Just down the road from me is a store called Treasures and Pleasures. I describe them as kind of a hippy shop. The clothes they sell are hippy style. In fact, click on the link, and you will see a dress I purchased from the store some time ago. LOVE the dress…super fun in my opinion. They also sell incense, bags, crystals, jewelry, etc. In the back of the store…is a smoke shop for those over 21. By appointment…they offer psychic readings.
On occasion, I will pull in and peruse the merch. I love their infinity bandanas…super cool patterns that fit my moods. 😍
Since Bobbi and Mitchell gave birth, family has been descending upon us. 😆
One day, I said to Bobbi…you should take Malia, your sister to Treasures and Pleasures. She would LOVE that store. Bobbi agreed.
Bobbi and Malia did go…and Malia did enjoy the store. Made me happy. 😍
I couldn’t get the store out of my mind…just kept popping up. The same day…I needed to get into my storage unit which is located near Treasures and Pleasures. As I drove by the store, I thought…I should go in there. As soon as the thought popped into my mind…I dismissed it. Seemed silly to me as I didn’t need anything, and I was busy with other things.
After I was done at my storage unit, I am driving toward the store, believing I will drive right past it. Father says…go into the store.
Wow…Ok. I am COMPLETELY clueless as to why I am pulling in. 🤷♀️ BUT…as always…I obey…immediately.
Now…I am curious…so I start asking Him…why am I here. What do you want me to do here? This was completely out of left field for me…no prior visions to see myself going here for some reason. Completely in the dark about it.
While I am in the store, I am listening. Waiting to hear something from Him or see something from Him. I head straight to the bandanas thinking maybe I am supposed to get a new one. Nope…nothing there.
I am scanning the store…looking for Him.
As I walk past a carousel of crystal necklaces…I felt Him slow me down. It was like He put His hand on me and said stop. LOOK. I started scanning each of the display covers for the necklaces. Each one had a theme to the crystal being sold. My eyes LOCKED in on one crystal…Truth.
Oh boy! I got excited…I KNEW why I was there. It was ALL about truth. His truth.
So I say to Him…do you want me to buy this necklace. The answer was no.
He pointed to the rocks in the case.
Let me interject a bit of teaching here. It is pertinent…relevant…and profoundly important.
Jesus Christ is THE ROCK. He is the rock…the truth that Father is building His house upon.
Christ is the foundation.
See…when you build a physical house…you first pour a foundation of concrete down. Hard…firm…made of rocks. You start with a firm foundation of truth, so the house has something to stand firmly upon.
Let’s just take a branch off this as an example so you can see what I am saying.
A marriage is supposed to be the foundation of your house. If you build a marriage on ANYTHING other than the TRUTH…you are building your house upon the sand…and it will fall. The sand shifts and moves…down the house will come…along with your children…plus the family and friends who have been coming in and out of the house. The whole family suffers as a result of the foolish choices two people made in deciding to “build” a house together. “Life” they call it…when in reality…it is death.
Marriage Covenant
Man’s houses here…are supposed to be built on the foundation of marriage. Marriage between one man and one woman. It is a picture of Christ building a house with His Bride in marriage. A firm foundation built out of Him…think the first Adam and Eve. Eve…his bride…was built OUT of his bone. It is a picture showing man in the future…Father…the Creator of mankind would build Christ’s Bride OUT of Christ Himself. She would be bone of His bone. From His seed. The Truth. Our bones…allow us to STAND. We are to stand on truth. Him. We are born…given life out of His seed. We grow a Tree of Life within us through His seed planted in our hearts. That bone and that seed…is His truth. Him. See?
A marriage built on lies and deception is a house built on the sand. A house built on foolishness. Not wisdom. If Christ and His truth are not the center of…the foundation of your marriage…it will not last. It will come crashing down at some point in time. Your marriage is either built on a covenant of life or a covenant of death.
A house built by the hands of man…can’t withstand. Father does not reside in a house built by the hands of man. He takes up residence in houses that are built on Christ’s truth. That means marriages built on His foundation but also in the physical houses of our temples/bodies where we have Him sitting on the throne in our hearts and minds.
Father, Son, and Spirit reside in my temple…my house…this tabernacle I live in. They are The Lords of my house…it is His house for I have dedicated it to Him and Him alone. I have co-labored with Him to build His house within me.
Here is another piece of this puzzle. A SMALL bit of teaching that is pertinent to where I am going with this post.
Think fruits and veggies. Real food.
