green goddess statue

When thinking about what the title of this post was…Father had me turn the music on. If He doesn’t give me a song right away, I scroll down the playlist until He highlights a song. Bad Wolves…Zombie was the one He chose for today. I prefer their version of the song for some reason. It is on repeat. While listening to the lyrics again after clicking play, immediately…it was confirmed to me…it was Father. This song fits perfectly with my thoughts for the last couple of days. He amazes me…always. I feel like I am walking in a world full of zombies.

This post is about life vs death really. More specifically…my struggle with it.

Let’s start with the featured image first.

Hannah and I went to NYC back in December. After our trip, I headed back from Southern Indiana to Northern Michigan. I left super early that morning while it was still dark out. On the trip back to Michigan, Father wanted me to stop at a crystal shop to purchase a purple pendulum. It was important. The purple represents royalty. The pendulums used in the pagan religion are a picture of the plumb line who is Christ. Christ is royalty. I had to buy Him back…His truth and dedicate it back to Him. I have been doing that for quite some time now. It is part of bringing Him back as King of the Prideland. Satan has stolen it and brought death and destruction to it.

Goddess of Life

In my mind, I was going to stop in Indy at a crystal shop. When I got close to Indy, I plugged in shops that would be close to my route. None were…so I knew I was supposed to try Fort Wayne instead. Also…I had forgotten the time. When I typed in shops in Fort Wayne…only one was along my route and would be open when I arrived in the city. I knew then…that was the shop Father wanted me to purchase the purple pendulum from.

I arrived at the store ten minutes after they opened up. When I walked into the store, I turned left and looked up. I saw this little statue…I call her Te Fiti. As soon as I saw her…I said…honey you are going home with me. She was mine. I didn’t understand why…I just knew Father wanted me to purchase her too.

After I located the pendulum He wanted me to buy, I asked the saleslady…what do people put in the basket of the statues. She mentioned a few things. I knew Father wanted me to get a candle. This little green one is the one He wanted. She smells divine. This little beaut reminds me so much of my life. The Te Ka part and the Te Fiti part. The wholeness of who I was created to be.


It was seven years ago when Father first told me I was His Queen. I will never forget that moment. I didn’t believe Him. Thought I was hearing from demons at first. After much arguing with Him…and Him standing firm…I merely said Ok. It took a lot of convincing over a long period of time for me to finally start to believe that could even be possible for me. I was a nobody. Why me? None of it made sense.

What did make sense to me though…I loved Him…passionately. For years, my desire was to be one with Him. I couldn’t get enough of Him. Somewhere along the years, Christ was no longer enough for me. I moved through Christ and into Father. He was the one I gave my heart to 30-plus years ago.


During the last seven years, He has filled in many of the blanks for me. It makes sense to me now when I add the Second Eve to the equation. The story problem becomes less of a problem for me. The Second Eve partners up with the Second Adam to restore life to the Earth. The First Eve brought death…the Second Eve as the female gender must restore Life like Christ did as the male gender. It is male and female bringing redemption and restoration…life instead of death…to all mankind. Bringing the story full circle to completion. That makes perfect sense to me.

The first Eve brought death to all mankind and the first Adam could not fix the situation, so he died with her. The Second Adam as one half of the equation…fixed His part. The Second Eve must come to complete the circle for the female gender to bring life to all mankind instead of death. It is a divinely orchestrated plan…planned out before He created mankind.

The two halves make one. It is logical. Mathematical. It is spiritual. It is spiritually logical from a biblical perspective. I get it. Truth always adds up and makes sense to me. 🤷‍♀️


I can’t begin to explain to humanity what a struggle this whole thing has been for me. So much to wrap my little pea brain around. He is always blowing the whole circuit panel in my mind…not just breakers…but the whole panel. I used to tell Him on repeat…you are hurting my mind/brain. I can’t process this.

Reflecting on my life, I think the greatest moment for me…was the moment I came to terms with the truth of who I was compared to Father/Christ/Holy Spirit. The profound truth of KNOWING intimately I was nothing and a nobody. I knew nothing. Had no answers. I was an idiot who had zero to offer humanity…which included me. Realizing I was blind as a bat…and had zero knowledge…was a beautiful moment.

It was a reset moment in my life…over 30 years ago.

From that moment forward…Father/Christ/Holy Spirit was elevated in my heart and mind. I became nothing…He became everything.

That is how it should be in the hearts and minds of humanity. However…it is not. What’s in your head…is mighty important. Lies and deception as the basis of your thoughts…take you down a very dark path.

Unpopular Truths

One of my struggles…among MANY…is the unpopular truths I was called to speak. Man…people don’t want to hear the truth. It pisses them off…angry hornets…coming to attack, swarm, and destroy the messenger.

