urban photo of riverfront

I have this dream in my heart to conquer all areas of photography. With that in mind, I have tried urban photography in the past and really struggled to find anything man-made that I wanted to shoot an image of. My personal preference is nature shots…especially macro. BUT…I am all about stretching myself and growing. Pushing myself outside of my comfort zone to take urban photos. For some strange reason, I like the challenge. I am a strange bird for sure. Being a very passionate woman…growth is part of the passion…so it fits.

Growth is important. If I am not growing…I am stagnant. Never have liked the smell of stagnant stale water. Holy Spirit is always moving forwards…keeping the air and water flowing…moving. In order for me to grow, I have to follow His lead. Sometimes I am not a fan of His leadership. Growth always comes with growing pains. Some are more painful than others…but always uncomfortable for sure. With that mindset, the goal to take urban photos has always been in the back of my mind.

Last year, the girls and I attended a porch fest in downtown Evansville. While walking from house to house, I started to see places I wanted to capture. I found some great locations for portrait photography. I felt inspired…a good sign. One day, I set my mind to drive downtown and see what I could find to snap for urban photos. This pic is one that I took on my walk around the riverfront area. I love the leading lines, the curves, the huge balls, the patterns, and the symmetry. I even really liked the dirty look of the concrete area. Really pleased with this image. Feeling a bit more comfortable with urban photography after getting a few good shots. More to take!

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