Tennessee Whiskey

tree seed hanging on branch

Father serenades me…all the time. I can’t remember a day that has passed by without Him singing at least one song to me, if not multiple. As I have said before, sometimes it is just a phrase of a song He repeats to me. He repeats Himself until I get it…the message He has for me. Over the last few weeks, He has repeated the chorus of the song to me of Chris Stapleton’s version of Tennessee Whiskey. I am warm…I am smooth…I am sweet. It is sweet of Him to say.

This Morning

Tonto and I took a walk down to the riverfront. I took my camera with me in case I saw something that sparked an interest in me. The above picture is one I took. I thought the seeds looked kind of cool hanging on the branch.

On the way home, Tonto was getting a bit feisty…wanting to play. I had stopped to take a picture of some small flowers and I was getting ready to change to a different lens. I dropped my camera…right on the concrete. DESTROYED a lens.

I didn’t….

  • Cry
  • Cuss
  • Kill my dog

Six months ago, I would have FELT like doing all the above.

I have only dropped my camera twice…both times were because my large pupper dog was acting ridiculous. Both times on the concrete. Both times caused damage. SIGH!


I am looking at the positive side of things.

  • My dog is still alive. My children will be grateful I didn’t kill him.
  • I now know what the inside of a lens looks like. Fascinating view.
  • It was my cheapest lens…not that I think Canon has cheap lenses, but it is the cheapest OF MY lenses, so it could’ve been worse.

While I was standing there in a state of shock holding pieces of my lens…Father so sweetly started serenading me with the chorus of Tennessee Whiskey again. It almost melted me right there on the spot. He KNEW my disappointment and discouragement. It was like a tender hug…right there along the road.

I told Him…I could USE a glass of strawberry wine right now. We laughed. I wasn’t kidding though. 😂

The Message

I turned the song on…and started listening to it for real this time. It is a beautiful song if you get the message of it. A man who was pulled from the depths of darkness because of the love of a woman.

That is one of the purposes of marriage…for a woman to help a man put down roots. To anchor him in love instead of using…using women…using drugs…using alcohol…using the things of this world…to bury his pain.

The Truth Sets You Free

The truth sets you free from your pain….those nasty chains…and love heals the heart from the wounds inflicted upon us.

He is the truth, and He is love. Only He can bring us both truth and love. Freedom and healing.

People are always looking for love…in all the wrong places. You can’t get love without Him. It is impossible. There is no other source of love. Love is His fruit. His work in a person’s heart. It is not a work of man’s flesh. It grows on the Tree of Life…not a dead tree.

When you have freedom…healing…through love…you don’t need to use. Use people. Use things.

I am so grateful for His love. For His truth. Without those two parts of Him…I would be lost. I would be dead. I would never have made it to the ripe old age of 51. I would have been dead many years ago. Tennessee Whiskey is on repeat today…I think it will stay there…I am falling in love with this song. He is warm. He is smooth. He is sweet. ❤️

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