Tonto and the Ditch

German Shepherd dog in water

Even before I had a dog, I walked outside. I have been a lover of nature my entire life. It is who I am. I love walking through wooded areas. Anywhere outside…the more trees and/or water…the better for me. I can and do walk in the city, but the problem with the city is twofold…people are there…and concrete. My preference…silence…dirt…trees…water. I want to smell the dirt as I walk over it. THAT is my jam. 💙

With Tonto in my life, I get the privilege of walking outside at least three times each day. Sometimes more often depending on my mood. We used to walk past this ditch on our walk. This dog…LOVED this ditch. He KNEW it was coming up and he would bolt ahead and run through it as fast as he could. Back and forth. Back and forth. He would do that until he exhausted himself…then he would lay down in the ditch to cool off. 🤣

FILTHY! Crazy!

Every single day. Every single walk.

Manic Behavior

I finally decided I needed to capture his manic behavior in an image. I think I even sent a snap to the girls. He put on quite a show each time.

I am pleased with the shot…although I paid a price for it. I got wet and filthy too. It had that stagnant water smell…so gross. He seemed to love that smell and filthy feeling. He was always rather pleased with himself as he played in the ditch.

I remember growing up playing in the ditch when it flooded. I think there are pictures of me playing in the ditch.

Here is a funny story…as a child, I would get my fishing pole and fish in the town’s sewage pond. I had no idea it was a cesspool of stagnant water. The town had a population of 90 people. They SAW me fishing in this cesspool. NOW…why didn’t an adult tell me there was ABSOLUTELY NO FISH in that cesspool???? 😵‍💫 They could have saved me a butt load of self-esteem issues thinking I wasn’t a good fisherman. I made up for it as an adult…caught my fair share of crappie, bass, and bluegill thank you very much! 😜

After reflecting on my childhood playing in ditches and sewage ponds, I guess I am not so different than Tonto after all. Children will be children. 😂😂

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