To be quite frank, I haven’t been a fan of many of the truths Christ has told me over the years. As I have mentioned on this blog before, He has shown me…it isn’t for me to try and change His mind to make Him bow to me and my bullshit ways. Instead, I am supposed to change my heart and mind and bow to His truth. That is the only safe place for me to stand. 🤷‍♀️

Long ago, I got over my bad self about speaking His truth. However, I feel like I live in another world. I don’t fit in here. Every single day…sets me farther apart.

I have been saying to Him on repeat lately…get me outta here. If it were up to me…I would skyrocket myself to Heaven in a nanosecond. This ole gal has zero desire to live on this Earth. It isn’t my home, and I am ready…PAST ready to go home.

This morning, Father said…He is on His way.

My response…what in the Hell does that mean? That could be years from now. I can’t wait any longer. GET ME OUTTA HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It feels like living here…is enslavement. Entrapment. I hate it. I keep saying…I want my freedom…and money. 😂

Another Issue

Here is another issue I have…I am over the waiting. I am a good little virgin…plenty of oil…waiting for the Bridegroom to magically appear. I realize He is worth the wait…but my patience has run very thin. Honestly, I think I have come to the end of it.

Over the last couple of days, I have been hearing…we are out of time. Don’t know what that means either. 🤦‍♀️🤨 He likes to be mysterious…I am not a fan.

Lately, I have been thinking about how I have now passed up two separate offers to become financially independent…in such powerful ways.

Back in January, I sat down and made a list of my character traits…along with my personality traits and gifts/talents. I did this because I was considering taking a different route in life. Instead of sitting and waiting…I would take a different path. I was floored when I finished compiling this beautiful chart of what I had to offer people from a worldly perspective.

In addition, I was talking to a man about what I could offer his company. He got excited. Father instantly moved me back to Michigan…within hours of that conversation. 🤨🤦‍♀️😂 Father always thinks He is right…and He always gets His way. 🤷‍♀️

One of the difficult parts of this mess…is bowing every single moment of your life to someone else. Having absolutely zero control over any aspect of your life.

Choosing to be crucified…a hard work. Choosing to stay. To be led by someone else…for every single decision. A HARD work.


Although it has been a hard walk, I look at what I see in this world…and I can’t go back to slavery to the world and the lies and deception being bought and sold. Can’t do the Kool-Aid. Once I see the truth…I can’t go back to deception. Like a dog returning to its vomit…no thanks.

I would rather be a slave to Christ than to man.

Over the Last Week

I have started and finished a fictional book about a former military sniper turned vigilante. A man wanting to bring justice to the world his way.

Caught up on one of my favorite shows…Top Chef. The topics of conversation spurred some thoughts which have led to this post. Did decide I want to be Top Chef. Father can make that happen for me. Would love to feed the masses five-star food. I think He should give me a spiritual Michelin Star…every single year. A new star! ⭐️😜

Getting ready to start another book that Mr. Mitchell Man recommended to me. He believes I will like it. I trust him…he knows what I like. Excited to start the book. It is about all things related to cybercrimes. Crazy stuff too…I had spent hours researching cybercrimes before he sent me all the info on this book. Some days…every moment of the day blows my breakers. I tell ya…I live in the Twilight Zone for real.

Have been watching videos on pilot debriefing after airplane crashes. Fascinating stuff. Didn’t realize the trigonometry in aviation. Learning heaps and tons!

Lastly, have seen a few more videos in the Christian world. I have watched very few of them. As always, skimmed and read a few transcripts. Did watch a few though.

All the above…are puzzle pieces that have led me to where I am at in my head this morning.


Shifting Gears

Sort of…

I started this post yesterday morning…but had to hit pause about midway through the day. Felt a bit stuck and needed some clarification before I moved on. After speaking with Hannah in the afternoon, I got unstuck. Through the night, I got more clarification. At about 3 am, I sent Hannah a text message with an update. She responded with something she got around 2amish. 😜

She saw a couple of converging stars. Super cool. We aren’t really sure what that means exactly…but it is positive for us both. We are 100% on that.

This morning, I debriefed with Vanessa about the work yesterday and through the night. THEN…I felt solid on finishing this post. It gets much longer…so I am adding some recent family pictures.

Father was serenading me this morning with a Luke Bryan song…Country Girl…Shake it For Me. I AM supposed to shake things up. Ok.

That helped me…greatly…because I was struggling to type some of these thoughts up due to their nature. I feel 100% clear and peaceful…this is indeed the direction I am supposed to move in despite how it appears.

Elevation Struggle

Ok…as I was writing yesterday in the above portion of the post, I was sharing this whole Queen concept has been a real struggle for me. LAYERS of struggles.

One portion of that struggle for me has been the elevation of it.

Instead of me elevating myself…I have chosen to lower myself. I didn’t do that with the mindset and/or heartset that later Father would elevate me. As I said earlier…I did that because I genuinely saw I was not worth elevating. I saw Deity…compared to myself…and went…wow…I am nothing. I have zero value and worth in the positive. Instead…the truth is…I am negative in value and worth. My flesh…was worth LESS. All I had to offer people was death. Debt. Debits. Toxicity. Disease. Subtraction. Negative. To me…I was a poster child of dysfunction and toxicity. That was truth. Undeniable.