Each fruit and veggie you look at…has different properties it is made up of. They were all created with different vitamins, nutrients, and minerals that Father chose to nourish our physical bodies with. We need to eat a variety of each of them so our bodies can receive the wholeness…holistic health care…we need to be properly nourished. We need a wide variety of minerals, nutrients, and vitamins to maintain physical health. RIGHT? This is preschool math…right?
We are triune. Father created us in His image. One of the meanings of that is…He is triune…so we are triune. He has three bodies. We have three bodies. We are body, soul, and spirit to reflect His nature.
Not only do our physical bodies need to be nourished…but our soul body and our spirit body need to be nourished also. See?
Ok…let’s go back to rocks. You can call them crystals if you want.
Each rock or crystal has properties too. Father created each rock to have its own properties…like He did veggies.
Our earthly rocks are a picture of spiritual rocks. Truths.
Each truth is food to our soul and our spirit bodies. Think of the saying…food for thought or food for the soul.
Lies and deception steal nourishment from our soul and spirit bodies much like synthetic or man-made vitamins steal from our physical bodies. Anything apart from truth…what is in the real…raw form of how Father created it…steals from us. It subtracts from us. It takes life from us and adds death to us. Death and disease. Toxicity and destruction.
Do you see the parallels there?
Life or Death
Real food with the created minerals, nutrients, and vitamins adds life to our bodies. Life and blessings. Health and wellness.
Everything…everything is either life or death. Every choice. Everything in this world is a picture of what is happening in the spirit world.
The “metaphysical” properties of rocks or crystals are pictures of the properties of different minerals in TRUTHS that will nourish your soul and spirit bodies. Father created a wide variety of rocks…with lots of minerals to show us that He has MANY truths to nourish us…IF we will accept them and receive them. These truths will bring life…health and wellness to your soul and your spirit bodies which will also bring life to your physical body.
Disease of the physical body starts from disease of the soul and spirit body. Think back to Adam and Eve. Disease came as a result of Eve disobeying Father’s command. She looked at the fruit and succumbed to the deceptive belief that she would not really die. She ate of death…because she consumed the lie…she consumed the fruit of death. Her death began in her heart and her mind. Her death began our deaths. Eve’s one act of disobedience affected billions of people for eternity.
Rocks cry Out
In Luke 19, Father speaks of the rocks crying out. One of the things Father is saying here…even in their silence…ROCKS speak His truths. They proclaim the truth even when man is silent. The very properties of rocks speak truths about Christ…WHO IS the ROCK…with all these metaphysical properties. Each metaphysical property when combined with His Spirit as your spirit guide will nourish your soul and spirit man.
Let me interject this here. I always hesitate to speak of the things I do…for receiving them WITHOUT the truth…man would think I am a witch doing witchcraft.
Let me be clear here…CRYSTAL CLEAR. If you USE any spirit guide when entering the spirit realm…OTHER than Father’s Spirit…Holy Spirit…you are engaging in witchcraft and sorcery. I follow one Spirit and one Spirit only…the only Spirit who is set apart…Holy…Holy Spirit. He is the only spirit guide safe to follow into that world. All other spirits will deceive you and get you into a shit show that will cost you more than you can afford to pay.
Demonic spirits will MESS you up. They are NOT your friends. DON’T follow them. They will lock you in chains quicker than you can get out. Stay away from them…even if they seem friendly. They are LIARS. Demons will enslave your mind. The battle to get free…is a HARD battle when you have chosen to willingly follow them into darkness.
Truth Bundle
Let’s go back to the store now when He pointed to the rocks in the glass case.
I headed over to it while I am listening to what He is saying. He wanted me to buy some rocks with metaphysical properties related to truth.
I started chatting with one of the young women behind the register. My thoughts, she could help me get the right rocks. I always listen to Father and when He tells me to ask someone a question…I LISTEN to what they are saying. I am listening and looking for Him as they speak.
Together…the three of us…myself…Father…and the young woman…got the rocks He wanted me to have. I call it my truth bundle. 😜 My bundle of truth. Rocks of truth. The truth ROCKS. 😉
I was super excited to purchase the rocks…crystals…to INVEST financially into the truth. Add to my retirement account. Every choice…decision either adds to your eternal retirement account or subtracts from it. You can either enjoy your eternity or work through it. I prefer to enjoy it myself. Hannah always says I have saved up so much I could spend a lot here on Earth if I felt like it but I prefer blessings over curses. Saving versus spending. No thanks on the negative stuff. I am all about positivity. Thank you very much. 🤔 😜
Rocking the Truth
When I got home with my rocks, I asked Father what He wanted me to do with them. This is the purpose of my post…to share how Father and I flow.
