Washington National Cathedral

Father wanted me to go to the Washington National Cathedral while I was in town. I haven’t stepped foot in a church in years. To me…I was a bit shocked He wanted me to go when it was Easter weekend and the only time I could go would be to attend a service. 🤷‍♀️

So, I did. The service was as bad as I remembered them to be. Was counting down the minutes until it was over. 😜 Goodness it was rough. I obeyed.

One of the main reasons I was to visit this place was to get a kiss. 😍 True love’s first kiss. It is quite interesting because I am a picture of a MULTITUDE of characters in a MULTITUDE of stories. In most Disney stories…you will find me there if you look and have the eyes to see. Sleeping Beauty is one of them. Awakened by a kiss. Snow White and the Huntsman as I am blessed to be the chosen one to lead the captives out of slavery.

There are many reasons why I visited this National Cathedral in our capital. Too many to list here and most are sealed up still at this time. As time moves forward, He will unseal them to some. I am still learning some of them myself.

The kiss was powerful. POWERFUL! I didn’t sleep a wink that night. Up all night trying to wrap my mind around the things He was telling me. Hard to absorb. These truths…are changing my life. Dramatically.

He has been singing to me Eric Clapton’s song Change the World the last few days. He is going to change the world for me. It has been a bone of contention for me.

I had to get all dressed up for my kiss.😂


When He took me on a vacation several years ago following my dad’s death. He had things to show me. One of the things He said to me was this…I created it all for you. It is the Bowerbird. We have a thing with the Bowerbird. Years of discussing this little bird. He builds a house to show it off to his potential mate. Dresses it all up really pretty with bright colored berries wanting to make a colorful show of his home…hoping she will like it and choose him.

I just LOVE that little bird. Love seeing the pictures of the different homes they have built…taking such great care to make them acceptable to the mate they desire.

It is what the love of my life did for me. I told Him…I am super impressed with the natural, earthly portion of your creation. However…mankind…not so much. I tell Him…I am like Shania Twain…that don’t impress me much. 😜 He created me with this sassy mouth. He can handle it. The deal is…you gotta change mankind man cuz I can’t live here with this toxic waste dump we have today. We are a polluted people.

We are rapidly approaching that time of marching out of Egypt. Freedom is on its way. It is about time. I have been training all my life for this. HARD for 30-plus years so I am beyond ready and over this mess we live in. 🤨



Every time I travel, I am blessed beyond measure. I get to have incredible conversations with total strangers. These two ladies are no exception. I went an hour early to get a seat up front. I sat down behind these two women who instantly struck up a conversation with me. We chatted the whole time before service. They were both originally from Germany but have lived in the States for years. Accents…divine! Love listening to different accents. 😍

I could tell by their chemistry they had been good friends…dear friends for many years. So…I asked them. I am nosy like that. Never afraid to ask strangers questions. They told me in December…54 years. Absolutely mind-blowing. What a treasure.

I snapped a shot before the service started…I wanted to remember them. 😍

I wanted more time with them…but they had to leave before the service ended to catch their reservation at a divine French restaurant. 😂 These women are world travelers and had stories to tell me. A wonderful hour with them flew past. Very stimulating. We discussed the WWII Memorial. It had me thinking about things from a different perspective. I was totally clueless about how that memorial triggers the German people.

Open Mind

I think it is important to listen to people. To have an open mind and hear their heart…their perspective on how they see life. How they see their experiences…the experiences of their country, their nation, their people. It opens up a new door in the mind to bring about growth inside. Sometimes…I listen to people, and I am even more convinced about the truths I speak. Their faulty thinking solidifies the rock I stand on.

Open discussion leads to compassion…allows the mind to be educated. Can allow the heart to be pricked by truth if the heart is humble. It allows connection between people and understanding. All good things in my book.

It is one of the greats for me when traveling. I always have stimulating experiences with the strangers I meet.