That was CRYSTAL CLEAR to me. CRYSTAL. I experientially KNEW that truth. 100%. There was no convincing me otherwise. I was rock solid.

After years of that mindset/heartset…now accepting He was going to elevate me…a foreign concept. Blew the whole circuit panel in my mind. It has taken years for me to wrap my mind around the fact I could be an elevated vessel because Christ lives within me. I get it is Christ who deserves elevation…but I am the chosen vessel. Still a struggle some days even though I factually did the work to receive the honor.

Less Than

For over 30 years, I have seen myself as less than…Christ as greater than. It is my belief system.

With that belief system, I struggle when I see mankind elevating themselves to greater than Christ. See?

That doesn’t compute mathematically in my mind. It blows breakers. See? I can’t understand why man could ever elevate themselves.

I go low…I stay low.

Man goes high…man stays high.

I can never figure out how man could ever think/feel/believe they are worth going high and then staying high. How does man get to a place where they think so highly of self? 🤔🤯 I genuinely don’t understand this. Have been asking Father to enlighten me on how this happens in the minds of mankind…cuz I am too stupid to understand it at this time. He is going to have to explain this mindset to me.


Another piece of this puzzle is about fall. A day or two ago…He said a number of things to me about fall. He started by saying…summer has come to an end. Fall is upon us. Fall is here. It is time for fall. Fall time.

Wow…can’t tell you how happy that made me. LONG story…years’ worth. Layers of meaning behind “the fall.” Still trying to sort through all the meanings.

One meaning I believe is the fall of mankind. That is important. It relates to this post…and how mankind has elevated themselves.

One of my needs…is to see mankind fall. I NEED to see the arrogant humbled. It is important in my relationship with Father. Something we have been discussing for oodles of years. I have not been impressed with His creation of mankind. Nature…super impressive…but how mankind behaves…wow…super unimpressed. I have been saying for years…you gotta fix this mess. Toxicity…pollution…goodness…it needs cleaned up.

Another piece of the puzzle…I am ready…beyond ready for a harvest. I NEED a harvest of the work I have done for over 30 years. Somewhere through the middle of the night last night, I crossed over. I crossed over from negative to positive. Death to life. Can’t explain it yet…still don’t understand myself. However, I know I got freedom…and I crossed over. It is time for addition and multiplication for me in place of subtraction and division. This is part of the fall…harvest for me.

Secular Humanism

Let me touch briefly on this topic. Before Father gave me the title Zombies for this post, I was considering humanism as my title. Humanism is death. Period.

As I have mentioned before, the road that leads to Hell…is a wide one. Meaning you can choose any way you want…to get there. Only one road leads to Heaven…all other roads…lead to Hell. Humanism is a road to Hell.

Humanism is the concept of man elevating man. You can elevate yourself…and/or others can elevate you. You can also choose to elevate others. All of this…is humanism. Every morsel of humanism is built on arrogance.

It is based on man’s lie-based belief system. Man believing lies and deception. A carnal mind…all thoughts built on the sand. The foolish man building his house on the sand. When the truth comes…the house falls.

I will never recommend man’s way to you. Always…I will lead you the narrow way. His way. The way of Christ. The truth…although it is painful to hear, accept, and walk out…the end result is far less painful.

I want to share with you a few beliefs/teachings of man…that have been a part of Father and I’s conversations over the last week.

woman portrait


This is one teaching I have heard my entire life…in fact…all of these I will mention…I have heard on repeat from man for many years.

Balance in life.

To the humanist…having a “healthy” balance in life is key. “Life” coaches will espouse the importance of balance. Balance…balance…balance. These people are death coaches…leading you to your death. If you want to get to Heaven…steer clear of these people. This teaching is DANGEROUS. It is death to your eternal soul.

To Father…it is about obedience. He is the judge who weighs out the scales.

Man is called to obey. He takes care of the scales of balance. If man is obedient to Him…He is pleased.

It is really that simple.


I know I am pleasing Him…I know I am being successful…when I am obedient. Disobedience makes Him grumpy. I choose to keep Him happy. It keeps our relationship moving along smoothly on His side. At times, I am upset about what He is asking me to do…but that is my issue…not His. Mine to work on and submit…not His.

If you want your destination to be Heaven…then obedience is the key to get there. The journey is going to be painful…but the destination is worth it.

I am not a fan of the teaching…it isn’t about the destination…but the journey instead. I say bullshit to that. The journey here has been painful…beyond words…it is all about the destination for me. That is why I chose to endure the painful journey.