The things I asked Him for…were not new to us. I have been asking these things for years now…BUT…this time…He wanted me to add the rocks to the conversation. Add the metaphysical properties to this conversation. I feel like He wants me to share the love so to speak. Share how this all played out that day. Since then…I have been busy with a multitude of rocks…maybe I will share those in other posts. For now…we will stick with the purpose of a small number of rocks this particular day.
Just want to interject this here first. Call me repeat…I will repeat myself until I die. As I have said before…everything here is a life-or-death choice. Everything here is mathematical. Every decision is also a financial transaction. You either add or subtract. Debit or credit. Negative or positive. Dark or light.
EVERYTHING is part of a spiritual mathematical story problem. If you hate story problems…sorry…but you are living in one. Every dream and/or vision is a mathematical story problem…visually. All functions of math here in this realm are pictures of spiritual math.
It is how He functions. He is The Mathematician. Everything is based upon a foundation of math. Math is logical. Math is truth. Logic is truth. Christ as the foundation is mathematically logically true. Everything is built upon math…logic…truth. You can’t build a house without using math and logic. If you try…you are a foolish man building a house on the sand. See?
I say this…because you will see in this example of our conversation…how I am building a house…on the foundation of truth…in the heart. It is logical, true, solid, firm, stable, and secure. You will see the foundation, and how I built upon that foundation as I went along. This is truly just a very small example here. VERY SMALL…just to give you an idea. 🤷♀️
Let me start with some pictures. These are a few…to help you to see.
As I have said many times, Father is The Great Recycler. He is SUPER efficient. He packs A TON of stuff in the smallest details. Father is very complex, complicated, and multifaceted. Mind-blowing…really.
The heart is an image representing a multitude of things. I will name a few.
Love…the heart is a picture of love. If you see a red heart…the red represents blood…the color of blood. The color red represents the blood of Christ. The red blood shed out of love for His Bride. Red represents atonement. Covering. Like clothes represent covering because Christ’s shed red blood has to cover us because of our sin. Like Adam and Eve had to be covered by the red shed blood of an animal’s skin to atone for or cover their acts of disobedience. Our clothes remind us that our skin…the old wineskin cannot cover our disobedience. Only His skin…the new wineskin…Christ’s perfect flesh shed in red blood can atone or cover our disobedience.
The heart represents love…just as red represents love.
Love Heals
As the heart represents love…it also represents that love heals. Love heals the heart. Think Frozen…an act of true love is what thaws a frozen dead heart. I chose the shape of a heart because only love can bring healing to a broken, frozen, dead, ice-cold heart.
I chose the Selenite in the shape of a heart because one of Selenite’s properties is cleansing. The heart needs cleansed of lies, deception, attitudes, impure motives, and disobedience…rebellion. I wanted the white because when the heart is cleansed it becomes white in color which represents purity. Clean versus unclean. Pure versus impure.
Selenite comes from the Earth like the other rocks which represent the core. The heart is at the core of whether a person is clean or unclean. Pure or impure. All disobedience or sin stems from the motives of the heart.
Blue Truth
To my wonderment…my truth rocks were mostly blue in color. I wanted to dance right there in the store. Blue is my favorite color. It is a Heavenly color…represents in part…wisdom. It is wise to receive the Truth and follow Him. If you do…you will enter Heaven and live there eternally with Him. One of my truth rocks was Crystal Quartz…a booster. Kind of like an amplifier. I need all the boosting and amplifying I can get. Give me some of that! SOLD!
Love heals but the truth is what sets you free. Truth spoken in love…heals the heart and sets that same heart free. The truth also sets the mind free. Truth spoken in love is POWERFUL. It can change even the hardest of hearts and sets the captives free.
Heart Convo
I am going to share a few pieces of the conversation. Not all…this is already long. I could write a book about this conversation alone…seriously. So much information…too much to type here.
I started with the Selenite heart first. It alone. I placed it in both hands and clasped my hands together…interlocking them tightly. This is a conversation I did not linger on…I have been cleansing my heart for over 30 years…it has lived inside the fire for over 30 years. Five years of that in Hell…let’s just say…it is well purified.
BUT…I started with…Father…cleanse my heart. Purify it completely. Remove any impurities that may still be lurking or hiding in the secret places within my heart. Show me any wickedness in my heart that I may not see yet. Expose it. Reveal it to me and me alone. Create within me a new…pure…clean heart. I want to be clean.
