I woke up this morning and wanted to post a picture. Starting to think I just want to look back over the pictures I love. 😜 It is so satisfying for me to look at my pictures. Water droplets in nature are pretty. I felt like it was an appropriate photo to post because it is raining here. Two days of rain.
I asked Ahnalaya Ann this morning what she was going to do today. Her response…not go outside because it is raining. 🤣 Love that sass! It is funny because the two of us spend the majority of our time outside. The mobility of laptops is a wonderful thing. Very grateful.
Not There Yet
Regarding macro photography…I have this dream in my head of taking certain pictures. I want a certain look, but I haven’t achieved it yet. I don’t want to do photo stacking…but I may end up there at some point in time to achieve the look I want. Just not a fan of the idea currently.
My thoughts…try every way around it and if I don’t succeed in getting the style I want…THEN and only then…try photo stacking. Waiting on new lenses…that is my next step.
I think water droplets are super pretty. Especially the pictures of water droplets with a reflection in them. Wow…some photographers have achieved some pleasing photos with that kind of technique.
A few years ago, I was considering getting rid of my camera. Then Father shared with me His vision for me regarding photography, wow…immediately, I became overwhelmed with His plan. Truly…I couldn’t see it. Was struggling to get on board with His plan here, but eventually, I did. Today, I am grateful. It has become a place of joy for me. The learning process has been kind of fun…strangely so.
It is like when you stretch your muscles before or after a workout in the gym. Stretching hurts but it is a feel-good pain for me. I love stretching my muscles…it makes me feel good inside even though it hurts on the outside. Very odd how He created us to work. 🧐
Enjoy your day! Take notice of the beautiful water droplets around you in life. 😍