When I am going to the beach…it isn’t about the drive there for me…it is about the beach. 🤷‍♀️🏝️

Being completely honest with your bad selves…I would prefer to enjoy both. The journey and the destination. 😍

little girl on table
In the last week or so, Hannah sent me an audio text. In the message, she tells me Esme said she was missing Grandma. Hannah asked her…why do you miss Grandma. Her response…cuz Grandma loves me. Melt my little pea-picking heart. 🥰


Ok…next up is another common humanistic belief I hear.

Such and such saved me.

I recently heard…food saved me. 🤦‍♀️ Oh my…sorry…but this makes me facepalm. Truly. I struggle to understand the deception in this world. It baffles me. This is where I feel like I don’t fit in.

On one level, I get where man is coming from…in part…when they claim this object saved them. A man who was poor…and then became a chef which afforded him to live in a nice home in a nice neighborhood…I get you. BUT…honey…that is not salvation. Gratitude is a good thing for the change in location, status, purpose, etc…but only Christ can change your eternal location, status, purpose, etc.

However, food…basketball…football…golf…photography…hunting…etc…can’t save your soul from Hell. It can’t make you well. To believe that…is foolish and delusional. Deception. It is dangerous because it leads you to death…eternally.

It is also idolatry to elevate something above Christ or in the place of Christ.

The only way to be saved…is through Jesus Christ. He is the only one who can save your soul for eternity. His shed blood was the offering/sacrifice you must accept to bring the scales to balance when you are standing before THE Judge at your trial in Heaven when you die. He died…so you must die. Full circle. Balance.

Secular Feminism

I am using the term secular in front of both humanism and feminism on purpose. What I am trying to do here is build a foundation on some sort of understanding for a point I am going to make here later. Always…pieces of the puzzle to build the picture.

Another recent belief that popped up for me…leading me to this post…was a woman discussing a few different things that tied together.

One…she was discussing the humanist and feminist concept of “women empowering women.” This is a path that leads to death.

It is man…elevating man. Women elevating women. All built on arrogance…lies…deception…delusion.

The other concept tied to that…she was grateful she had a platform where her voice could be heard…so she could empower women.

Her premise of empowering women was the idea that women can have a career and raise children too. This was the message she was preaching.

I have SO MUCH to say about these concepts. SO VERY MUCH! Put your seatbelt on. We are going for a ride. Remember what I said earlier about unpopular truths? Yep…here we go. 🤔

Christian Humanism

Before I get to the message I am preaching here…let’s add another piece to the puzzle. Christian humanism.

I know…you are scratching your head already. If you are a Christian…you are probably triggered by now. Let me educate you on the truth…MOST Christians are covertly humanists. They are disguising their bad selves as Christians…claiming to follow Christ. Claiming Christ is Lord of their lives.

Let’s use some examples I have already shared on this blog. It is a repeat I know…but necessary here.

Most “pastors, teachers, and evangelists” in Christianity…were not appointed and anointed to that position by Father. Instead…they were elevated to those positions by man. Selves or by other men and women.

ALL people in the Christian Religious System who call themselves prophets and apostles were NOT appointed and anointed by Father to those positions. Instead…they were elevated to those positions by man.

Father does not recognize anyone in Heaven to His positions unless He has anointed them and appointed them Himself. Otherwise…man’s elevation merely brings judgment upon their own heads…along with demotion. Pride goes before a fall.

mother daughter
A Snap Bobbi sent our group.

Man’s Appointment

Listen…He took me all through the C.R.S from conservative to charismatic crazies. I KNOW intimately how this works. I have experienced it.

In some churches, they will have you fill out a questionnaire to figure out where to plug you into the church somewhere. This assessment tells them some of your gifts, talents, and preferences. Once they are loaded with that info…they tell you where you are best suited to serve inside of their church. Sunday school teacher…musician…childcare worker…security detail…etc.

Usually once they plug you in…they don’t want you to leave. You are stuck for good. Enslaved. If you want to do something else…they will most certainly let you volunteer for THAT too. Now you have more on your personal offering plate you are offering up to the system…man. They will let you work as much as you are willing and more than you can afford.

On the charismatic side…into the NAR crazies…they will sometimes use the assessment tool…but more often than not…they will ask “God” where to plug you in. Sometimes they discern your aptitudes from a commonsense viewpoint and there ya go. Now you know what you are “called” to do.


We have a real problem with the NAR side of the system. They are the worst offenders. Hands down. I would rather sit with a cessationist than the arrogance the NAR brings about. NAR is an extreme level of narcissism.

When He had me sitting in the NAR observing the people there…I watched untold horror stories. The arrogance had me flabbergasted continuously.

One “apostle” who also claimed to be a “prophet” who also claimed to be a healer and was “healing” people…yet no one was healed…also had the “anointing” to appoint and anoint others as apostles and prophets. I watched him anoint a number of people to the positions of apostles and prophets.

Ok…let me be clear here…this man who claimed to be an apostle and prophet…his character was shit. The people he appointed and anointed to apostles and prophets…their character was shit. The whole lot of them…were arrogant…liars…thieves…slanderers…gossips…stirring dissension among the brethren…etc.

