Thistle Flower

thistle flower

Did you know a thistle plant could be so beautiful??? Seriously. I am enamored with this thistle flower photo. I have it displayed on both my phone and my laptop. Probably going to display it on my iPad as well. This photo has completely rocked my thoughts and feelings regarding the color combo of purple and green. I had NO CLUE I loved those colors together. This one is a stunner for me. It has skyrocketed to the top of my list of favorite images I have taken. Every single time I open my phone, I smile. I just can’t help myself…I could stare at this beaut all day long I think. Vanessa laughs at me…when I repeatedly show her the picture and tell her…I took that…don’t YOU THINK IT IS BEAUTIFUL???? She agrees…yes…it is beautiful. Thankful she puts up with my goofiness…and is highly amused by me. 😍

I think I am falling in love with the color purple. So very strange but so very true. I have another green and purple flower picture that I will be posting soon. MAN…she is gorgeous too.


I often take my camera with me on walks. This walk I probably won’t forget…one because of this picture but also…Ahnalaya Ann and I were all over the woods that day. I had a hankering to explore unknown territory. Later, I returned her home and spent some time going deeper into the wooded areas alone. Donovan told me about the SWAMP…ohhhhh…sounded exciting. Thought I would venture out and find the elusive swamp land. Proud to say that I did. The next adventure is to find a big rock pile someone built somewhere on this property. He says it is a lot of walking and a long way through the woods. Ok…challenge accepted. It is like a treasure hunt, see?

I have come to the conclusion if there is a flower around somewhere…I am probably going to take a picture of it. It is just me. What I do. Super attracted to the little dudes. Had to share my thistle flower…I think it is a beaut!

6 thoughts on “Thistle Flower”

  1. This page got me to thinking. My uncle Billy was a farmer south of Bowling Green, KY who had sinkholes on his property which drained into a major waterway. Around 2010 , the USDA or EPA came in and paid him to stop farming. They brought in skids of seeds conducive to erosion reduction and planted them. All he was required to do was keeping the Thistle from going to seed. I’ve Googled this and can’t find out why. I agree with Crystal that this is a very beautiful plant, but don’t understand the correlation between Thistle and erosion in major waterways such as the Cumberland river or others near the Tennessee Valley?

    1. Very interesting. Now I am wondering what the correlation is. Man…so uncanny too because I have been obsessing over sink holes lately. I have watched a ton of YouTube videos on sinkholes. They fascinate me.

      Was his sinkholes related to the cave system like the Corvette Museum? Do you remember their sinkhole swallowing up some of their expensive cars? I think I actually have pictures of those cars before they were swallowed up. We visited the museum before that happened. Had ourselves a super fun weekend in Bowling Green at a bed and breakfast and visiting the caves. Couldn’t skip seeing the corvettes while in town!

      1. To my knowledge the corrective action was only to keep herbicides and other farm runoffs from reaching major streams and rivers. He farmed tobacco, beans and hogs that I recall and surely rotated in other veggies.

        1. Mitchell and I got a tour of a tobacco farm when he was in high school. It was an impromptu tour, we were visiting a friend and she told us to hop in the truck and she would show us around. She didn’t need to tell me twice, I was all about that! Man…those barns are super cool that they dry the leaves in. It is definitely beautiful country down there. For sure!

      2. Also, I vaguely recall the Corvette sinkhole thing, but man I like that car, especially the early models. Beautiful country down there no doubt!

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