After my heart-cleansing conversation, I ADDED life. A new layer to it. This is spiritual mathematical addition, see? A mathematical story problem…building an equation here.
The next layer was to add truth to the problem. This is the solution…to the problem. I began asking Father to cleanse my heart with the truth. His truth. His truth is the only truth powerful enough to transform lives. Now…I am moving away from myself and speaking for Christ’s Bride. Father’s children. I am asking Father to make me a cleansing agent. An agent to wash and cleanse the people’s hearts with His truth. To wash away the lies and deception from the enemy to our souls WITH His word…the truth. To make me an agent to the people to speak the Truth in Love.
Then I added to this…my fertility bundle. I clasped my hands together with my cleansing rock…Selenite…my truth bundle…and added my fertility crystals to add another layer of truth. I asked Father to make me fruitful and multiply my heart…to the people…in the people. That I might give birth to life. Give birth to millions/billions of souls in life. Multiply my heart by making disciples…spiritual children…and help them be fruitful and multiply. To teach them to be fruitful and how to be fruitful. To grow in His Spiritual fruits. To help me teach the masses. To give…plant His seed of Life into their hearts…to water and fertilize His Tree of Life within their heart so they can produce His fruit as well.
I asked Him to help me to multiply my heart…my love for His truth. To be fertile. To instill in the people a love of cleansing the heart. Purifying the heart. Purifying the mind from the lie-based belief system they operate in. A love for inner healing and inner cleansing of the soul and spirit. A cleansing of the physical body. A love of holistic approach to life and wellness…body…soul…and spirit.
Adding another layer to the solution, I add my prosperity bundle.
I start asking Father to make me prosperous in this endeavor. That I might flourish in myself as I do His work…but that I might reach billions of souls. Billions of souls who commit their hearts to cleanse their bodies (all three) of death. To make me prosperous in reaching the masses with His Truth. For the truth to rule and reign supreme in the land. Not just America…but the entire world.
To see the restoration bring back the Truth and let Truth be King over this Earth. He just can’t wait to be King. May I elevate The Lion King and allow Him to dispel darkness from the Pride Land and restore our land to its rightful position again.
The Bible of Truth
Years ago, Father and I were having an argument over my notes. LONG story.
Let me simplify it by saying…I had to file thousands of pages of notes over several years. It was a process…a teaching process. Recently…I burned every last one of those notes to end the purification process. Liberating experience although I questioned my sanity while doing it.
While arguing over the filing system, He said something to me that ended the argument. After that…I stopped filing…almost stopped taking notes completely.
He said to me…I did not create paper to contain ALL my words. WHOA!!! There is not enough paper to contain all His words.
My thoughts…then what in the world am I taking notes for and then stressing over how to file the dang things???? It is impossible to file His truths because one line of notes can be filed in multiple folders under multiple topics. It is insane how complicated, complex, and multifaceted His truth is. Seriously. Mind-blowing.
He said this to me during that conversation. I created your mind to be a container for my truth.
That statement set me free from taking extensive notes on His words. No more note taking…no need to file. See? Smarticles here. Saved myself a lot of stress.
The Crystal Books
I find these Crystal books interesting.
Lexy…my friend at Treasures and Pleasures…recommended a couple of books from Barnes and Noble…or I could borrow hers.
I headed to Barnes and Noble. Father wanted me to invest in the truth for myself.
I bought the books He wanted me to have. When I was taking the photos for this post, He reminded me of that note-taking convo and one other conversation.
Years ago, a friend of a friend told me out of the blue…she saw a vision of me, and Father spoke to her about me.
The vision was of me as the Bible. I was a walking Bible. She said Father told her…I was the walking word.
It made me smile. Fit right along with what He has been telling me for years…what He has been preparing me for. To speak the truth in love to the people. To be His vessel. His container for Truth. Lead the Second Exodus. To lead the slaves out of captivity. To set the people free.
I had to chuckle at the names of these three books. Crystal will be the walking word. The one to speak Truth…the Bible to the people…to bring healing and freedom to the masses. To feed the hungry masses the spiritual food…real food that really will nourish their souls…their spirits…and their bodies.
Following Him is a crazy lifestyle…but super cool at times.
I am going to end it there as I need to meet Hannah for an inner healing appointment. Super proud of her…she is back at it again. Going to be my star pupil Father says.
Choosing LIFE is always a plus in your account.
Choose LIFE my loves. Receive and accept the truth. It will set you free and heal your heart at the same time. Truth plus love…equals healing power that transforms.