None of them had Christ-centered character. They were posing as followers of Christ…yet Christ was NOT the Lord of their lives. They didn’t submit and obey Him. What they did was submit and obey self.

Those are facts. That is rampant in the NAR community. The narcissism is unbelievable. ALL humanists…all claiming to be followers of Christ. Hence…Christian Humanism.


There can be…and at times…is…a mixture of flesh and His Spirit. Some people are genuinely trying to follow Christ the best they know how. Those people…I have a heart for. The arrogant ones who think they know the truth and are led to lead the people to the truth…you are going to fall. Humpty Dumpty…had a great fall. Don’t feel sorry for those people…at all. You are going to get what is coming to you.

Mostly…in the C.R.S…it is man leading man. Man elevating man to a position out of selfish impure motives. The blind leading the blind.

Man always thinking they KNOW intimately what is best for man. Self and others.

What is worse…is when man thinks they know Father…and then arrogantly claims they are speaking FOR Father as His messenger. I do NOT feel sorry for people who receive the judgment this is going to bring down on their heads.

The majority of Christians would tell you shit is a bad word and I am in trouble…and don’t know Father because I use “cuss” words. The truth is…they don’t KNOW Him…they arrogantly think they do.

That belief…is man elevating man’s opinions over Father’s truth.

father daughter
Love those little sunglasses.


Christianity is merely a religion. It started based on Christ…but they have veered off the rails…many years ago. The religion is humanism posing as authority in Christ.

Let me be clear…you can NOT have authority in Christ if you have elevated self at all…above Him…or equal to Him. IMPOSSIBLE.

To gain authority in Christ…you must bow. You must die. He must live within you because HE IS the authority. If He isn’t Lord over your temple…you have no authority. Instead…what you are is deceived.

Christians are enslaved. Christianity is the world…posing as something clean and healthy with Christ’s name attached to it. It is a system…part of Satan’s system that has enslaved man. Christianity is no different than the world.

Christianity and the “church” is the counterfeit Bride of Christ.

Let me be clear…crystal clear. Christianity…the church…is the COUNTERFEIT Bride of Christ. Christ is NOT returning for Christians.

He is returning for His body…which is His Bride. That body is a compilation of many people. Many are currently pagans but will enter into a relationship with Him. He is coming for those who lay their lives down for Him.


Let’s just talk about authority for a moment. Prior to entering Hell in the fall of 2017, I didn’t have one problem with Father. I didn’t always like His ways, but I trusted Him 100% even when I didn’t understand. He and I were good.

When He put me in prison…I started to have problems with His ways. My issue was this…I felt like He didn’t love me.

I started to see Him as an abuser. A user. For a time, I had to work through these issues until they were resolved. My perception was skewed because I didn’t have the truth of what He was doing with me…and I didn’t understand the whys behind the immeasurable chronic pain and suffering He was forcing me to endure.

During this time, I told Him…a lot of things…but one thing was this. I was starting to believe He was a male chauvinist. To me…it seemed like I was supposed to endure…only to elevate Him at the end of this mess. I was getting nothing out of this but immeasurable pain and suffering. That just seemed so messed up to me. I was supposed to bow and tell Him how wonderful He was when He was forcing me through unimaginable stuff. Humans are not created to endure what He was forcing me to endure…on this side of Hell.

Through these conversations, this time, and the truth I was getting regarding my own value and worth as I progressed through the stages of Hell…now I am experientially understanding who I am. Who He is.

What I understood was this…He doesn’t need to puff Himself up…because He KNOWS intimately who He is. He KNOWS His own value and worth. It isn’t an ego trip for Him, because He is priceless in value and worth. That is truth. Also…He knows that truth because He is the truth.

My Value and Worth

I get that now. After spending 30-plus years purifying my heart and mind…with the addition of that last seven years of intensive pressure and hard labor…I KNOW my own value and worth.

At times, people may think I am being arrogant when I speak of self. That is not true. What I am doing…is being like Christ. I have purified…cleaned up all the insecurities within and I now stand on the truth. His truth about me. I KNOW who I am now.

A month or so ago, Father said to me…you underestimate your own value and worth…GREATLY. He added with emphasis GREATLY. I asked Him at the time…I don’t understand how you can say that when I have repeatedly told you…I am priceless in value and worth. I did that when I was irritated at Him for this battle He put me through. Sass! 🤷‍♀️

We had a discussion about that…I understand a bit better now. At least the amount of understanding He has allowed me to have up to this date in time.

My value and worth are now greater than…because of Christ…PLUS the work I have done. I co-labored with Christ to increase my value and worth. I was crucified with Christ…He now lives within me. My value is His…plus what I have put into it.

I did not elevate self…He elevated me because I first BOWED to His ways. I lowered self. What I have done…is the exact opposite of how man does it.

