White Squirrel

white squirrel

I had some very pleasant moments today. Needing groceries, I decided to head to Olney, IL…the home of the white squirrel. Growing up as a kid, I was in Olney often. Back then…white squirrels were much higher in number than they are now. I am not sure what diminished the number of these squirrels, but it is clear they are harder to find.

I went straight to the city park where I have seen many of them in the past.

Got to do some swinging while I was there. 😍 I LOVE to swing. My love for swinging started in my childhood when my friend would give me underdogs. Thrilled me. As an adult, I would sit on the swing with my grandpa and on occasion…his brother…my great uncle. These two men fed my love of swinging. Nothing better than sitting on a swing in the nice, shaded summer breeze with people you love. 💙 Many great memories on the swing.

At every park I go to…you will find me on the swings. 😜 It is a deep-seated passion of mine. 🔥

I am sharing some of my squirrel pictures. It makes me HAPPY!!! Proud of some of these.

white squirrel
Check out those eyes. He looks bug-eyed. He RAN from me…straight up that tree.🤷‍♀️
white squirrel jumping
I think it is a bit blurry…but I caught him in action and I like the look of his jump. Mid-jump here.
white squirrel
He looks cool sitting up on his hind legs.
white squirrel
He looks like a rat doesn’t he?
white squirrel
Those ears are so pink!
white squirrel
He looks so cool carrying his food. Love that curled-up tail.
gray squirrel
Isn’t he ADORABLE??? Goodness…he is cute.😍 His tail is pointing back. He just kept flicking it around.
gray squirrel
His tail is pointing up! I love watching their tails flick around and change positions.
squirrel in a tree
He is hiding in the crook of this tree. Cute little tree rat! 😉

Squirrel Hunting

I no longer eat squirrels…but the entire time I was growing up…I ate squirrels. My grandpa was an avid hunter. He hunted squirrels, rabbits, quail, and pheasants. I have eaten many of these critters.

Even as an adult, he would bring me the game he had shot. I remember having to pick out the buckshot in the animals. He was always proud of his hunting skills. Made him feel good to be able to provide meat to put on the table.

He always said…the man should provide, and the woman should make it taste good. 🤣


Had a couple of incidents today that I am feeling blessed about.

The first…while taking photos of squirrels today, my phone fell out of my camera bag unbeknownst to me. When I got back to the truck, I did my usual inventory and discovered the phone was missing. RUH ROH!!! Not good. 😳

As usual…I asked Father to show me where it was. He led me straight to that phone. I love how He does that for me. So grateful no one had found it and picked it up. Grateful I noticed it before I left the park. Truly…a blessing.

The second…I have been craving deviled eggs. When I got home, I boiled the eggs. As I was pouring the boiling water into the sink…it somehow bounced off the dishes in the sink and poured onto my stomach. My shirt and pants got drenched with boiling water.

WOW…that was rough. I stripped immediately. I had about a 4-inch by 2-inch burn on my belly. FIRE! I put a natural burn healing salve on it. It is amazing to me how much this salve has helped the burn already. I have first and second-degree burns, but the pain has diminished greatly with the salve.

I feel so blessed because it could have been so much worse for me.

The day is ending on a positive note, and I am thrilled with my squirrel pics.

He seems so chill hanging out in the tree. He doesn’t trust me. 😂

I hope you get some enjoyment out of the photos. They make me happy. Love my little scrapbook album here online. Does my heart good. ❤️ 💙

Hoping love, life, and blessings for you all!!!

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