
Monday night Bobbi sent me pictures of my mail. I had some significant documents come in. One of those documents was a letter from the clerk’s office in Indy. Official. SUPER intrigued by that one. I called Bobbi and told her…open that baby up and let’s see what that one says. That seems really important.

Jury duty selection notice.

I said…ohhhh baby…that is federal. Be still my beating heart. ❤️ 😂

I could hardly contain my excitement. Crazy I know…but jury duty is on my bucket list. Has been for years! Federal…even better. 😍 Bobbi and I were contemplating the possibilities. 🤣 What is even crazier…just a few days before that…I had considered attending local trials just to go and watch them. I LOVE the system of justice. It thrills me how it all works. I have had to represent myself in court several times now without an attorney present, negotiate with the opposing attorney, be in court with an attorney, and had to testify at a trial once. So many parts and pieces to it all. Not sure why I do, but I find very complicated things…fascinating. Not sure if it is a blessing or a curse. The jury is still deliberating.

I realized the other day…it is getting harder to find crime shows and YouTube videos now that I haven’t seen before. That is scary to me. Spent way too much time over the years watching all things justice-related. 😳

After Bobbi and I got off the phone, I was dreaming of jury duty. Father interrupted my fantasy world with…I will take care of that.


Didn’t sound promising to me. 😳


The next morning, I take a drive to pick up my mail. Had some papers that needed to be dealt with…including my jury duty form.

On the way to Indiana…I see a vision. This little movie clip that Father plays out before me.

In it, I am sitting in the jury selection box. The attorney comes up to me because it is my turn to speak. I start out by saying to the man…well…I am all about integrity, so I need to be upfront with you. I don’t want everyone to go to all this work and then have a mistrial or have a verdict overturned on a technicality because of a juror. Then I explain that I don’t currently sleep in Indiana although my address is as such…how I have moved and my plans for the near future.

I KNEW what He was saying…you have to tell them you aren’t living in Indiana. Tell them about your current situation.

I was sad. 😩


I was considering arguing and/or complaining about the situation. However, I refrained. Barely.

I did say to Him…YOU said that it was now time to make all my dreams come true and one of my dreams is to be on a jury. To do jury duty.

He then said…I have something better for you.

All ears buddy. Speak to me.

He did.

Van Life

Back in December of 2021, I believe Father promised me a trip. A grand trip. He promised to buy me a van, all new camera equipment, and a whole year to travel all over North America. To allow me to visit our National Parks…and so much more. I was astonished by the plan. Almost too good to be true. A dream come true. At times, I have lost hope. Thought it would never happen for me. Always skeptical.

While in Michigan, I bought my park pass while visiting Sleeping Bear with the promise I would get to use it again. Kind of keeping the hope alive, I guess.

Over the last few weeks, I have been making lists.

One of my lists is by each state here in the US of the places I want to visit. Another list is of Canada and Mexico for locations there I don’t want to miss.

kids and I
Donovan, Vanessa, and I at an inner healing conference in Bowling Green, KY a few years ago. One of my favorite pictures of two of my favorite people that Hannah took of us. ❤️

Hawaii and Alaska

I have two places I am most excited about. Hawaii and Alaska.

Alaska has eight national parks. I can hardly wait to see those babies. I have heard they are stunners. Wanting to see some whales and glaciers too. The possibilities in Alaska are endless. 😆

Then Hawaii. Vanessa and I have been talking about Hawaii since December of 2021 when Father promised me the trip. We want to be there together.

Yesterday, we sat daydreaming about what we could do in Hawaii together. I want to take a helicopter over a volcano. I think that would be fantastic. It is just a must-do, must-see for me.

Vanessa wants to go surfing but doesn’t think Donovan will go with her. I informed her, Donovan and I could hang on the beach with the kiddos while we watch her surf. 😍

We are STOKED!


I have been hesitant to believe and share, but I felt led to share my news.

I would love to share all those travels here on my blog. All the pictures and videos I will take as I travel all over this continent, I will share on here. My own little travel space. Becoming a travel blogger and vlogger. A dream come true. Been waiting for this day for years. Traveling is my jam. My happy place.

My daughter used to say…can tell mom is stressed, we are going on a trip. Lol. That wasn’t always the case but at times…I needed to get out of the house so I would surprise the kiddos with a trip. One morning, I decided to go to Cincinnati to see the Creation Museum. I told the kids…pack your bags, we are heading to Cincinnati for a few days. They asked…right now? 😳

I responded…yes…RIGHT now. 😜 They went into high gear! Super excited. They loved Mom’s adventures.

Once I make the decision…I am ready to go. It is how I roll. 🤣 Miss Adventure. Spur of the moment kind of gal. Once I am all in…I am in, and it is time to go. Time to roll.

Planning on taking lots of great photos with my new camera equipment if this really becomes a reality. I am positive the trip is spiritual in nature…hoping it is also physical as well. Time will tell as I watch to see how He plays this out.

The Future

I feel like this is only the beginning. Years ago, He promised He would take me on a worldwide tour. Since my children were little, I have asked Him to allow me to travel the world with my children. He is going to give me that dream. North America is only the beginning. Once I am done there, I am going global. Can’t begin to describe how wonderful that promise feels to me. Many hours over the years asking Him to allow me to do this.

I am hoping exciting adventures await!!!!!!! 😆 Hoping I get to travel physically…not just spiritually. I want the best of both worlds.

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