Christian Feminism

Are you catching on by now? Yep…we have a lot of feminists in the C.R.S. Women who are feminists hiding behind the title of Christianity. Women taking the Lord’s name in vain.

Feminism in the C.R.S has very little difference from secular feminism. It is women elevating women…women “empowering” women. Christians merely attach Christ’s name to it. It is feminism/humanism…extreme arrogance of man disguised as clean/healthy/pure because they attach His name to it.

It is revolting to Christ.

You don’t have the power. He IS the power. You don’t have the authority. He IS the authority. You don’t have the truth. He IS the truth. Your voice…can’t set ANYONE free. Only His voice…who IS the truth can set man free. The TRUTH is what sets man free.

It is a very simple basic principle…concept. Christianity…is supposed to be all about Christ folks…not man. Christians think WAY too highly of themselves. When it becomes all about you…you have gone off the rails.

Don’t be deceived by the pretty little lies of the feminists and humanists posing as followers of Christ. They are leading you to the slaughter.

father daughter hiking on trail
My kids love nature!!! SWEET!!!


Ok…so I have a really great example of this. This is what this entire post is about. I have a lot more words to use. This is the meat here.

I have struggled a bit about using this example because I HATE calling people out. Period. My least favorite part of following Father is correcting people. HATE it. Discipline is never fun for me. Also…I don’t like the idea of doing it publicly.

However, I must obey. When you choose to publicly oppose Father…then you risk being publicly disciplined. It is one part of how He works. This is probably going to end up being more educational for others…however, I would encourage these people…all people involved to repent. That means see your mistakes…disobedience…apologize to Father and to those you have wronged.

When you teach the people deception…you need to apologize to the people. So when you elevate yourself in front of MANY…you have MANY to publicly apologize to. It is an act of humility. It is a good thing to humble yourself…and even better when it is public. Part of crucifying your flesh. You can either humble yourself or let Him do it for you. I prefer the low route. Not into Humpty Dumpty myself. Way too painful of a fall.

The example I have to share is multifaceted. Kind of complex. I have shared a bit of this in other posts. In this post, I am going to elaborate, share my struggles with it, and give you the conclusion Father and I reached.

The Million Esthers Movement

In a previous post about the Million Esthers Movement Lou Engle and Jenny Donnelly have started, I shared a bit of my struggle there. One of the questions I had for Father regarding this movement was this. Did you tell Jenny and Lou either one and/or both…to gather a million women at the D.C. Mall? Have you called either one of them to this?

I asked because I didn’t know. It would be arrogant of me to assume I did know. Also…it would be foolish of me to NOT ask Him. This is where discernment comes into play. We are called to discern what is of His Spirit…from the flesh of man…from demonic spirits. Just because someone says Father said…I am not buying it until Father confirms that to me. Man lies. Man is deceived. It is foolish to take man for his word. The only word that is solid is Christ’s.

Since I saw the video of the Million Esthers movement, I have been seeking Father for answers regarding this movement. I want details. Clarification.

I now have most of those answers and I feel like I am supposed to share them here.

Lou Engle

Here are some core beliefs that are the foundation of this movement and another one piggybacked to it through Jenny.

First, let’s start with Lou. Lou said he had a dream which he interpreted that Father was calling him to be a “Mordecai” and to raise up these women.

Ok…he is easy to dismiss very quickly. This is a man from the NAR who has already been elevating himself for MANY years. I see the arrogance along with the NAR deception. To me…this is easy math. This equation has an easy answer. The man is deceived. He is puffing himself up based on lies, deception, and impure motives. This whole thing is a platform he has built to stand tall to all the people out there.

He has not done the work it takes to lead a movement of that magnitude. He hasn’t done the work to lead anyone…including himself. Christ would in no way…elevate him.

Jenny Donnelly

Jenny…wow…so much there.

Here are some of her core beliefs based on her videos and teachings.

She believes Father called her to gather a million women who are “Esthers” on the Mall in D.C. to “change the nation.”

She also believes that “Esther” is the “church”…not one person…but the “church.” Jenny also believes all these women in the “church” are called to be Esthers. Everybody gets to be Esther. Everybody gets the trophy.

Another belief/teaching…the “church” is God’s army. All these “Esthers”/women are His army.

She says….women need to teach their children to love Jesus.

Also…she is calling women to the state capitols in April, I think. Calling women to attend council meetings. Etc. It is all about “Her Voice.” This is another movement she has started.

father son with Legos
Donovan decided to pull out the Lego collection hoping Archer would be quieter so Donovan and Vanessa could watch their show together. His wagon was VERY noisy. I was highly amused when I noticed he had shut the TV off and the whole family was on the floor playing with the collection. He foiled his own plans. 😂


Today, as I was finishing up the processing over this saga…Father did something He hasn’t done with me before. He said…as Deborah…I am appointing you as a judge.

You KNOW my character. You know my nature. We have discussed many things regarding this movement…and these people. I want you to decide…do you believe I would lead this movement?

