The Musician

fingers strumming electric guitar

Since I was a child, I wanted to become a musician. My dream has always been to play the piano. I remember as a young girl wanting piano lessons, but my parents said no. Broke my heart…I wanted to play so badly.

When I had children of my own, I put them in piano lessons. I loved hearing my children play their instruments. We had piano, violin, and guitar lessons in our lives for a few years. My oldest daughter loved playing the piano…she was so good at it. It was wonderful. I literally cried when I had to sell our beautiful Clavinova Piano.

I still have one of our guitars and on occasion, I pull it out and try to teach myself how to play it. My grandpa taught himself how to play the mandolin after he retired from farming. I figure I am not too old to learn. 🤷‍♀️

My neighbor and I were discussing the guitar the other day. He has pulled his out again and is trying to get back into guitar playing. He was encouraging me to keep practicing.

I have found in the past; I get to a certain point in my learning and then I stop. I just quit. BUT…I have this dream to be able to play the song by Metallica…Nothing Else Matters. I just love the tinny sound in that song. I think it would be so cool to be able to replicate that on my own. Crazy dream but so me. At 51, I am still dreaming of becoming a musician. Unsure if that will ever become a reality or not but a girl can dream. Fulfilling that dream though would take work…discipline to practice on a daily basis. Not sure if I want to invest the time. 🤔 🤨

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