoned out or figured out by the mind of the soul. You are wasting your time interpreting a spiritual document with your defiled flesh.


Here was a thought I had about this guy in particular.

What a shame. What a waste. For ONE video alone…and he has hundreds of hours of videos on his channel…WHAT IF…instead of spending those hours researching the Bible in his flesh…he spent that time in intimacy with Christ. Like…actually sitting and having a conversation with Father/Son/Spirit?

His life would be radically different. Completely transformed.

I find that sad for him. He is missing the whole point of the Bible.

So, I thought to myself…what is this profiting his soul?

Then I went back to the truth…it isn’t profiting his soul…it is profiting his bank account.

That man is in the money.

Followers and money they bring are more important to him than following Christ and spending time building an intimate relationship with Him…who IS the word he uses and abuses.

A channel built on rebellion…leaning on his own understanding. Fleecing the flock and leading them to follow his lead.

If the man really cared…genuinely cared what the scripture meant…why wouldn’t he ask the Author what it meant?

Messed up man…messed up.


Here is a bit of encouragement I have after finishing up this difficult work. Seeing the sheer amount of followers these prophets of Baal have…has led me to a conclusion.

There are people out there who are hungry to see and hear from Father. There are people out there who are hungry to KNOW what the Bible means with the words contained within.

People are hurting and looking for answers…solutions to their pain and problems. I am super encouraged by this…because it leads me to believe people will receive the truths I will be speaking.

I fear many Christians will not as many were invited to the Marriage Feast, but few attended.

However, Father is just and justice from Him…is tops.

Ready for the Showdown

I am so ready for the showdown. I want the enemy to give me back what was stolen from me…that will include the followers of these prophets of Baal…along with their finances.

They better enjoy their bounty while they have it because the guilt offering must be paid.

Father…bring down the fire and consume my sacrifices and offerings. Show the world by your power, glory, and authority who is the only prophet on this planet. Show them who you have created, called, and chosen for such a time as this. Expose these thieves and liars for the criminals they are. Give me the power, authority, strength, and glory to decimate that which you hate. To birth and love the children you desire to be in a relationship with. Make me your Bride Father…and I will show the world what a Warrior Bride really looks like.

Let’s put on a show and tell like the world has NEVER seen before. Elevate me and back up the truths I speak in your name.

I find it really cool…that I might actually get to live out my favorite Bible story…in real time…in a whole new way.

It’s a whole new world. Time for a new era. ❤️🔥

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