Those Eyes

crab on beach

Years ago, our family spent a week on the beach at Ormond by the Sea in Florida. Our friends owned several homes, and we had the privilege of getting to use two of their vacation homes for our pleasure. We spent a lot of time at their lakehouse in Kentucky. Always a grand time!

While at the beach, this little crab was entertainment for my youngest son…which meant he was entertainment for mom as well. I got the biggest kick out of watching Mitchell run all over the beach chasing crabs. To me…this crab is adorable. Those eyes! Cute little dude! Had to memorialize him with a picture. 🤩

My idea of a beach vacation is lounging on the beach and reading books. I think I read three books while laying on this beach. I love listening to the waves as I read.

(I realize to be grammatically correct according to man’s English rules, I should have said lying instead of laying. You will notice on this site…some grammar rules…I don’t follow. 🤷‍♀️ It is part of who I am.)

Snorkeling in my Future?

It is funny as I am getting older, I rarely read books anymore. Mitchell has turned me onto audiobooks instead. AND…my idea of a beach vacation is changing. I am seriously considering snorkeling and scuba diving. I started swimming at the local gym again to get my head wrapped around the idea of getting certified for scuba diving. Doing things a bit backward probably. As you age, most want to relax and read instead of finding a new adventure to experience. I have never been normal…doubt I am going to change now.

Today, I ran errands with my daughter and granddaughter. Hannah was talking about the beach…then I come home and see an image of these crabs waving…I felt led to post this picture. It is one of my favorites for many reasons. The beach…ocean theme is keeping the desire alive to try snorkeling out in the future. I am interested to see where this leads me. 🤷‍♀️

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