
I should be in bed sleeping…but…instead, I am typing this post. This image is stuck in my mind…along with the words. Finally, I got out of bed and opened my Mac. It makes me question the wisdom of years’ worth of asking Him to call me to the computer to type whatever He wanted me to say. I always included…even if it is in the middle of the night, I will type…just call me to the computer to type. 😳 Here I am.

This photo doesn’t depict the emotions this space evokes within me. I regularly walk through this space, and it has been super significant to me since the very first time I stepped into it on this land. I never really knew why until tonight.


For starters…I love this door. It is a reddish brown. Obviously very weathered.

It reminds me that Christ is The Door. He is the Door we must walk through to enter into a relationship with our Heavenly Father. You can’t approach the Creator of the Universe…without going through Christ. He is The Way. He is The Way in. Into Heaven…into a relationship with the one who created you. There is no other way but through Him. He is the Threshold Covenant. He carries you over the threshold as your Heavenly Husband into our Father’s House. It is the marriage covenant. He is the Husband to His Bride.

As the Bridegroom, He carries His Bride through the door…into the other side…into the Spirit realm. You must accept His hand in marriage to be safe within that realm. Any other way in…is going in the wrong way…and will cause your death…for you will be like a thief entering into someone’s home without their permission…stealing what is not rightfully yours. Trespassers and thieves will be captured…and punished.

The Lines

This whole space is pleasing to my eyes. I love the lines along the barn. The patterns, the symmetry, and the spacing of the windows…very smooth. It flows and feels good. Then add a parallel element in the row of the Hedge trees on the other side…magic to me. The design is super attractive.

What is crazy…I am not really a fan of Hedge trees. Every time I look at a Hedge tree…I think of the word gnarly.

Not like the 80’s surfer gnarly…hey dude…GNARLY man. Like…SO rad!

Instead…I think gnarly as in…wow…that is kind of ugly…unattractive…twisted and weird looking. NOT pleasing to the eyes.

I do like the Hedge tree wood. That yellowish wood is crazy cool to look at…but the exterior…not attracted to it.

Enjoying the view of nature.

Sycamore Trees

I am seriously attracted to Sycamore trees. It seems like I see every one of those babies around me. In fact, I have one Sycamore that calls my name every once in a while. I like to go and see it. This photo is me lying on the sand in the creek bed while staring at my favorite Sycamore tree.

Sometimes I sit by it, stand by it, lay and stare at it…and sometimes I sit up on the bluff and look at it from a higher vantage point.

Crazy. I figure at some point in time Father will tell me why I visit this tree so often. It is a beaut. HUGE! I tell it…it is stately. Just majestic looking.

While lying in the sand here…I discovered a squirrel has a home within a dead part of the tree.

Speaking of squirrels…I saw one there with the Sycamore tree. 😜


A crazy thing has been happening around here…well…one of them. I have been smelling my grandpa the last few days. Crazy!

I kept thinking…something in this little cabin smells like my grandpa’s house. COULD NOT figure out what it was.

I started diffusing essential oils trying to get rid of the smell. Not that it was an unpleasant smell…but I just thought it was so weird.

Then…this afternoon…I decided to sit outside on the deck for a bit. I grabbed my blanket off the back of the loveseat and wrapped up in it. OH, MY GOODNESS! It was my blanket. It smelled just like my grandpa. Craziest thing. I found the culprit. I have no clue why…it just all of a sudden started smelling like him.

BUT WAIT…there is more…it gets stranger yet. While lying in bed seeing this image of this barn and the hedge trees…I asked Father…why is this area so significant to me? In my heart…ya know?

It hit me…like a ton of bricks. My grandpa. It reminds me of my grandpa. CRAZY…you can’t make this up. Crazy how He speaks and connects things like that.

The Farm

Both sets of my grandparents were farmers. I have quite a few farmers in my family. I grew up in a small town. Population 90 with one stop sign. Completely surrounded by farms.

