The Little Details

macro tree flower blossom

One of my loves is macro photography. I love the little details…in all things…so I love to capture the tiny details in image format.

I have heard in the past within the Christian circles…God is not in the details…I hate that saying. Ummm…if He created the world and everything in it…then He also created atoms, neutrons, DNA, molecules, etc. ALL those tiny little details that are rather important to life. He is life…so He IS the details. See? So simple.

Father spent the morning singing Rihanna’s song Love on the Brain to me. I love the drums in the song…they sound like the timpani drum. Reminds me of pleasant memories in high school. Not sure why He was singing it to me…my assumption is He has love on the brain. I figure He should since He IS love. 😜

The Seed

The drum in this song…is a little detail in the whole song. One part or fraction of the song. Without that drum…the song would sound totally different to me and not have the same effect on my heart as it does with the drum. It reminds me of this world…without all the tiny little details in life…nothing would be as it currently is. What would we be without DNA? What would flowers be without the stamen? Without the pollen? What would bees do and be without pollen? How would we plant a garden without all those tiny little seeds? How would trees become what they are without first starting as a tiny little seed? Where would the fruit come from…or be produced?

How would we be…without the tiny little sperm and egg?

But more importantly…where would we be without Christ as THE Seed…planted in our hearts to bring forth His Tree of Life within us?

All the tiny little details in LIFE…matter. Greatly.

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