Weekend Work

sunset selfie

I feel led to do a post on our weekend work. Hannah and I worked hard and accomplished much over the weekend. Super pleased with our progress.

As I was thinking about it today, it felt like the weekend was an Oreo cookie. We sandwiched some play in between our work.

On Friday evening, we spent three or four hours at the park on our blankets. Hannah worked hard doing inner healing.

At about 8:30ish, I informed Hannah…I needed food. We headed to my favorite local restaurant to eat and chitty-chat with my favorite hostess. Maybe I am spending too much time there? 🤷‍♀️ Getting to know the employees well.

After we closed the restaurant down, we did a late-night walk along the riverfront to finish the day up. I love our late-night/early-morning walks. We went to our secluded spot to watch the firefly show…one of my favorite parts of our summers together. Always beautiful and peaceful times for us.

daughter and granddaughter
Note to self…wipe down the camera lens before taking a picture. This haze is due to hand lotion on the lens. 😞 Still using the photo. Stubborn that way. 😁

Salsa Dancing

Saturday evening, we attended free Salsa dance lessons along the riverfront in Evansville. I have always wanted to try Salsa dancing. Tango too. Music and dancing…such an excellent combo!!! 💃🏻

I love the fact Evansville has cultural events. Experiencing other cultures expands the heart and mind…fascinates me to study people groups.

Well…actually…I will study anything. I love learning. Not sure how people walk around being so closed-minded. To me…that would be painful. I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t searching to learn something new. 🤔

I am like a toddler…always asking questions, especially the question…why. Understanding why, is important to me. My son Donovan is the same way. He wants to know why…once he understands why…he is good…but not until he understands first. The poor man gets that from his mother.

I am not a very good blind follower. Always bucking the system. Gotta be a better way. This would be one reason I am living as a “single” woman. Father, Son, and Spirit are the only men that can live with me. I am good with that.

I may have the appearance of being single…but my heart is taken…for eternity. 😍

I had fun starting the process of learning Salsa dancing. I do enjoy Latino music…especially love any drums contained within the songs. For some reason, I have always liked the drum portion of music.

Hannah recorded this little clip while I was dancing. 😆

Selfie grandmother and granddaughter
I love Esme’s little smile here. She had fun at the dance.


On Sunday, we started our morning at the park again. Worked until lunchtime, then took a break to cook food and eat. After lunch, we headed to downtown Evansville to sit and work more at the riverfront.

I am so thankful Hannah loves to be outside with me. My preference is ALWAYS to work outside versus being stuck in the air conditioning. I would rather sweat than shiver.

For me…it has always been easier to connect with Father while being outdoors surrounded by nature. Less static in the air. Fewer distractions clogging up the plumbing. The signal is much clearer for me.

We made huge strides while at the riverfront.

a girl meditating at the river
I always say…don’t let your pain be in vain. Hannah is working through the pain. My daughter is growing up! So proud. Maturity and strength of the soul and spirit are incredibly important.

personal trainer
Glenn and I in 2019. He doesn’t look much different today. He just added a salt-and-pepper beard. This is why I call him my BIG brother. 🤣 His training is all-natural. No steroids. Super proud of him.
A video Glenn did for my kids. I thought I would include it here.

Growth and Strength

The most important thing to me is truth. Probably the second in line would be growth. I am passionate about strength. Body, soul, and spirit. Soul and spirit over the strength of the body…which is a picture of the flesh. 💪

I thought I would share here a conversation Glenn and I had while working out with the glute drive machine. That is the machine in the video.

I asked Glenn to take a picture of me while doing the glute drive because I wanted to show it to my kiddos. He did a video instead. His narration is funny to me.

The first time I did this machine…by the time I was done with my sets…I wanted to cry. 😩 Seriously…I was fighting back tears.

I have worked with maybe 7 or 8 personal trainers over my life now. Never before, do I remember feeling like crying while working out…not even while doing CrossFit. I have felt like puking before, but not crying…not until I encountered this machine. 😳

It took a couple of times on this machine…but I finally realized why I wanted to cry. It reminded me of the dark place during childbirth. That dark place of laboring to give birth to that child…with no pain medication to numb the pain. I have a place I go to in my mind while I am in pain…I call it my zone.