I remember Grandpa making his fence rows out of Hedge. Hardwood man…hardwood. Always thought the Hedge apples were strange-looking too. Love the color…but they look just as gnarly as the tree itself. Strange little creations if you ask me.

Also…Grandpa had these old barns too all over the farm.

I remember when he was in his late 70’s…maybe early 80’s…can’t remember his exact age. Anyway…I always stopped by weekly to check on him and visit with him. At this time, he had cancer, and it was in his bone. Per the doctor’s orders, he wasn’t supposed to be doing any heavy lifting.

After pulling in the driveway and going into the house…I couldn’t find him. Not in the yard and not in the house. I checked in the machine shed where he kept his tractor and his van…not there. He had a swing in there that we often would sit on together and pass away the time. Not on the swing. Van was there. He had to be on the property somewhere.

I start exploring. Behind the chicken house, I heard a faint noise. As I walked around the corner, I see him with this LONG, HEAVY piece of tin that he was holding up against the chicken house trying to nail it on the side of it.

He sees me and starts barking orders at me to get the other end and hold it so he can nail it on. I spent most of my time there…assisting him in putting new tin on the side of the chicken house.


When we got done, we headed for the swing. I am super perplexed here…I have questions.

Why are you siding a chicken house when you have no chickens anymore and have not had chickens in over 30 years? Grandma raised the chickens when she was alive. He had not had a chicken since she died. Who cares about siding a chicken house you don’t use and will never use again???

Why are you lifting HEAVY pieces of tin when you are NOT supposed to be lifting heavy things at all???

He had answers. 🤣 He needed something to do to feel productive and he didn’t think he would get caught.

I busted him. So very busted.

I understood completely. 💙

A note…not long after that day…he died of cancer, his farm was sold, and none of those buildings are left on the property. That siding project was for him…and no one else.


It reminds me of my grandmother. She had broken her hip but refused to tell the kids about it. Much later after it had healed, she was complaining to my mother about her hip hurting. Mom made her an appointment with the doctor and to everyone’s horror…they all discovered she had broken it in the past and kept her lips sealed about the matter.

I used to visit her every Wednesday afternoon. After learning about the break, I had questions for her. How in the world did you break your hip? And…why didn’t you tell anyone? She had a giggling fit as she relayed the whole story to me. She broke it while gardening. Grandma crawled to a nearby five-gallon bucket to sit on until she could crawl into the house. I had a lot of questions about managing the pain through that time. Wow! TOUGH woman! STUBBORN!

She didn’t tell anyone because she believed they were going to put her into a nursing home. So she started using a cane and when the kids came around…she stayed in her chair. 😂 Did I say STUBBORN?

I understood completely. ❤️

I love the elderly…such valuable resources in this world. They fascinate me. Over the years, I have gleaned tons of wisdom from having special connections with the elderly people around me. Wouldn’t be me…without them. So grateful.

Ancient of Days

I think it is really cool how Father is the Ancient of Days…generational. He created generations…lineage…inheritance. This space reminds me of my inheritance from my grandparents. I carry their names. Their blood. I carry their lives.

Here I am living on a generational farm…getting prepared to begin the Second Exodus to set the captives free…generationally. To leave an inheritance for my children’s children. For all my seed. His seed.

So much significance here. Fascinating to me. What is better still…He wants me to KNOW it. That is why He keeps bringing up my grandpa.

Father is ALWAYS speaking…if you have the ears to hear. Even in the silence…He is still speaking…you are just missing what He is waiting for you to hear and understand.

Christ is The Door…accept His hand in marriage. Accept His marriage proposal and enter into a relationship with Him. Love Him as He loves you. In doing so…set up an inheritance for your children…and your children’s children. Make your marriage covenant a generational one. Your soul and the souls of your children…are worth it. Invest in what truly has value…souls.

Join me in storing up treasures in Heaven. Invest in an eternal retirement fund…one that lasts.

Love…life…and blessings to you!

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