While living in Michigan, I did some art education with Vanessa. SO much fun for us both. She is an artist…and mostly right-brain thinking. I am left-brain dominant and mostly logical. She lacked understanding of certain concepts, so we pulled out some photos and I went through each one with her. I shared with her why certain pieces of art are pleasing to me and why. I walked her through it logically as my mind’s eye sees art and how my mind processes art. We looked at many different forms of art…even just a Pinterest picture of various decorated rooms. Why I liked the decor and why I did not. I feel led to share this kind of thinking with this piece of art here on the Cathedral in this photo.


This design is a stunner for me. I stood there in awe. Seriously. It is super pleasing to my eyes. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over inside.

I love how the lines in the steps lead my eyes horizontally across the photo. In those steps are patterns and symmetry. They are parallel. Very orderly. Love order. I love how even in the steps…you can see patterns as they cut the stones and placed them in this pattern. Very interesting to my eyes. I love how the railings are placed equidistant to one another in triplets. So good.

I love the width of the doors in contrast to the pillars on the sides. Mathematically…brilliant. The pillar in between adds something intriguing as it breaks up the doors…especially with the contrast of color…but the same color as the pillars on the sides. They match and that feels good to my eyes.

Cathedral doors
Beautiful design. Absolutely stunning to me. Very very nicely designed. Everything about this is pleasing to me. The neutral and muted color tones are so soothing to look at. Not bold and glaring in your face. Very attractive.


On the doors, I love the ivy patterns and again…the parallel lines and the symmetry contained within. It leads my eyes up and down vertically looking for more information. Love the curves of the ivy and the straight lines that border it. The border is a boundary…order and structure for the wandering ivy. Powerful! The flowers in the ivy (you can see better in the photo below) are brilliant. It adds interest inside the ivy and the flowers are mathematically spaced in a pattern and equidistant to one another. Brilliant.

But the stunner for me in all of this…is the lines that lead you from the floor in that curve to the point at the top. GOODNESS!!!! Is that not grand??? Makes me want to say powerful words some people would rather not hear. Let me do this….it is F***ING AWESOME!!! The layers and the texture of the inset pillars…outstanding. I absolutely love the depth of this. It moves you into the doors in such a smooth soothing way. Crazy good. Then at the top left and right…you have those beautiful designs…and it is mathematically pleasing in distance again.

Standing ovation on this building. It is a stunner in every place. If you ever get a chance to see it in person…GO! If you enjoy art. This is a masterpiece of artistry in a MULTITUDE of ways. Layers of creativity in it.

Just a few of my thoughts on the artwork here and why it is so pleasing to me. The math of it all just boggles my brain in such a wonderful way. 🤯 🔥

ivy doors
The ivy on the doors was powerful for me because before I left for Washington, Bobbi got a vision of ivy for me. She sent me a couple of pieces of info on this puzzle piece for my life. Love when those things happen.

Crazy too because several years ago, Hannah sent me a picture of an ivy ring Father showed her for me. Ivy is important to me. Bobbi had no idea about the past conversation regarding ivy. Totally Father.

The Darth Vader gargoyle on the Cathedral. Every gargoyle was completely different. Incredible.

The gargoyles alone are masterpieces and EVERY SINGLE ONE IS DIFFERENT. 🤯 GOODNESS! 💙 AND…they are to help with the rain runoff. Very purposeful to the building maintenance. Brilliant. 👏

It amuses me someone wanted a Darth Vader on there. 😂

stained glass
I think stained glass is a beautiful form of artwork. One of my friends was an art major and created a stained-glass window for the house she built. Super cool.
Washington National Cathedral
The height of the ceiling is just amazing to me. None of the pictures really turned out in a way that does this place justice. Incredible architecture.

There ya go…now you know how I feel about the Washington National Cathedral…the place I got love’s first kiss. 😍 🔥 ❤️‍🔥

I hope you enjoy the photos and a little bit of my view on art.

Have a marvy day!

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