Yosemite National Park


I took these photos just outside of Yosemite National Park. My goodness…the coloring of the water and the mountains stopped me in my tracks. One of the things I love so much about nature is the color palette Father used to paint it. Glorious! He is the master artist, designer, and creator of all things. His intelligence laid the foundation we get to enjoy 24/7. I am always baffled at how man can’t see Him in all things…especially His creation. 🤯 Such intelligence. Such beauty.

yosemite mountains
I really like the layers of mountains here. So much depth. This was taken with my Galaxy Note 10 Plus. Not really a fan of that camera, but still see some of the layering in it.

Without Excuse

Father says in His word that man is without excuse. Anyone that WANTS to KNOW the truth intimately and personally…just has to ask Him for it. You ask Him for the truth…you will receive the truth. He will give it to you. He is the truth. He loves men and women who are hungry to be fed the truth.

He is a generous giver. Loves giving life and blessings to His children. Loves to talk…and speak the truth.

I learned that many years ago. Such a valuable lesson for me. Every single time I KNOW I am sitting in the dark…I ask Him to turn the lights on for me. Tell me the truth. Show me the truth. The truth is the breath I breathe. Can’t function without it now. It sustains me.


Last night, my friend came over to hang out with me. I shared with him some teachings on justice. SO antsy to start sharing it with the Bride. Mindbogglingly phenomenal stuff. His justice is birthed out of love for His children. His intelligence…beyond comprehension. His system of life and blessings plus death and curses…WOW…brilliant…and beautiful.

I love the truth beyond my own understanding. It is freedom! Crystal LOVES freedom. 💙

Travel Time

For the last few days, I have been asking Father for a timeline of events for my future. I have certain things I need to get done. He is starting to open up my eyes to see more clearly where we are going and when. I believe He has finally given me a timeline for when certain events in my future. Super STOKED!

It feels like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now. An indescribable feeling. Thirty years of hard labor are finally paying off.

The featured image of the lake outside of Yosemite has been popping up in my mind for the last 48 hours. I figured it must be a blog post.

Lovely flowers I thought. In hindsight, I wish I had shot this photo a bit differently. The background on the right bothers me…but it is what it is. The flowers are still lovely!!! Enjoy them. 💙💙💙
yellow flower
It doesn’t matter where I go in this world…I am always attracted to flowers. 🤣 I believe they are calling my name. Wanting me to stare at them and appreciate their beauty. I feel the need to oblige them. 😍


One of the things I love about Father is how He prepares your heart for whatever it is that He is getting ready to give you…or put you through…IF you are listening. Gotta pay attention and follow the road signs. Get on board in HIS vehicle and let Him drive you to where He wants you to go. If you drive yourself…you are nothing but a crash-and-burn dummy. He will burn your whole kingdom to the ground.

For me…He is preparing me for the future. Making my heart feel all warm and fuzzy!!!

My future is BRIGHT…full of His LIGHT!

Have a marvy day! Choose life and blessings!

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