train on railroad tracks in city

This is a picture I took to push myself outside of my comfort zone shooting in urban photography. A photography workout is like a new exercise in the gym but is in the area of photography. Building urban photography muscles in the body of my soul, instead of building muscles in my physical body. Tonto and I spent several hours walking around the downtown area looking for something that interested me. This shot did because the train tracks are the leading lines for me. Plus…I like the red coloring of the engine car. It has a cool vibe to me. Not a huge fan of the background but I couldn’t change that from this viewpoint. 🤷‍♀️

Conductor Training

It is kind of neat because my son Mitchell is going through conductor training right now. I have learned an incredible amount of information about all things train. I don’t believe he is called to be a train conductor; he was called to be a pilot. But…he is really enjoying the learning process…he is my son. All my kids love to learn. One of the perks for me is the fact he loves to share with me what he is learning. Since I have learned more about how train life works, I have gained a new respect for all things railroad-related. All the details of train life are actually quite impressive to me.

Maybe I will take more pics of trains in the future as I continue to try and improve my photography skills…especially in the area of urban photography. Not really used to hiking in the city, so this walk through the city to find pictures was out of the norm for me. Going to keep snapping those pictures though. 😉

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