Wow…I was a bit floored by that. I already knew the answer…I just needed to hear His heart about the matter. That He would point out to me…my judgment and discernment had become sound. That is a testimony to the 30-plus years of work I have done.

Hallelujah! Something paid off. 😂

NOT Father’s Calling

This movement…all that Jenny and Lou have built…has foolishly been built on the sand by the hands of man…yet in the name of Christ. I am going to explain how I got to that conclusion. It is part of learning how Father works. Who He is. Why. It is you getting a look into intimacy with Him. With Christ. With His Spirit.

For starters…when I had asked…did you call Jenny and Lou to gather a million women in D.C. I heard a number of things.

The first thing He said to me was this…hijackers. They were hijacking something He was doing. Ruh roh…not good. 😳

The next thing He said was a show. A performance. Religion. Ok…wow…I KNEW instantly what He meant. It is what the NAR does so very well. Bigamize everything. Lots of hype. Drama. Glitter. Let’s put on a great show for the people. Build the platforms high so all look up to the people in charge.

Typically…Father is the still small voice. Humble. Works quietly in the hearts of the people. In over 30 years, I have never experienced Him putting on a show.

This gathering is NOT for Father…this is for man to arrogantly puff themselves up and look important. This is not about glorifying Him because if they were glorifying Him…they would quietly do the work He DID call them to do. Instead, they want to put on a show for the world to see how “godly” they are.


Let’s go back and look at some of Jenny’s core beliefs from a spiritually logical perspective.

I talked about this in a previous post, I believe it is titled Esther. I simply don’t understand why all these women want to be Esther. They all want to forsake their own calling and identity to steal someone else’s. They are insecure in who Father created them to be…so they want to be someone else. Why not embrace who He created you to be…do what He created you to do. You be the unique wonderful woman He desires you to be. Stop trying to be like someone else.

For Jenny to lead these women astray…and Jenny is just one of many in the NAR leading the sheep to their slaughter…is appalling to me. She will have to answer for deceiving the people.

This teaching reminds me of the Borg…resistance is futile…you will be assimilated. Horrifying…it is STEALING from MILLIONS of women…plus Father/Christ/Holy Spirit..and me. Shameful!

One of the other things Father said when I asked about Jenny…He said…business. Commercial. Entrepreneur. Jenny is building her business…making a name for herself and a brand. This is about fame and fortune attaching Christ’s name to it. She is building her kingdom…NOT Father’s.

Let’s touch on the “church.” I have already stated…the C.R.S. is a religion…it is a system…it is not Christ’s Bride…nor can it be His army. All of that teaching is bullshit. False. Lies and deception.

I have also mentioned in a previous post…you can’t be a soldier for His army…if you haven’t been trained for battle. Christians are NOT soldiers. Praying…does not make you a soldier. It doesn’t make you a general. Nor does it give you authority in His Kingdom. Doesn’t work that way. Those are all false beliefs. Lies and deception.

Her Voice

This movement…is pure humanism and feminism…with the title Christian attached to it.

I have said before…man’s truths…opinions are irrelevant. What is relevant is Christ’s truth. Only Christ’s truth will set you free. His voice is the only voice with power and authority.

When you are judged at your trial when you cross over into the supernatural realm…you will be judged by His standards. Those standards are truth. He will compare every thought and deed according to His truth. NOT your my truths. NOT man’s opinions. Your lie-based belief system here…will make you a convict there for eternity. You will be convicted either here or there. All will bow to the truth.

Father has chosen ONE female voice to lead and speak His truth. Mine.

family playing with Legos
Vanessa and Donovan both sent Mitchell snaps of their Lego creations. This collection was part Mitchell’s as well. An accumulation of many years saved for the next generation. Mitchell’s response was to send back a Snap of a recent Lego purchase for Bobbi. A Lego vase with flowers. 😂

Empowering Women

For Jenny to teach the women that their voice matters…and they need to be heard. They need to speak in different places…is feminism. That is the false teaching of women empowering women.

This is teaching women to elevate themselves and build their own platforms wherever they are at. FEEDING women to be arrogant. This is leading women AWAY from Christ…not TO Christ.

If you are elevating yourself…you are NOT elevating Christ. This is DANGEROUS! Humpty Dumpty.

DON’T follow Jenny Donnelly. She is leading you to your death. She is a feminist playing with Christ to build her own kingdom for her own personal gain.

The fact she is telling women they are part of His army…is immeasurable arrogance. Where does she believe she got the authority to decide who is in His army and who is not? No one decides that but Father…Christ…and Holy Spirit. Only Father knows intimately the hearts of all people. Only He gets to judge who is sold out for Him…who has done the work…and who is called to battle.

Her arrogance in this part alone…baffles my mind. Who does she think she is????

Who does she think she is calling all these women Esthers? Did she birth them? Did she raise them up? Does she know their hearts intimately?

I think not. She needs to repent, bow, and close her mouth. Learn to listen…and listen to learn.

