fall yellow orange tree

I drive past this cemetery often…but this day…I saw this tree out of the corner of my eye…and I KNEW I had to pull in and get a picture. It was just glorious to see. Pictures never do justice to what you are really seeing…but I am thankful to have the saved image to remember. I love the fall colors…the reds, yellows, and orange leaves on trees…such artistry. Such a colorful time of the year. It is nice to have a season that transitions you from the warmth of summer to the cold temperatures of winter. Each season has its own special richness about it. Thankful to be in an area on the globe that gets to have clear seasonal transitions…although I could enjoy living in the warmth of the tropics too. Not going to lie. 😍

I like walking through cemeteries and looking at each of the headstones. Tonto and I regularly stop at them for it is a great place for him to get some exercise while I get to walk around reading memorials. I always wonder about the people and their lives. I recently saw a headstone of a young man who had passed, and his stone was beautiful. They had engraved an image of a man that was sketched from his name. So cool! I thought the idea was really creative.

As I am typing, I just connected the dots of the death of man with death in the fall. The leaves dying and falling to the ground…and this particular tree with its leaves dying in all their beautiful orange-yellow glory…falling to the ground in death within the cemetery. Wow…that is kind of profound!

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