Sword of His Spirit

locust tree thorn

For many years, the Locust tree has fascinated me. The first time I saw one, I thought it was the coolest, yet meanest-looking thing I had ever seen. Spikes, swords, daggers, thorns…all poking out of the bark and the branches of the tree. Crazy!!! Crazy wonderful! Crazy scary! Running into the branches…or the tree itself…super painful thought. Kind of like the sword of His Spirit…the truth. At times…the truth is PAINFUL when it involves your own negative issues.

I love how in Father’s creation…the pictures of Him and His Kingdom…are unlimited. Everything…everything in nature…on this Earth is a picture of what is happening in the spirit realm. There are no excuses for us to NOT see and KNOW His truth.

Someday…many will SEE and KNOW the truth when it is too late to self-correct. They will no longer have the opportunity to fall on their own sword…they will be run through by it instead. So much less painful and far less costly to fall on your own sword…than to be cut down by it in the end. The sword will end your life whichever way you choose to die to your flesh. Death by His Sword is imminent. It is all of mankind’s destiny. Father’s truth…Christ…will prevail. Christ is the truth…The Tree of Life…like a Locust tree…all those painful swords of truth…as daggers to the hearts of mankind. Conviction of His Truth here on Earth…cuts and slashes the heart…only to those who are humble of heart.

locust tree thorn
This is looking down on a branch with the thorn pointing down as well.
locust tree
Looking skywards up that Locust tree.

locust tree thorns
I LOVE this shot. This is a side view of the tree bark on the right-hand side with the thorns sticking out pointing left. This is how they actually look jutting out of the tree.

Crown of Thorns

This tree not only reminds me of Christ and His truth…but the crown of thorns He wore when He offered Himself up as a sacrifice for us all. I see these thorns and wonder about the pain He suffered as the men smashed those thorns upon His head…while mocking Him. Making fun of Him. Buying into the lies…that He was NOT who He claimed He was.

He was correct in saying…they do not know what they do. They were deceived.

He was chosen to die. He was murdered. Christ chose to die. A suicide mission. He voluntarily offered Himself up…even for those who persecuted Him…and mocked Him.

He defines love. Offering Himself up…even to those who hated Him. I KNOW intimately and personally…that kind of love.

THAT is love. It is costly. Costs you everything.

locust tree thorn
I really like this angle because I like the blue sky above. Also, I really like the blurred-out background. The chaos in the background is such a contrast to the clarity of the sword. Truth versus lies. Lies and deception create chaos behind the scenes. Powerful truth.
black and white locust tree thorn
I changed this photo to black and white to see what it would look like. I kind of like it. To me…I live a very black-and-white lifestyle. Black and white made sense to me here…but love the blue in the original too. I do love blue. 💙


I am super grateful for Christ…for the truth. I live by truth. The rock-solid, secure truth that only Christ can offer me. I love the stability and security His Truth gives me…despite the pain the truth sometimes brings me. I would rather suffer a bit here on Earth temporarily than suffer because of the truth eternally in Hell.

A very black-and-white choice for me. Super easy decision for me.

Embrace the truth!!! He is worth it. It is all worth it in the end.

Christian sent me this song this morning…I shall end this post with this song. It is beautiful. First Things First by Consumed By Fire. Your soul is priceless in value…choose Him to save your soul…eternally. Choose to live by His Truth…NOT man’s “my truths.”

Make Him first…put your crown of thorns on…and fall on His Sword of Truth…save your soul by killing your own flesh. It is murder-suicide…and it is the only way to LIFE eternally. BE a living sacrifice…DIE…daily. Slash…cut…kill your flesh.

Live His Truth…not man’s.

Your soul is worth it.

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