granddaughter eating corn on cob

I took this picture while our family was camping at Lincoln State Park in Indiana. My granddaughter, Ahnalaya Ann LOVES sweet corn. My dad would be so proud. He was obsessed with sweet corn his entire life. This little girl can pack away the corn. I love this picture of her because it reminds me of her obsession with corn as well. I see the connection to my dad. Sweet…and sweet corn.

I have always loved camping so I took my children camping as often as I could. Most don’t enjoy sleeping outside or in a tent, but I do. Getting to camp with my adult children and my grandchildren…is even better. It is fun to see how they set up their stuff. When the boys were younger, they each had their own jobs when camping. They knew what they needed to do from start to finish…loading up the vehicle and unloading it when we got to the site. I was bad about filling every nook and cranny in the vehicle with everything we needed. My M.O. is typically to take too much rather than not enough. In every area of camping.

Not sure you can have too much food when sitting around the fire. Eating outside seems to make the food taste better to me. Strange, I know.

Cooking over the fire is one of the best parts of camping. Not sure why I love cooking over the fire…but the fire seems to be the main focus when camping. We cook over it and then sit around it…both in the daylight and at night before bed. Super soothing to sit and watch the logs burn in the fire.

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