Mind Work

I must say this too. While on this machine, Glenn makes me do 4 sets of 10. At the end of each set of 10, ON number 10…he makes me do 10 short pulses while at the top of my range. TALK ABOUT BURN. Whoa! Glenn loves pulsing at the end of sets. We do the same thing on LOTS of exercises in his glute classes. The ending pulses take it to a whole new level of pain. 🔥

He is trying to add weight on me by adding muscles, so powerlifting is what we do. I lift weights that are heavy for me to lift each day. Just the bar on this glute drive machine is heavy for my little rear end at this time. Every time we work out, he is shocking my central nervous system to compel it to build muscle. Shaking is a normal thing for me now.

All this…pushes not only my body…but my mind as well. I am lifting as he has never had me lift before. I am doing things…I didn’t know was possible for me.

This glute drive machine took me to a dark place in my mind…so Glenn and I have been talking about it.

Once I figured out why I was triggered, I looked at the source…the roots…the tare holding my emotional pain in. Needing to sever the chains to this emotional pain.

When I reflected on childbirth and the pain of it, I believed I couldn’t do it. It was too much for me. The burden was too heavy for me to carry. I was too weak. Father said to me…you did it. You carried it.

I did. 🤔🤨😜


When I went back to the machine again…AFTER my conversation with Father…the machine had no power over my mind any longer. No more fighting back tears for me. I just powered through the sets.

It was fun too because I was telling Glenn about my mental progress, and he shared with me some of his own personal growth. LOVE my personal trainer!!! He is a dear brother and friend to me. I appreciate him more than words could express. I love emotionally intelligent men. They are gems in my book.

I felt proud for conquering the emotional blockage this machine was exposing in me. Just call me SHE-WOMAN…all three bodies man. Super strong! 🤣 Hear me ROAR!!!!

Emotional and spiritual healing…brings with it…strength. Strength of heart and mind.

It reminds me of something Glenn taught me years ago after I had an injury. We rehabbed the muscles I had injured…bringing them back to their original strength. Then we worked them to be stronger than before.

It is the same in all three bodies. When you have been injured, you need to do the work to rehab that which is injured. It is common sense. Preschool math to those who see value in growth and maturity. When something is broken…you do the work to fix it. See?

sunset over water
Glenn and I were talking about this sunset at the gym today. Super cool! He says it is due to the haze from the Canadian fires.

He was showing me a video of him and his buddies out on the lake singing about this sunset. His friend is a lead singer in a local band and decided to write a song about this evening sunset.

I thought it was super cool. Even cooler to hear the men singing and enjoying their evening out on the lake.

Hoping to watch this new band live and in person soon. 😆 Love me some good music!

Thanks…so encouraging to read. I felt understood. 🤣🤷‍♀️

Hannah’s Work

Hannah is ready to do the work to fix her brokenness inside. It is HARD work…a labor of love…but so worth it in the end. She will come back stronger.

At the end of our time together this weekend, she said something…can’t remember what it was. She wanted something from Father. I said to her…got some homework for you. It is time to negotiate a contract with Father. She looked shocked. Kind of stunned. In disbelief, she asked…am I at a place where I can negotiate with Him?

I said…you sit down and write me a list of what you want…and I will work up a contract for you. We will take it to the courts of Heaven, and I will get it done.

She asked me…are you going to be my lawyer?

Most certainly, I said. 🥰

I tell ya…I am a Wizard in the courts of Heaven. I am a regular visitor there.

While she was taking notes, Father reminded me of a vision I saw of her a few years ago. I got super excited and started singing a little song I made up. He is going to give her what she wants.

Her response…I gotta be careful what I ask for. 🤔

I burst out in laughter. The girls have learned that from me. They always say…never asking for the things you have asked for. 😜

Lovely Life

I have had a hard life. No joke! One I wouldn’t go back and relive for any amount of money. BUT…I am so thankful for the relationship that life built between Father and I. My favorite part of each day is crawling into bed with Him at night. Being alone with Him…no distractions…just silence for the two of us…the VERY best so far. Believing it will only get better. I am counting down the days until completion.

Every day…I get a little more secure in the woman He has created me to be.

This weekend…I said to Him…Hey…I need an income. When is this income coming?

This has been a theme for the last few years. I keep saying to Him…SHOW me the money. 30 years of hard labor for Him and NO wages here on this Earth to show for it. It is TIME for Crystal Ann to get paid.

In a VERY sassy tone of voice, He said…you let me worry about the income. I am working on it.


Made me smile. I like Him getting all sassy on me. It was new for us. I am usually the sassy one.

I am in love. Totally smitten with Him. 😍💙❤️

Quitting there and crawling into bed with Him now. 👩‍❤️‍👨

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