Wild Turkeys

wild turkeys

Wild turkeys are my favorite animal to see in the country. They always have been for some reason. Not sure why.

The other day, Tonto and I took a walk down the road. When I got back to the house, I decided to get my camera and take some photos of the leaves with the water droplets on them. I had this feeling I should leave Tonto in the house instead of him going back out with me. So glad I did. I was absorbed in the leaves…then I turned around and saw this flock of turkeys on the road behind me. I was surprised they came out with me there.

Wild turkeys
A nice flock of wild turkeys in the front yard.
wild turkeys
Love this one.

I watched them cross the road moving in the direction of the garden. Hoping to get some shots of them, I ran into the yard and parked myself behind a dirt pile we had. Peeking around the corner of the pile, I saw they were coming straight at me.

I was thrilled!

I even got a bit of video of them because I was thinking to myself that I wished the kids could see the turkeys in the yard.

Turns out…Donovan noticed the turkeys too. Vanessa was getting ready to call me to tell me to watch for them when they noticed my purple hoodie behind the dirt pile.

fall leaves with water droplets
I love this leaf with the water drops on it. So pretty.
fall leaves on road
I decided to try a shot from the ground. Thrilled with how it turned out.
fall leaves and road
Another shot of the road in front of the house. Impossible to get tired of looking at these colors.

Donovan started laughing and said…Mom is 10 feet from them.

The whole family got a thrill out of the experience.

On the second day, the turkeys came back to hang out with our chickens. The chickens roosted in their house and the turkeys roosted in the trees above the chicken coop. We got to watch them roost that evening and then also fly out the next morning.

For some reason, this flock loves the yard here. Couldn’t be happier about having turkeys here. Puts a smile on my face watching them eat in the yard.

The last few days have been eventful with deer and turkeys both.

Having wild turkeys enjoy our yard is a HUGE PERK to living in the country. 🥰

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