yellow sunflower with black background

Bobbi bought me a bouquet of sunflowers last year. Both Hannah and Bobbi are sweet about bringing me flowers on occasion. I love flowers. I decided I wanted to see what picture I could get from the bouquet. This is one of the shots I took. I really like it. Taking the picture of the sunflower from this angle looked interesting to me…better than shooting it straight on. The background is my computer monitor turned off. I love how your aperture setting blurs out the backgrounds of your pictures. I have had so much fun exploring what my photography style is. Still learning but I am learning what I like and don’t like in photos I have seen and taken. Excited to get out in this world to experiment and learn more.

I have noticed as I focus on practicing more at snapping photos, my perception is changing. When driving or walking, I am starting to see and think like a photographer. Looking at angles, viewpoints, objects, and scenes…thinking they might make a good pic. I desire to see with the eyes of a photographer. I think I have a long way to go yet on that, but it is a goal to work towards.


Years ago, I used to listen to Zig Ziglar who taught about setting goals and moving towards those goals. He was a great motivational speaker. I got the privilege of seeing him live. I used to be big into goal setting, but Father put a whammy on that. Now I just follow His lead. One of His goals for me is to improve my photography skills, so I am obeying the Master here. Working hard to make progress and advance those skills. I must say…I am having a ton of fun, so I am not complaining about the work. 😍

Enjoy the sunflower.

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