Father calls His children…not man.

Mother’s Raising Children

Here is a place Jenny and I can agree. Mothers should raise their children and raise their children to love Jesus. That is what a mother is called to do.

Here is where she deviates from Father and I.

Commitment for one.

If you are working full-time and raising children…your commitments are divided.

Here is another unpopular truth.

Father called mothers to stay home and raise their children. To teach them in the way they should go. He didn’t give you children for you to pawn them off onto someone else to raise them and educate them.


That is painful and irritating for many to hear…but that is the truth.

If you are putting money and the things it can buy over raising your children…you are abdicating your parenting role. The role He gave you. You will answer for that.

I know the struggle. I was a stay-at-home…single…homeschooling mother. This ole gal KNOWS what it is like to live in poverty…to put Father’s plan above my own.

At 53, I have spent most of the last seven years…living with my adult children. That was Father’s plan for our family. My adult children still needed mothering. Still needed teaching and cleaning up. I would have preferred having a career of my own. Making money…playing with friends…doing my own thing. Instead, I bowed to Him and His plan for our family.

Jenny is building her own kingdom business while having children still in her home. If you are going to lead mothers to raise up their children and teach them to love Jesus…then you better practice what you preach. To teach someone to love Jesus…is to teach that person to obey Him. Die for Him. To build His Kingdom…not your own. To lay down your desires and meet His needs.

Don’t follow someone who doesn’t obey Christ.

mother daughter with legos
Ahnalaya Ann loves the Lego collection.


The bandwagons of the world…love to orchestrate marches. Protests. It seems like someone is always gathering the masses in D.C. for some cause.

How is the Million Esthers march different than the world? In Father’s eyes…it is not. Man espousing man. It is the Christian Religion being just like the world.

In past years, other Christian organizations have gathered men and youth in D.C. All to change the nation for Christ. Look at this nation and tell me how well Christians have changed the nation for Christ.

It is the Tower of Babel. Once again…man in the form of feminism is trying to build a tower to Heaven. It is the NAR belief that we are going to manifest something powerful and wonderful. MAN can change the nation.

This time though…it is Christian women. Oh…but wait…there is more. Let’s have them bring their children and families too. So let’s tell all the predators out there…millions of women and children are gathering in the area if you want to pick out the weak and vulnerable.

The arrogance of mankind…is baffling to me. I truly do not understand man’s concepts here. I can’t comprehend how anyone can think so highly of themselves.

Father’s Nature

With all the puzzle pieces regarding this movement…combined with what I know of Father…I came to a few conclusions.

Father would never call someone to lead a humanist movement. He would also never call a woman into feminism…nor would He call a woman to lead a feminist movement.

He would not elevate man who has already elevated themselves. Instead, He would lower them. He only elevates those who have lowered themselves…done the necessary work…and proved they no longer live…but He lives within them.

One thing Father said to me about Lou and Jenny…they don’t know their place and they don’t know their value.

That is true of mankind.

Father would never lead anyone into a place of arrogance. He wouldn’t lead anyone to build their own kingdom…especially not at the expense of His.

He would not call a disobedient woman to preach obedience to the women and mothers.

The Start of Change

Where does change start?

It starts in your heart and your mind. Just like it did mine.

Father doesn’t need a million women, men, and/or children to march to D.C. to bring about change in this nation. What He needs…is for mankind to lower themselves through humility and put Him first over self.

He would like for you to quietly bow before Him and apologize for putting yourself first. For putting man first. For putting anything and everything first.

Change. Grow. Mature. Choose life over death.

Follow Him and His ways instead of having your head up man’s ass.

Listen…this sounds like harsh talk to some…but man needs harsh talk. Our nation has gone to shit, and you are part of the problem. It is one heart submitted to Christ after another that will bring about positive change in our nation. Christ brings change as He and His truth set the captives free. If someone tells you anything differently…they are a liar.

Man has to stop walking around like Zombies full of death in their head. We need the Bride of Christ to wake up out of Her deathly slumber and come to life. To choose life.

King’s Table

There is a parable in Luke where Christ warns the people…when you are invited to a wedding feast…don’t seat yourself in the seat of honor. Sit in a seat that denotes you are lesser than. If you put yourself in an honorable seat and someone more honorable than you is also invited…you are going to be humiliated publicly when the host kicks you out of the seat you so arrogantly put your bad self in. Instead…it is better to start out lowly and be honored publicly…than to be humiliated and dishonored publicly.

PLEASE take my advice…ask Father where your place and value is. Ask Him to show you how He sees you…right where you are at currently. If He shows you a puffer fish…you better follow that up with asking Him to deflate your bad self.

Go low…STAY low.

If someone is going to elevate you…DON’T let it be you and DON’T let it be man. You wait until after years of hard work…He tells you…you no longer live…but He lives within you…AND NOW…you can have a seat of honor. That honor…is because of Christ. He first laid His life down for you.

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