Sweet Flower Buds

macro tree flower buds

Some sweet flower buds. For some reason, I have always loved trees. I have a number of favorites among them. Not possible for me to pick just one. I always get excited in the spring to see them budding out and coming back to life. This spring is the best for me personally watching the trees come out of hibernation. The winter months are not my favorite part of life, not a fan of the cold. It is hard to be inside without a lot of sun. I think that is one reason I love spring so much. Finally…I get to spend time outside…the sun comes out. The days get longer and the air smells wonderful it seems to me.

Spring always represents a new beginning. Starting over fresh. A new clean slate from the previous year. A brand-new life. What a gift to be able to start all over again. Cameras are a great tool to capture those moments in time. Many opportunities to freeze each unique individual moment for you and your life. Then pass those memories down to the next generation. Love that. Sharing the LOVE.

I love how a camera lens can make a small object look larger than life. Really highlights the details. Makes them easier to see. Kind of like a magnifying glass. At my age, the magnification has become a HUGE blessing to me. I like this picture, but I feel like the pink was more vibrant in real life. I could’ve done a bit of editing and tweaking the colors, but not too into that so I am leaving it as is. Never really been a fan of photos that have been glammed up. Just not my style. 🤷‍♀️ 😆

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